I can't get here....

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I can't get here....

Postby Selena Aninikkou » Thu Nov 22, 2007 9:56 am

(BTW, I'm currently posting this from school)

I can't seem to get to MSF from home anymore. The system never loads the page...
Popful Mail rules ^^
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Selena Aninikkou
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Postby Neige » Thu Nov 22, 2007 8:37 pm

A lot of people seem to have problems either getting on MSF or posting messages, I dunno what the cause could be, it might just be the current host having a high draw from the residents there. :\ I know Kara can only get on her old laptop. So strange.

Edit: Not that I'm knocking Eirien, I'm grateful that she did this and Im sure others are. It's just unfortunate is all :\
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