Kris_Roth wrote:Joule nods..."Up the stairs, 2nd floor. I suggest the elevator, myself, unless you want to climb the stairs. Take the floor marked Dormitories. They are seperated by boys and girls' wings. Laundry favcilities are in each wing. There are even some bathrooms, with sinks, toilets, and shower facilities."
"Thanks Joule-Chan come on Espeon!" Erin said.
"We appreciate it! Com on Leafeon." Leo says.
*Erin and Leo's Group go to the elevators and press the button for the second floor. Espeon and Leafeon followed their trainers and their group.*
*The Group makes it to the second floor. Leo and Leafeon separate from Erin and the others as they go to the different wings and find a room.*
*Erin uses her Psychic Powers to bring everything that her and her group had in Subspace and place them the way they desired to. Leo also developed Psychic Powers being around Erin so he did the exact same thing with his belongings and arranged his room the way he liked.*
"This is so Awesome!" Erin and the Female Hybrids of her group exclaimed. They were now getting comfortable.
*Espeon nodded in agreement.*
*Leo surveyed his room as did Leafeon. They liked it too. Now it was time to relax and get comfortable.*
"Pretty nice room don't you agree Leafeon?" Leo asked.
*Leafeon nodded in agreement.*