Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp (Complete)


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Postby Shadowmaster » Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:02 pm

Lee struggles inside the attack. "Your preaching to me about matters that you just came into? And you call me thick headed..." he said.

Mary throws a Shadow ball at Mew. "Stop it!" she said. She then turned toward Aiko. "The prof. was never the evil one. The man your calling a master is." she said.
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Postby AshK » Sat Nov 17, 2007 7:16 pm

"The Master Evil? Do you believe that Leo-Chan?" Erin/196 asked from Leo's Shoulder.

"I don't think so. The Professor was the one that tried to make us hide what we really are. I don't think the Master is evil.

The Rest of Erin/196's and Leo/470's Group: Our Master is not evil at all. It was that Professor that was evil.

*All eight Agents continue to watch the fight unfold.*
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Postby Sasha » Sat Nov 17, 2007 7:29 pm

A barrier appears around her letting the shadow ball shams into it doing nothing and tightens the grip on lee. " Respect your elders young one. Not that you have much time left anyway." She sends a glare at Mary. " Foolish girl you may be a ghost type but I ma a legendary. We are in totally different classes." She turns her attention back to Lee in her bubble and tightens it more. " This is your only chance you thick headed boy. Join us and our quest or forfeit your life.

136 laughs at Mary. " He kept us form our families and hid them from us, Me wanted us to disguise ourselves. he wanted to run in the face of danger. To top it off he lied to us and never told us the truth till it was to late. All that has happened and will happen is his fault." She takes off her cloak and turns into her perfect rage form. " Now be a good girl and face the truth Mary. The world is changing for the better and your are trying to stop it. We are the future of the human race and the change will happen with your help or without you but it seems you need another beating." She charges at mary and launches a flame punch at her face.
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Postby AshK » Sat Nov 17, 2007 7:38 pm

"Oh wow Leo-Chan we are in so much trouble for attacking her hometown. We should've just asked for information and not transformed those four." Erin said into Leo's ear as she pointed to #160, #254, #392, and #395.

"Maybe you're right Erin-Chan, but it's too late now we have to face our punishment. I have a feeling we will be in a lot of pain." Leo said as he whispered back into Erin's ear.

"I wish we could take the punishment for you." #123 said.

"So do I." #467 said.

"We all want to take your punishment for you two." #160 said.

"All six of us." #254 said.

"Unfortunately 136 said that only you will suffer." #392 said.

"It's too bad too. We know you will survive." #395 said.

"So do I." Erin/196 said.

"I do too." Leo/470 said.
Last edited by AshK on Sun Nov 18, 2007 7:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Shadowmaster » Sun Nov 18, 2007 12:56 pm

"I'll never join you..." Lee said. "I would rather die than be a slave to that mad man. And I can tell that's what you all are because of how violent this former Mew is acting."
Mary godges the fire punch by phasing through the floor and comes up behind Aiko, launching a Night Shade.
Mewtwo teleports next to Mew. "That's not exactly a fair fight, is it?" he asked.

"So, this is where you ended up?" Steven asked Mew. "And you've already been corrupted by that man..." he said. "Let Lee go, it's obvious you have him outmatched. Face me and Mewtwo."
An Exploud hybrid comes up behind Erin's group. "So, you all gonna join with that lunatic?" he asked.
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Postby Sasha » Sun Nov 18, 2007 7:17 pm

Mew laughs. " You to are fools. I became this way because you never payed attention me all for my ungrateful clone." She leaves Lee in the ball and lifts it up into the air. " He has no air in there and will die not even you can break the orb bastard child. " She says to Mewtwo. " Long ago I decided I was sick of being the last mew and wanted more. I wanted to be human or close to it but you never did anything for me. You ignored me and i began to see the truth that you cared more for my clone then me. I first told my dream to 136 when we first met the day after she got changed when you first met her. She found a way to make me like her. Now I found a place I truly belong and I"m finally happy and I support what they do. The world will be like us and you or my clone will not stand in my way of us. Besides I have a better idea of what to do to you/" She teleports behind Steven and gives him a good kick in between the legs leaving him lying on the ground holding himself. " I'll deal with you later." She looks at her clone. " As for you. Its time we finished where we left off on New Island."
136 jumps to the side and spins around and looks at her and notices Mew looking at Mewtwo. " Looks like things are going to heat up and looks like your Thick headed friend is running out of air. Mary you need to get it threw your transparent head you all lost and you choose the wrong side. But allow me to show you a new move i picked up." She places her hands together and what looks like a sword made of fire appears in her right hand. " Shall we dance?" She uses agility to race at Mary and slash at her.
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Postby AshK » Sun Nov 18, 2007 8:05 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:"An Exploud hybrid comes up behind Erin's group. "So, you all gonna join with that lunatic?" he asked.

*Erin/196 turns around and dons her cloak out of Subspace.*

"The Master is not a lunatic. He is the one that rescued us from that Lying Bastard that youcall a Mentor. He stole my identity as well as Leo's. He kept us from our families. He treated us like Preschoolers by forcing us to hide our true form. He had no right to change my Gender at all. or Leo's. By the way are you trying to Challenge one of us or do you want something else?" 196 said.

"The Professor stole my identity from me. Kept me from seeing my family and didn't even bother to train us. I just arrived a few days ago, but Erin-Chan told me all about how your So-Called Mentor and his training ways." 470 said.

#395 sees the spectacle.*

"Hey guy it's another battle between 150 and 151 this is going to be cool." #395 said.
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Postby Shadowmaster » Sun Nov 18, 2007 9:42 pm

Mary phases through the ground again and comes up a few feet away. She then looks anxiously up at Lee. "Please Aiko. I don't want anyone to get hurt here, no matter what side they're on." she said. "Please...don't let her kill him." she pleaded.
Steven stands up. "Low blow..." he said. "Mewtwo, I'll leave her to you." he said as he walked off to the side.

Mewtwo merely looked at Mew. "I've been waiting a long time for a good fight. It figures that you would be the one to deliver that challenge. I won't be holding back, so I want you at your full power." he said as a dark purple aura surrounded him. "And I'll show you that the original isn't always the best."
The Exploud hybrid chuckles. "Guess what. The Prof. wasn't the only one working on the Hybrid project. Any guesses as to who one of the others was?" he asked.
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Postby Sasha » Sun Nov 18, 2007 10:00 pm

Mew smirks as her pink energy appears around her. " I've gotten stronger like you have but only the power I had gained and grew many times when I became a hybrid." She then smirks. " You do know you being my clone means your really female no matter how much you try to be male. I have always been female. I will enjoy showing you your place my bastard child" The orb grows brighter and a pink beam is fired at Mewtwo but this time its bigger then the last one.


136 huffs. " She gave him a choice Mary. Join us or die. He choose his fate because he is to thick headed to do anything else. He can always change his mind is serve but if he continues to refuse he will meet his end. I do not control Mew. She controls herself and came to us on her own will. But you still have a choice Mary you know you lost. We control this entire area Mary so how long to you think you can hide from us. You still have the choice Mary join us willingly or continue the fight and lose your life down the road. besides Mary here you can find those that look at you and see you as you are not force you to hide like the old man did. Here i found love. Everything i did i know the old man hated and thats what drove me here." She holds her sword in front of her and points it at Mary. " I'm no killer but I will cut down anyone in our way. Besides Mary think of this. Is the old man truly cared he would have let us see our families which he never did. He never let us contact them so the betrayal by us all was bound to happen." Her eyes then narrow. " Only my friends and co workers May use my name Mary unless you join us you have no right to call me that."
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Postby AshK » Sun Nov 18, 2007 10:01 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:The Exploud hybrid chuckles. "Guess what. The Prof. wasn't the only one working on the Hybrid project. Any guesses as to who one of the others was?" he asked.

"So what if the Master was part of the Hybrid Project. At least he trained me in how to control my Powers more accurately. The Professor never did that." 196 said.

"We are staying with the Master. Why don't you just give up?" 470 asked.

"You have lost. Give it up!" 123 said.

"We have won. Give it up." 467 said.

*The other four nodded in agreement.*
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Postby Shadowmaster » Mon Nov 19, 2007 8:57 pm

"Well, your all so down on the Prof. for his part, but you willingli serve someone who had an equal part..." the Exploud hybrid said.
"Please...can't you just ask her to release him? He'll never join of his own free will, but I can't stand to see any more of my allies hurt. I'll do anything." Mary says.
Mewtwo teleports out of the way. "You have gotten stronger. And that's probably good for you. If you had stayed at the same level of power..." He charged up a massive Shadow Ball. "You wouldn't stand a chance against me!" he yelled as he launched the attack. "Show me how much you've grown!"
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Postby Sasha » Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:09 pm

136 thinks. " I'll ask her to spare him if you swear yourself to me here and now Mary. You also shall never break it on pain of death."


Mew teleports out of the way and grins. " I'm am already fully grown Mewtwo. You should show me how much you have. After all no matter how tough you try to act you still a child on the inside." Try my psychic bomb." She forms a small orb in her paw and tosses it so it misses him a bit so he thinks she miss aimed but just was it starts to pass him it explodes.
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Postby AshK » Mon Nov 19, 2007 10:58 pm

"Why don't you just join us and save yourself the pain of losing and getting killed. Join us." 196 said.
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Postby Shadowmaster » Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:36 pm

Mewtwo surrounds himself with a shield. "You think you can talk to me like that? We may share some genes, but we're very different. For instance, I'd never become a hybrid just for revenge, or at all!" Mewtwo yelled as he launched a full power psychic attack.
Mary looked at Lee and then down to the ground. "I'll do it. Please, just don't let him die..." she said.
"Me get killed? I think not." The Exploud hybrid said. "I'm tougher than I look."

OOC: Anyone hear anything from Gitz lately? He seems to have just disappeared...
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Postby Sasha » Tue Nov 20, 2007 10:09 pm

ooc: I've seen him a few times but he never has posted. I think Sadie is just going to take Tina back over since Gitz gave Sadie control over Tina when he doesn't post.

136 smirks a bit. " Swear it on your life. Let me hear those words. Swear to serve myself and the master."


Mew huffs. " This was the closest way I could come close to my dream of being a human. But this is just as well since I'm with other hybrids now so I truly am not alone anymore." Mew fires her own attack to meet with Mewtwo's making both attacks slam into each other.
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