Gitskreig wrote:OOC: Ok now its time for that uncontrolable aspect we have all be waiting for. Oh shadow, Usagi. In a couple of posts then I'm good to be rescued. Whether this is to save her from the fight or from herself is up to you.
The rage slowly slipping away Tina started to properly doubt that she could win this fight.
I need more power she thought, You two in there, I need both of your powers
No, we can't said Gengar
You do realise that you won't be able to control yourself after that said Tom
I don't care! said Tina, I cannot lose this fight!
I refuse said Tom
In your best interest I'm telling you, you don't want to do this said Gengar
If I must I will force you to help me! 'yelled' Tina
She won't back down said Tom to Gengar, You know that
This was going to happen from the start wasn't it? asked Gengar sadly
Probably said Tom, he turned to Tina, Very well, we shall grant you our aid once again. Just remember that we warned you
The pair nodded, Gengar sadly, Tom in apprehension at the result.
Tina burst out of the block of ice like a bullet. When she reached #382 she simply phased though ther, but then turned around and began to grip her opponent's right shoulder tendon. (this is a pressure point BTW)
" This feeling..." said absol, "This is the scent of madness!" she turned to Erin and Leo, "Erin, Leo! She's lost it we need to get her out of there quickly before it becomes even more dangerous"
OOC: If anyone controls my character overnight then take into mind that she is not of right mind at the moment and will probably need to be restrained upon rescue. However her state is currently prventing a teleport, a few good hits from #382 will sort that out though.
OOC: Do you want Erin/196 and Leo/470 to attack her in order to calm her down, or do you want my characters just to try and get through to her?
Erin/196: Master could you please like break that Ice Layer for us. I am so not sure if even our two Hyper Beams Combined will do anything to that layer of Ice. I also have a bad feeling that something is going to happen to Tina-Chan. You don't want anything bad to happen to her as the Master, I don't want anything to bad to happen to her not only as your Agent, but also as Tina-Chan's friend. I am so totally worried about her.
Leo/470: I highly doubt my Leaf Blade will do anything to that Layer of Ice. What do you want us to do in order to save her from herself Master? I don't want her to die.
*Espeon and Leafeon let themselves out of their Luxury Balls. They then look to Absol.*
Espeon: Like Absol-Chan what is wrong. Why do I have a bad feeling regarding Tina-Chan?
Leafeon: I was wondering that too Absol-Chan. Can we still call you that? Why do Espeon, Erin, Leo and myself have a bad feeling running through us? I am just wondering why we have this bad feeling about Tina-Chan.