OOC: Shadowmaster, Nova would you be interested ina Mika x Naomi pairing. I am going to have those two be roommates. Asch would you like a Delilah x Toni Pairing, of course I have to run it by Brnin8r first.
*As Sayomi takes a drink, she feels herself Deaging to the Age of 16 and for some odd reason can't take her eyes off of Cassandra. She feels somehow connected to her as she becomes a 16 Year old Girl like Cassandra.*
"Um like Sayo-Chan you look somewhat younger. You may have Deaged Sayo-Chan." Ashlee said.
*As Cassandra swallowed the Water, her hair became Midnight Black as black and yellow Ringed Fur Appeared on her body from head to toe. Her Transformation was now complete. When all is said and done she looks like