Shadowmaster wrote:IC: "I'm sure if he didn't send help there was a reason. As for why I won't join you, it's the same reason any people of opposing viewpoints can't join together and act nice. You working for one thing, turning all humans into hybrids, while all of my allies and I are working on reversing the process that changed us. I for one am sick of being burdened with this form." the Exploud hybrid said.
"That is so totally like another thing, he wants to change us back to pathetic Humans. When I first became what I am sure, I would of jumped at the chance to be normal again. That was before I found my Power. I don't like to fight, but if we must we must. Also instead of making it a Burden turn it into something positive. That is what I did. I like the form I am in now. Also if 470 and I need to we can create a human disguise ourselves. Face it Loudred Hybrid, the Resistance lost. Now join us. You won't regret it. Trust me." #196 said as she used disable to freeze the Loudred Hybrid in his place unable to move.
"We will let you go if you join us." #470 said.
*The others nodded in agreement.*