I wear my sunglasses at night. :O

What's the poll you want to ask?

a) Something serious.
b) Something awesome.
c) Something silly.

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When you see someone/something that you really fancy and/or admire (fictional or non-fictional), whether with your eyes or through other descriptional mediums, how would you feel about it?

Poll ended at Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:30 pm

I wish I could have some kind of relationship with them.
SEX! *_*
No votes
I want to be just like them.
I want to BE them.
I wish there were more people/things that were like them.
No votes
I feel jealous. It's not fair!
No votes
I feel good about how we have something in common.
I imagine what it must be like to be them, or some other aspect about them.
Eh. Whatever.
I feel another way. (And do make sure that it doesn't already apply to any of the options above. XD)
Total votes : 15

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Tue Oct 09, 2007 2:33 pm

But I don't believe in good and evil existing. My kind of chaos derives from its original meaning, which is more or less neutral. I just use good and evil for anyone that seems to regard them seriously to some degree. ;/
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Postby Adell Plushie » Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:58 pm

It's hard to say...
I mean, good and evil aren't THINGS that might exist... they're words we use to describe certain behaviors.
So if you say "I don't believe that evil exists" it's basically saying "I don't think that people's actions can ever be judged to be morally wrong."
Of course, that's from a more literal perspective. If you're talking about "alignments," then you've got much more say for whether it's not true or not.
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Postby AnimaVex » Tue Oct 09, 2007 5:17 pm

I wish I could make more friends when I see that in their eyes... ;-;

Oh, and, as for Reyn / Sullen Wraith, I can answer that (And those from mIRC will understand) question:

"SEX! :D"
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Tue Oct 09, 2007 6:30 pm


Good and evil are just perceptions that are decided by an individual, though a common mindset regarding what is good and evil tends to fool people into believing that good and evil exist. They don't; we made them up. At least that's what I think. One era something's an accepted practice and in another it's not. Even the United States had to get itself straightened out in regard to slavery and women's rights. Things simply change, and what we think about the changes are up to us to decide. Or to be indoctrinated into what others think we should think. ;/
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Postby Adell Plushie » Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:49 am

Empyrean Nikkou wrote:Adell:

Good and evil are just perceptions that are decided by an individual, though a common mindset regarding what is good and evil tends to fool people into believing that good and evil exist. They don't; we made them up. At least that's what I think. One era something's an accepted practice and in another it's not. Even the United States had to get itself straightened out in regard to slavery and women's rights. Things simply change, and what we think about the changes are up to us to decide. Or to be indoctrinated into what others think we should think. ;/

Good and evil are just words, not tangible things. So yes, of course we made them up.
While you're right that what evil means isn't always constant, it seems strange to think it doesn't exist. We observed something, and then we gave it a name: evil. Also called "bad," "immoral," and "unjust". Those aren't all perfect synonyms, and their meanings are subject to some interpretation from person to person. But just because something is more subjective than we'd like doesn't mean we should write it off. Or that's what I think, anyway :p
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Wed Oct 10, 2007 12:32 pm

The only thing that could prove to me that there is anything that could be done wrong is if there are consequences for me in the "next life" (in whichever form it takes) for what I've done in this one. :O

I mean, the whole reason humans don't get along is because there is no true sense of what is really right or really wrong, because that's what good and evil amounts to. If there were some true sense then I would think that we would be much more agreeable about things, but that's simply not the case. And it's not even between differing thoughts... Imagine how many Christians, Jews and Muslims have broken at least one of the commandments. The vast majority of them can't even agree on something as important as God's law. And a part the problem is because we can interpret things the way we want to.

I'm just saying that, without sentience, all meaning ceases to exist. There would be nothing but what is in all of its non-interpreted glory. A black hole is destructive but it's also an important part of the process that makes life possible, so is it good or bad? Neither; it's simply a black hole. It's simply a matter of whether a person who fears it, or would be in awe of it, that would jeopardize its integrity as something that shouldn't even need to be called neutral. Same thing with a gun... It can be such a convenience for hunting, yet it can also be used to kill our fellow humans. But a lot of people tend to cast hate on the gun when it's misused, even though a gun has no control over what it does. Of course, some people think that hunting animals for food is bad... While they conveniently "forget" that plants are a form of life, too. Duh! :?
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