Tina heard the sounds of battle from far off, but it didn't concern her any more. She had been abandoned, abandoned by her friends, her team and herself. She turned around and looked at where the sounds were coming from, the flashes of light far off into the distance. She had considered going back there many times, to her old friends but couldn't. Every time she did a face would look back at her.
"Absol" she murmured
Tina turned back and continued her listless search for a reason to exist any more. She shuddered, she felt so empty now, so cold. What had happened during that fight? She remembered fighting someone....someone powerful....a kyogre hybrid....yes that was it, and absol had gone to look for help. But she never did come back. Something had happened then, she had tried to fight with everything she had, even dragging out her powers screaming from her own personal abyss, where the demons and monsters who should never see the light of day lurk, waiting for a chance to emerge. Is that what had happened? Has she lost control to something that wasn't herself?
"Absol, where did you go?" she muttered again and continued walking, unaware of where she was going or what was happening around her.
(Team Rocket Backup HQ, Orange Islands)
"How are the preparations going?" asked a tall man, Geovanni, to one of the rocket members, a fire squad member named Kate.
"We have started the search" she replied, "We are using the ghost patrol to search for her then we are going to go in and retrieve her."
"The ghost patrol?" asked Geovanni, "You actually got them to co-operate with you?"
"They told us that they hold a personal interest in the girl and they will help us for that reason alone."
"Hmmm, I see" he said, "What are you going to do if she has joined the hybids?"
"Believe me," she replied, "We have a trump card at our disposal who will prove highly useful for this operation"
"Very well" said Geovanni, "Best of luck to you. Dismissed"
"Didn't think you were one to believe in luck sir." said Kate
"Didn't think I would have to move into this base" replied Geovanni with a smile as Kate departed, "Oh, and Kate." he said, "We have just made a breakthrough on our countermeasures. We will get him back for you."
"Sir" she said, smiling with gratitude.
"Hey, Kate over here!" yelled a voice from the common room, it was Paul, a water member.
Kate weaved her way through the busy room towards her colleges.
"How did it go?" he asked
"Fine" she said, "The boss seemed to be in a good mood today. Any word on the search?"
"Not much" replied Paul, "The ghosts have picked up some residual energy from than new glacier that was formed when she vanished. Although when it comes to energies those ghosts are like bloodhounds, it won't be long before we find her now."
Kate turned to Lucy, "So how's our little friend doing?"
"She's holding up ok" replied the female water member, "She's worried as is to be expected. She's currently out with Chloe."
"Guess all we can do is wait then" said Kate, "I hate waiting"
"Want a coffee?" asked Harry
"You are a lifesaver" Kate told the air member.
OOC: On my bother's computer again....mine won't post....any ideas on how to fix it?