Moderator: Mistress Guendolen
Naomi The Gardevoir wrote:Mew smirks under her cloak. " I'll show you who I am during teh fight." she says softly.
Shadowmaster wrote:A short distance outside the base, a group of Palm's followers stepped forward. "Come on out, we're here to get back at you all for what you did to the prof." Mary said.
"Yeah, and we'll rip your little organization apart." Lee said.
OOC: I want one on one fights here, so if you have a particular character or type of character you want to fight, let me know via pm.
Naomi The Gardevoir wrote:Mew growls. " You truly are a moron. I've been alive for longer then you since most of it was spent sleeping. Now you young fool of my foe choke on your lies." Her eyes glow pink and she holds out her hand and a pink orb encloses it self around Lee and is made so nothing can get in or out and starts squeezing him. " When i was a pokemon i was shy and timid. Now I am not afraid to do what must be done which is seeing as your such a thick headed moron and will never see the truth I must end your life."
136 sweatdrops. " I'm glad she is on our side." she thinks and turns to Mary. " So ghosty can't you see you all lost something that you tried to protect that came to us willingly? She just proved what we said all along. You all are scum controlled by the professor for his evil ways."
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