Shadowmaster wrote:OOC: No problem. And you can go ahead and control the other hybrids if you want.
IC: "I haven't decided just yet. For now, eliminating Temas Magma and Aqua shall be sufficient." the master says.
196: Do you wish for us to wear these cloaks or use our Psychic abilities to disguise ourselves as human Pokemon Trainers/Coordinators? Your wish is our command Master. *Bows to the Master.*
470: Do you have any idea who you are sending with us? We would love to have some of our friends go with us. It is once again upto you Master. *Also Bows to the Master.*
OOC: Once you give my characters some agents to go along with them, you will need to give me the #'s and the Pokemon Hybrid Type. I remember some of the #'s of the Pokemon, but not all of them.