Lilly is still asleep
136 nods. " Lets go." She pulls up her hood and jumps down and rushes inside.
Moderator: Mistress Guendolen
Shadowmaster wrote:"Of course I know that, but using your true name is far too dangerous when there is the chance of others listening in. That is why we assign our agents and allies numbers." the master says. "In any case, if you wish I can take you to your friends."
From atop the building, they can see a number of people running out of the cafe. "Seems to be a bit of commotion." #197 says. "We should go in..."
The boat had already arrived in the Hoenn region. "We're here." the voice from before said.
Naomi The Gardevoir wrote:Lilly soon comes off yawning a bit.
136 looks around seeing all the humans have run and nods to the others and removes her hood. " You are becoming like us. Don't worry we here to help get you threw this."
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