Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp (Complete)


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Postby Sasha » Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:02 am

Mew smirks under her cloak. " I'll show you who I am during the fight." she says softly having read what they where thinking.
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Postby AshK » Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:10 am

Naomi The Gardevoir wrote:Mew smirks under her cloak. " I'll show you who I am during teh fight." she says softly.

"The fight, what fight?" #395 asked curiously.

"There is going to be a fight?" #392 asked.

"That sounds kind of cool." #254 said.

"It sure does." #160 said.

"A fight. That sounds cool." #123 said.

"I know you will win whoever you are." #467 said.

"Okay we look foward to the fight you are talking about. Anyway Aiko-San if you don't want to be friends with us anymore, Leo and I will understand. We honestly did forget that Lillycove was your Hometown. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us someday." Erin/196 said.

"As do I Aiko-San." Leo/470 said.

*The rest of Erin and Leo's group nodded. They also bowed deeply to Aiko/136 as did Erin/196 and Leo/470.*
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Postby Sasha » Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:14 am

136 growls. " NO we friends I just have to hurt you for what ya did thats all." She growls.

Mew giggles. " I'd hate to be in your shoes."
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Postby AshK » Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:21 am

#123: If you have to hurt them, you have to hurt all of us too.

#467: Yeah we helped #196 and #470 with the Transformation of these four.*Points to #160, #254, #392, and #395.*

#160: Might as well hurt us too, we helped destroy the Aqua Base.

#254: We also didn't cooperate with #196, #470, #123, and #467.

#392: If we would've just cooperated, Lillycove wouldn't be damaged the way it is now.

#395: We didn't cooperate with #196 and the others because of Rumors we heard about a group of Hybrids that took over Kanto. We just thought they were rumors and didn't trust #196 and #470. It is just as much our fault as it is theirs. *Points to #196, #470, #123 and #467.* So we have to be hurt by you too.

#196: Can we still call you Aiko-Chan or do you want us to call you Aiko=San?

#470: I would like to know the same thing.
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Postby Sasha » Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:29 am

136 glares at them ." No only the ones that lead you shall suffer."
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Postby AshK » Fri Nov 16, 2007 12:43 am

#123: We are all responsible! We should've stopped #196 and #470 before they transformed those Four. *Once again points to the four aforementioned newly transformed Hybrids.*

#467: We weren't thinking. We should've stopped them. *points to #196 and #470.*

#160: We may have become what we are by #196, #470, #467, and #123, but we have to take punishment for our commanders.

#254: We have to take punishment along with our Commanding Officers.

#395: We must.

*#196 and #470 shushed the Six Agents.*

#196: No, we must take responsibilility for our actions. No use in our unit getting hurt. You are more than just our troops, you are our friends. Friends protect friends. We are the only ones that can take #136-Chan's Punishment.

#470: We can't let any of you get hurt. No way no how. We are expendable. We caused this mess, we have to take the punishment for causing it. Please stand down.

#123, #160, #254, #392, #395, and #467: *Salute 196 and 470 and stand down.* Yes Sir, Yes Ma'am, your wishes are our commands.

*They then waited for the encounter as did #196 and #470.*
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Postby Shadowmaster » Fri Nov 16, 2007 5:14 pm

A short distance outside the base, a group of Palm's followers stepped forward. "Come on out, we're here to get back at you all for what you did to the prof." Mary said.

"Yeah, and we'll rip your little organization apart." Lee said.

OOC: I want one on one fights here, so if you have a particular character or type of character you want to fight, let me know via pm.
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Postby AshK » Fri Nov 16, 2007 6:06 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:A short distance outside the base, a group of Palm's followers stepped forward. "Come on out, we're here to get back at you all for what you did to the prof." Mary said.

"Yeah, and we'll rip your little organization apart." Lee said.

OOC: I want one on one fights here, so if you have a particular character or type of character you want to fight, let me know via pm.

OOC: Which one of us do you want to fight. I have Eight Characters that can fight. Oh and BTW since my characters made #257 #257 can I use her sometime? I'm just wondering.


196: #136 I know you are mad at us because we attacked your hometown, but right now we need to work together if that's okay with you?

470: We would like to help you.

123: All Eight of us!

467: Do you want to help out too girls?

160, 254, 392, and 395: Of course we want to help our commanders and their fellow Teammates out. Especially if it means helping the Master.
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Postby Sasha » Fri Nov 16, 2007 6:43 pm

Aiko walks out at Mary. " Give it a rest will ya? The prof is gone and Konto is under our rule."

Mew smirks under her hood and looks at lee. " I'll take the ugly one."
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Postby AshK » Fri Nov 16, 2007 6:47 pm

"I guess we will just watch the fight." 196 said.

"I guess that works." 470 said.

123, 160, 254, 392, 395, and 467: Yes Sir Yes Ma'am! *They all salute 196 and 470.*

*Erin/196 teleports her group to the roof so they can watch the fight.*
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Postby Shadowmaster » Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:17 pm

"Hey, I'm not the one hiding behind a cloak." Lee says.

"It doesn't matter that the prof. is gone. We'll stop you from changing the rest of the world." Mary said. "Despite what you may think, the man you now work for is in no way trying to help anyone but himself. He's using you all to achieve his own goals."
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Postby Sasha » Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:21 pm

136 laughs. " You are the fool. My friend i guess you tell your story now eh."

Mew nods. " You see I was never human like you. Your friend Steve was suppose to guard me and all he did was make me feel awful and cuddle that blasted Mew two. I know who the evil ones are and it is not these one it is you all." She says taking off her cloak raveling her form letting her long pink hair flow behind her. " There is only one Mew and I was that Mew." She says with a small growl and holds out her hand at Lee. " No one insults my looks." A pink orb of energy forms around her and starts to build up before it fires a giant pink beam at Lee. " once I'm done with you You can be sure Steve and my clone will suffer as well."
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Postby Shadowmaster » Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:57 pm

Lee dodges the attack. "I wouldn't expect any of you to understand what's truly going on. Your too young, too naive." Lee said.
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Postby Sasha » Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:01 pm

Mew growls. " You truly are a moron. I've been alive for longer then you since most of it was spent sleeping. Now you young fool of my foe choke on your lies." Her eyes glow pink and she holds out her hand and a pink orb encloses it self around Lee and is made so nothing can get in or out and starts squeezing him. " When i was a pokemon i was shy and timid. Now I am not afraid to do what must be done which is seeing as your such a thick headed moron and will never see the truth I must end your life."

136 sweatdrops. " I'm glad she is on our side." she thinks and turns to Mary. " So ghosty can't you see you all lost something that you tried to protect that came to us willingly? She just proved what we said all along. You all are scum controlled by the professor for his evil ways."
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Postby AshK » Sat Nov 17, 2007 7:47 am

Naomi The Gardevoir wrote:Mew growls. " You truly are a moron. I've been alive for longer then you since most of it was spent sleeping. Now you young fool of my foe choke on your lies." Her eyes glow pink and she holds out her hand and a pink orb encloses it self around Lee and is made so nothing can get in or out and starts squeezing him. " When i was a pokemon i was shy and timid. Now I am not afraid to do what must be done which is seeing as your such a thick headed moron and will never see the truth I must end your life."

136 sweatdrops. " I'm glad she is on our side." she thinks and turns to Mary. " So ghosty can't you see you all lost something that you tried to protect that came to us willingly? She just proved what we said all along. You all are scum controlled by the professor for his evil ways."

*Scene Pans toward the Roof of the Compound.*

"Oh so that's why she seemed so familiar. She was the same Mew that fought Mewtwo years ago on New Island. I've heard so many stories about that." Erin/196 said as she leaned her head on Leo/470's Shoulder.

"I heard some trainer from our Hometown of Pallet stepped between them and got turned to stone. The Tears of all the Pokemon brought him back to Life Erin-Chan." Leo/470 said.

"Yeah that was so brave of him." Erin/196 said as she continued to lay her head on Leo/470's Shoulder.

*The others just sat there and watched the fight unfold from the roof
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