by AshK » Tue Nov 06, 2007 6:46 pm
*The other Four Agents head deep into the Magma base taking down a number of Magma Grunts at every corner. They finally make it to Maxie and Tabitha who are side by side trying to take down the Agents.*
#196: Take this Maxie and Tabitha! Double Team Hyper Beam.
#470: Save some of the fun for me #196! Double Team Hyper Beam!
#123: Take this Magma Grunts! X-Scissor!
#467: And this! Flamethrower!
*The Grunts, Magma Administrator Tabitha and Magma Leader Maxie were knocked out cold. The Four Agents quickly tied them up.*
*#196 pulls out her Comlink and Contacts the Master.*
#196: This is like #196! Operation Magma Massacre has been completed. Do you like wish for us to transform Maxie and Tabitha or do you want us to go straight to Team Aqua's Base off the Coast of Lillycove City? Over.
*#470 pulls out his comlink and contacts Mel and Lilly.*
#470: This is #470, or if you prefer Leo. Mel-Chan and Lilly-San is it safe to bring a knocked out and tied up Tabitha and Maxie out or are there too many Grunts around? Please Respond over.
OOC: Sorry about that Naomi-Chan, I didn't mean to control your character. The same apology goes for Mel/53 Hira I'm sorry about that.
Last edited by
AshK on Tue Nov 06, 2007 7:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.