Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp (Complete)


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Postby AshK » Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:30 pm

"I know It's been so totally a long while since I've been to the Hoenn Region. I just hope that Team Galactic doesn't decide to make an appearance in Hoenn. Our mission is to take down Archie, Shelly and Team Aqua as well as Maxie, Tabitha, and Team Magma. So #133 are you ready for this mission?" #196 said then asked.

"By the way Mel-Chan and Lily-San do you prefer to be called by your names or by #53 and #133? It really doesn't matter to us. Does it matter to you two?" #470 asked.
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Postby Shadowmaster » Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:39 pm

A man with spiked back green hair, insect like wings, green skin, and blades in place of hands approached the group. "Your the ones the boss sent, right?" he asked.

Another man with red and yellow hair and skin, and two cannoj-like hands approached after him. "You kids ready to go?" he asked.
"So now we just wait." #197 said, reaching the top of the building.

#9 reached the top a few minutes later. "Dang you. Climbing to the top of a building. I'm a freakin turtle hybrid and your climbing buildings, great." he complained.
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Postby AshK » Wed Oct 31, 2007 4:45 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:A man with spiked back green hair, insect like wings, green skin, and blades in place of hands approached the group. "Your the ones the boss sent, right?" he asked.

Another man with red and yellow hair and skin, and two cannoj-like hands approached after him. "You kids ready to go?" he asked.
"So now we just wait." #197 said, reaching the top of the building.

#9 reached the top a few minutes later. "Dang you. Climbing to the top of a building. I'm a freakin turtle hybrid and your climbing buildings, great." he complained.

"So you like must be #123 and #467. I am #196 also known as Erin. When I have this cloak and doing stuff for the master, I am #196." #196 said.

"Nice to see you two. I am #470. I am also known as Leo. When I have this cloak and am doing stuff for the master I am #470." #470 said.

"That's #53 and #133. I will so let them tell you their real names if they wish too." #196 said.

"Let's go off to Hoenn to bring down Teams Aqua and Magma." #470 said.
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Postby Sasha » Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:01 pm

Lilly shrugs. " I don't care."


136 shrugs. " Sorry I'm use to roof hopping. Look on the bright side it helps make you grow stronger."
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Postby AshK » Wed Oct 31, 2007 5:04 pm

"Okay." Erin/196 said to Lily/133

"You can either call me Leo or #470." Leo/470 said.

"You can either call me Erin or #196." Erin/196 said.
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Postby Hira Kanaki » Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:56 am

"And in this case my name is either Mel or #53." Mel said.
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Postby AshK » Thu Nov 01, 2007 10:48 am

"Nice to meet you Mel." #123 said.

"Yes it is #53." #467 said.

"We have names they are just a bit fuzzy right now. I'm sure they will come back to us sometime." #123 said.

"I'm sure they will." #467 said.

"So like let's get goind." #196 said as she took the wheel. somehow she knew how to drive this boat.

"How did you know how to drive a boat Hun?" #470 asked.

"I like have no idea." #196 said.

*the Boat was then off to Hoenn.*

OOC: Shadowmaster can I give the agents real names or do you want me to stick with their numbers?
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Postby Shadowmaster » Sat Nov 03, 2007 7:44 pm

OOC: No names for now.

IC: "Stronger? I'm plenty strong!" #9 complains. "Anyway, where is this new Hybrid supposed to be?"
A voice can be heard from inside the boat. "Everyone on, we're heading for the Hoenn region now!" it yelled.
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Postby Sasha » Sat Nov 03, 2007 8:15 pm

Lily nods and goes downstairs below deck to nap.

136 checks her notes. " He is eating in that cafe over there." She points across the street,
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Postby AshK » Sat Nov 03, 2007 8:51 pm

OOC: No problem Shadowmaster.


*#196, # 470, #53, #133, #123, and # 467 boarded the boat and found some cabins to stay in.*
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Postby Shadowmaster » Sun Nov 04, 2007 5:23 pm

The master teleports into the safe house with Alana. "#25. #136 requested that you go on a mission with her." he said.
"Great." #9 says. "So now we wait for him to come out and then grab him."

"I think we should take a less...kidnappy tactic." #197 says.
After a little while, the boat arrives in the Hoenn region.
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Postby Sasha » Sun Nov 04, 2007 5:28 pm

Lilly is still below deck sleeping.


136 nods. " ya wait till he changes then go in and talk to him and get him to come with us. Kidnapping will alert Steven to us being here."
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Postby AshK » Sun Nov 04, 2007 6:28 pm

*#123, #467, #53, #196, and #470 were also still in their cabins. Instead of sleeping they were watching TV.*

196: Hey 470-Kun I so totally wonder when we will arrive in the Hoenn Region.

470: So do I 196-Chan so do I.

*Everyone that was watching TV continued to watch TV.*
Last edited by AshK on Mon Nov 05, 2007 5:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Kris_Roth » Sun Nov 04, 2007 8:53 pm

Joule wonders what is going on..."Uhm, are you talking to me?" She asks the person addressing her as #25. "I have a name, y'know."
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Postby Shadowmaster » Sun Nov 04, 2007 9:27 pm

"Of course I know that, but using your true name is far too dangerous when there is the chance of others listening in. That is why we assign our agents and allies numbers." the master says. "In any case, if you wish I can take you to your friends."
From atop the building, they can see a number of people running out of the cafe. "Seems to be a bit of commotion." #197 says. "We should go in..."
The boat had already arrived in the Hoenn region. "We're here." the voice from before said.
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