TG/TF Virus III-|(*Hiatus*)|


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Postby Shadowmaster » Fri Oct 12, 2007 7:38 pm

As Mike walked along the staircase, he began to feel strange. This place is too weird... he thinks.
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Postby AshK » Sat Oct 13, 2007 6:50 am

*As Mike continued to walk down the stairs, he arrived in the main room. His Hair turned a Royal Blue as he shrank down to about 5'7. He started to lose muscle mass as his frame became a bit more slender. His chest and limbs lost all of his body hair as his Hips Flared Out and his Butt raised up a bit her chest also flared out to nicely shaped C-Cup Mounds. His Torso Lengthened as a vaccuum was created between his legs. His Manhood became her Womanhood as his mind switched over to that of a girls with a bit of a Punky Personality. His.. Rather her eyes became a lighter blue. a Black Tight fitting Long-Sleeve Shirt with Red and Gray colored Sleeves, black Form-Fitting Pants and Lace up Flats appeared on her. When all was said and done she looked like this She now wanted to go check herself out to admire her new form in the full-length mirror in the bathroom, which surprisingly she had no problem finding, wondering if any hot guys would come up to her and ask her out. Mike now wanted to be called Mika. She was now Mika Simmons and has also De-aged down to about 16. She also had a Necklace with a Pentagram on it.*

"Oh boy another girl! Do you like want to help us redecorate this place some more? It needs to look more like a Girls Bunker. *Giggle.*" The Sisters, Dani, Helen and Bree said as they introduced themselves. Everyone else introduced themselves. The newly named Mika also introduced herself to everyone before heading off to the Bathroom to check out her new form and admire it.
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Postby Shadowmaster » Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:34 pm

Mika makes it to the bathroom and looks at herself in the mirror. "How did this happen?" she wonders. After looking for a few more moments, she decides to go back to the other room.
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Postby Comartemis » Sat Oct 13, 2007 4:49 pm

((Usagi, I tried to subtly make this point earlier when I made Vivio almost refuse to come with you, but you need to stop controlling peoples' actions. It's bad RPing if they automatically go wherever they need to just because you say they feel a need or whatever. Let the RPers and their characters find their own reasons to come with you... or not come with you. Our characters have their own motivations for being here, and thus their own agendas. Vivio, for instance, will not necessarily follow you into battle on every occasion, though you might want her to.

I'm sorry if I'm being a little harsh, but I was a member of a Dungeons and Dragons group for a while a few years back, and so far I'm not all that impressed by the way you're running this RP.))
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Postby AshK » Sat Oct 13, 2007 4:54 pm

*Ashlee and her sisters see Mika come back into the room as does the others.*

Ashlee: So Mika, like what do you think of your new form you look cute. Anyway I need to show you something as do my sisters and the rest of us.

*Deactivates her Holo-Watch revealing an Espeon Hybrid whose name was Ashlee.*

Lana: Yes I need to show you something. *Deactivates her Holo-Watch revealing her Flareon Features.

Sandra: I need to show you something too. You might want to try and stay dry from like now on, which will be hard since the showers with the infected water are Random around here. *Deactivates her Holo-Watch Revealing her Glaceon Features.

Dani: I need to show you like something too. *Deactivates her Holo-Watch revealing her Ninetails Features.

*Bree decides to deactivate her watch and reveal her Pachirisu Features.*

OOC: You need to let me know how you want Mika to be transformed further Shadowmaster. There is an Earth Elemental Angel and a Rock Elemental Angel. There also several other Pokemon we can use to make Mika into a Hybrid.

Comartemis wrote:((Usagi, I tried to subtly make this point earlier when I made Vivio almost refuse to come with you, but you need to stop controlling peoples' actions. It's bad RPing if they automatically go wherever they need to just because you say they feel a need or whatever. Let the RPers and their characters find their own reasons to come with you... or not come with you. Our characters have their own motivations for being here, and thus their own agendas. Vivio, for instance, will not necessarily follow you into battle on every occasion, though you might want her to.

I'm sorry if I'm being a little harsh, but I was a member of a Dungeons and Dragons group for a while a few years back, and so far I'm not all that impressed by the way you're running this RP.))

OOC: What I say the characters do are just suggestions. You guys can do whatever you want. I am running this RP and that's the way I want it run. Like I said what I say are suggestions not orders. If he suggestions are adhered to that's good if not, it is up to what the RP'ers want to do with their characters. I thought GM's were supposed tell the RP'ers what he/she wants to be done. Was I overstepping my bounds? I was just wondering. You are the first person to bring that up. Also Dan said I could control Dani in his absence. What was I really doing wrong. Have the other RP'ers told you they don't like the way I am running this RP? I was just wondering.
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Postby Comartemis » Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:15 pm

I thought GM's were supposed tell the RP'ers what he/she wants to be done.

((Nope, the GM is more like a cross between the referee and god. You make sure the rules are followed--rules which don't exist in Free Form Roleplaying--and set up situations for the players to run through.

Basically, you control all the NPCs, including the enemies. The players are the ones who write the story; the GM just provides the background info and helps move it along by setting up challenges for the players to overcome.))

Was I overstepping my bounds? I was just wondering. You are the first person to bring that up. Also Dan said I could control Dani in his absence. What was I really doing wrong. Have the other RP'ers told you they don't like the way I am running this RP? I was just wondering.

((No, I haven't gotten any complaints from the others, and if Dan says you can control Dani in his absence, that's completely up to him. But the way you've been "suggesting" the moves we make kinda railroads us, limiting our choices somewhat, even if that isn't your intention.

If you want us to do something, try using your characters to suggest it to the other players instead of saying, for instance, "Everyone goes back to base" or "The newly named Mika also introduced herself to everyone before heading off to the Bathroom to check out her new form and admire it." This allows us to make our own decisions without contradicting yours every few minutes, especially when something important happens, like a Chimera attack.))
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Postby AshK » Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:26 pm

Comartemis wrote:
I thought GM's were supposed tell the RP'ers what he/she wants to be done.

((Nope, the GM is more like a cross between the referee and god. You make sure the rules are followed--rules which don't exist in Free Form Roleplaying--and set up situations for the players to run through.

Basically, you control all the NPCs, including the enemies. The players are the ones who write the story; the GM just provides the background info and helps move it along by setting up challenges for the players to overcome.))

Was I overstepping my bounds? I was just wondering. You are the first person to bring that up. Also Dan said I could control Dani in his absence. What was I really doing wrong. Have the other RP'ers told you they don't like the way I am running this RP? I was just wondering.

((No, I haven't gotten any complaints from the others, and if Dan says you can control Dani in his absence, that's completely up to him. But the way you've been "suggesting" the moves we make kinda railroads us, limiting our choices somewhat, even if that isn't your intention.

If you want us to do something, try using your characters to suggest it to the other players instead of saying, for instance, "Everyone goes back to base" or "The newly named Mika also introduced herself to everyone before heading off to the Bathroom to check out her new form and admire it." This allows us to make our own decisions without contradicting yours every few minutes, especially when something important happens, like a Chimera attack.))

OOC: Sorry about that, speaking of which when do you suggest the next Chimera Attack Happen? Anyway I haven't seen Riana on here lately. Oh well. Do you have suggestions for when to have the next Chimera Attack? I was just wondering.
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Postby Shadowmaster » Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:30 pm

"'s the water around here that caused this?" Mika asks. "I guess that means the odds of being changed further are pretty good." she says.

OOC: I don't really have any ideas for anything else, so you can pick.
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Postby Comartemis » Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:33 pm

((You're the GM. It's your job to figure that out... but if you want my less-than-professional opinion, I'd take the good old-fashioned monster-of-the-day route. Give the player characters some time to get to know one another, especially the new guys, before you sic another demon on them. This would also be a good time to give Vivio her transformation; in the chaos of battle, it's easy for a stray attack to break a water main or bust open a fire hydrant or something...

Speaking of which, about what time would it be right now in the game?))
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Postby AshK » Sat Oct 13, 2007 5:51 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:"'s the water around here that caused this?" Mika asks. "I guess that means the odds of being changed further are pretty good." she says.

OOC: I don't really have any ideas for anything else, so you can pick.

Ashlee: Actually the outbreaks started today. Some of us have been changed more than once Mika. My sisters, Bree, Helen, Sayomi, as well as myself have been changed three times. Toni-Chan has like been changed only twice. *Points to Toni.*

Dani: I was like changed twice I think. It is nice to meet you Mika. Would you like to help us fight the Chimera's the next time one attacks? Also Delilah over there has been changed only twice so far. *Points to Delilah.*

Lana: Kristy-Chan over there was change twice already. So like yeah the odds of being changed further are pretty good.

Sandra: Hey guys like for those of us who haven't found a room yet, you all can go pick one. By the way Mika-San if you want to avoid being changed further right now you best stay in this bunker. The tap water, bath water and Shower water are all filtered. Except the Tap water in the Kitchen needs a new filter. That is how Helen-Chan changed into that cute Vaporeon Hybrid. Kristy-Chan are there anymore Chimera Sightings yet?

Comartemis wrote:((You're the GM. It's your job to figure that out... but if you want my less-than-professional opinion, I'd take the good old-fashioned monster-of-the-day route. Give the player characters some time to get to know one another, especially the new guys, before you sic another demon on them. This would also be a good time to give Vivio her transformation; in the chaos of battle, it's easy for a stray attack to break a water main or bust open a fire hydrant or something...

Speaking of which, about what time would it be right now in the game?))

OOC: Or even a freak Downpour all of a sudden right? LOL! :lol: I would say it is about 5:30 PM or 6:00 PM Somewhere in between there. It is about dinner time in the RP. Asch and other RP'ers that haven't posted in a while could you please post? I would really appreciate it.
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Postby Brnin8r » Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:01 pm

Toni had remained silent as she followed behind the other angels. She wondered if they had noticed her very much...she wasn't very good at making it was all right.
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Postby Brnin8r » Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:02 pm

Toni had remained silent as she followed behind the other angels. She wondered if they had noticed her very much...she wasn't very good at making it was all right.
It's not about how much dough you make -- it's about how delicious a pizza you eat at the end. An ancient dA page that is thinking about standing up again someday.
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Postby Shadowmaster » Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:04 pm

"Chimeras? What are those..." Mika asked. This is so weird...
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Postby AshK » Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:27 pm

Ashlee: They are like grotesquely Mutated Humans. They are monsters more or less. *looks back at Toni.* Hey Toni-Chan why are you so down. We would like to be your friends at least us four, I am not sure about the others.

Lana: We had to face quite a few during the last outbreak.

Sandra: Man they were ugly!

Dani: Like duh of course they were ugly. They were monsters.

OOC: We need to wait for more people to post, if they don't post soon we will continue on with the RP. Asch, Riana, Azathoth, Dan, Hira. Everyone needs to post introducing themselves to Mika and then finding what rooms they want. They are going to be in the bunker for a while. Shadowmaster you can make up your own powers and abilities to be able to fight. Just name one of your favorite Pokemon other than Legendaries and I will turn Mika into a Hybrid of one of them. 1 Being your favorite 2 being your second favorite and 3 being your least favorite. Comartemis please post as well. N8 Please watch the Double Posting. Kris_Roth you need to post some to. I really want to keep this version of Virus alive.
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Postby Comartemis » Sat Oct 13, 2007 8:37 pm

Vivio's reading is interupted by her stomach, which loudly voices a complaint regarding its' emptiness. Vivio obliges it, putting her book down and looking around for the kitchen, happening to stumble on the new girl along the way.

What, another one? Great, as if this place weren't crowded enough...
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