Moderator: Mistress Guendolen
Shadowmaster wrote:OOC: Not yet.
"Heh, I was associated with many groups. But, that's all in the past. Right now, all that matters is finishing up the attacks. Many of the humans have already fled to other regions, and soon, even those place won't be safe." He pulls up his cloak. "You may do whatever you please for now, I have some other matters to attend to." he says as he teleports away.
#382 hits the wall. "Your not going to beat me, I'm too strong." she says.
The master, meanwhile, teleports behind Erin and Leo. "Hello agents." he says.
Kris_Roth wrote:Just then, a Thunder Blast from the Pikachu hybrid, aka #125, aka Joule Sparkman is sent towards #382. "You leave my friends alone!" Joule is ready for some action. "Time to put those practice sessions I did with Jolt to good use..."
Gitskreig wrote:Slowly, Tina realised the gengar influence was fading, as was her strategy. The fight itself was also taking its toll on her, she was unble to keep up with #382's skilled aquatic manuverability [sp?]
"You still need our help?" came the voice of Tom in Tina's head
"You have some kind of power to offer now as well?" asked Tina
"I suppose you could put it that way" said Tom. "The human mind is simply that of an animal with a higher level of intellegance. As such it is capable to tap the same adrenaline and rage that an animal is capable of if cornered"
"And you can provide me with that aspect of my being?" asked Tina
"Yes" replied Tom simply
"Go ahead" said Tina, "I need all the help I can get"
Tom nodded. Back outside of Tina's mind a faint cry of anger could be heard.
Tina rushed at #382, landing a flurry of unrelenting melee attacks, each one drawing off energy which converted into thermal energy, slowly reheating the frozen pool. Her eyes burning with rage (in a similar way to Aiko's perfect rage form, just to a lesser extent)
"She feels different again" said absol to herself, "I've never felt this kind of anger from Tina before..."
Back at Rocket HQ Geovanni was assessing the damage done by the hybrids and deciding on the course of action. His assistant (the Rocket member who had shown Tina in a while back) was stood beside him.
"Do we have a report on the number of employees lost yet?" he asked
"Yes, I have it here" replied the assistant, "To sum it up we have lost 1 C class employee from grass team, 4 D class employees and at least 15 E class employees"
"I see" said Geovanni, "Do we have any further information on the pokeball experiment?"
"Yes," said the assistant, "We have confirmation that it can contain hybrid tissue, as for counteracting the mental alterations applied by the hybrids we will actually need one of the new generation hybrids on hand to be able to begin testing."
"That is understandable" commented Geovanni, "This location is no longer safe. Initiate evac to the back-up base in the orange islands, however maintain security measures as close to normal as possible on this Base's exact location."
"Yes sir." said the assistant
OOC: The ranks are are follows: E = grunt and grunt captain rank, D = average team members (Jessie and James are this rank), C = elemental team member (like out hybrid group used to be before they were put in charge of the hybrid situation), B = Specialist class (this is where the hybrid goup currently is) and A = Elite (this is where Tina was before she left). These classes only apply to combat personal, researchers and other employees have other rank methods.
Shadowmaster wrote:#382 blocks the attacks as the pool heats up. "How many tricks do you have, girl?" she asked. She uses an Ice Beam on Tina, freezing her to a nearby wall.
The master simply looked down at the partially frozen pool. "I am here to tell you that you are promoted, and yes, I am a Mewtwo hybrid." he says.
#197 shrugs. "I'm not sure. It depends on what the master wants me to do." he says.
Shadowmaster wrote:The master looks at the two. "I'm promoting you because you have each done good work." he says.
OOC: Not yet. Trust me, you'll know when.
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