Hector's Employee File

Gah! It's a high-powered metamorphing green gelatinous blob! Or maybe it's something else. Who's your character? Post here!

Hector's Employee File

Postby Ebony » Fri Nov 09, 2007 7:42 am

Employee File:

Name: Hector Jones
Nick name: Old Black Magic, Prof. Arcane
Profession: Archivelist of the Arcane, Lead R&D tech for weapon research
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 40 years old
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 270 lbs
Skin: Pale from staying inside a bit too much
Hair: Mostly grey but some blonde can still be seen
Eyes: Blue-grey much like blue veined marble
Quote: "I told you to collect a tissue sample before killing it."

Character Description:
A rather cheerful enough fellow who hasn't lost his sense of humor even with what he deals with. Pretty much looks like he is described as above except there is a small scar on his right hand that runs from the top of the hand to the underside of the elbow. He also has some tattoos upon his back and left arm that seem to hold some tribal or traditional meaning but he won't speak of what they are. Wears glasses but it is unknown if they are because of difficulty seeing or if he uses them as some sort of tool while working. Usually can be found wearing either something similar to a grey trench coat since it stays cool most of the year around Eidolon Academy and when in a lab is usually in standard lab gear.

Character History:
Proffessor of occult research and studies at the prestigious Eidolon Academy. He is actually one of the key members of a specialty mercenary group that hunts the supernatural, not in order to save the world, but simply to harvest the energies it gives off upon death. Key developer in the containment device they use to seal away the energy and most of their weapons as well as being the groups foremost lore master due to his more professional capacity.

Character Personality:
Nice fellow if a bit of an erudite prude. Seems to be able to get along with most of the members of his organization save for the greenest of agents. However, when given a chance to study something of the supernatural that he has never encountered before, he becomes something of a demon of curiosity and it can take as many as five men to make him rest rather than research or experiment.

Character Powers:
Limited precog to the point its only good in battle. He can see what is going to happen a few seconds ahead and can compensate. His father made him train in an old martial style that emphasize speed over power in order to take advantage of this back when he was younger. No other powers on record that are natural.

Character Inventory:
--Custom Revolver: Standard enough gun but made to be able to fire a number of different rounds besides the standard bullet. Since he rarely is on a mission site, he only keeps this for protection should one of the test subjects happen to not be quite so dead or some counter offensive on the organization occurs.

--Any number of customized rounds from things designed to handle the supernatural from the most basic poltergeist to the mid range demons his group sometimes encounters. Most of these would take multiple rounds to take down a target but the lesser the supernatural entity, the more punch the round.

--Forgotten Stars: His personal blade made in the style of a kodachi. As all members of the organization are expected to do, he carries around this melee weapon for fending off attacks should he run out of ammo in combat.

--Viles: Several syringes and phials of various humors and such extracted from the targets of his organization. Using any of them will grant him some limited special powers based on the creature that sample comes from for a short time. Not many of the group will use these save for the R&D division since most field agents have natural powers of their own.
*Rolls eyes.* Yeah, I'm sure you can.

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Postby Ebony » Wed Dec 05, 2007 8:56 am

Ebony: See Raleigh's Cast for basic info on this character. Raleigh's second in command over the various forces that follow him and first familiar. She acts as a backup for his memories and mind just in case since without her he would fall into a stage of dementia. Other familiars do exist so it wouldn't be as bad as it could be but she is the main backup. Like all of his familiars, she is soul linked to him and as such will always be revived so long as her master's soul exists even should he be currently dead.
*Rolls eyes.* Yeah, I'm sure you can.

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