Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp (Complete)


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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby AshK » Thu Dec 20, 2007 5:56 pm

Naomi The Gardevoir wrote:Aiko shrugs. " just look around it and train for now. We'll have a big one coming up tonight you can help in."

"Okay Aiko-Chan! Will do." Erin said.

*They then go upstairs settle in for a bit. and then head to the elevator area.*


"Well let's go look around." Leigh said.

"Okay let's go!" Janel said.

"i'm ready!" Jayme said.

"Let's get going already." Maya said.

*After settling in, Leo goes to the Elevator area nad watis for the others. They arrive there a few minutes later.*

"Oh hey ladies what do we say we look around and maybe do some training too." Leo said.

"Okay!" Erin and the others said in unison as all 6 agents went to explore and train.

"Hey wait a minute, I will be right back Leo-Chan. I have a surprise Outfit for you that I hope you like!" Erin says as she teleports to their room and changes into this the only difference is her hair is down. She then teleports back to the others.

"Do Leo-Kun how do I look?" Erin said as she wrapped her arms around Leo after she turned around a few times.

"I really like this outfit. What do you think Leo-Kun?" Erin asks fluttering her eyelashes in a flirty gesture.

"You are so adorable and cute in that Erin-Chan." Leo says as he wraps his arms around her and kisses her passionately.

"Te-he! Thanks Leo-Kun. Let's go look around and maybe do some training too." Erin says as she walks off hand-in-hand with Leo into the elevator followed by the rest of their group.

*Erin and Leo's group then explores the place and finds a training room and goes in there to train to develop more resistance to the attacks that counter the type of Pokemon they are. Leigh is fighting a simulated battle with Electric and grass holograms, Janel is fighting some Fire and Bug-Type holograms, Jo is fighting some water type holograms and jumped into the pool along with Jayme. Maya is in the same simulation with Leigh. Erin is dealing with some Dark and bug Type Holograms, while Leo is dealing with Fire and Bug Type Holograms like Janel is.*
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Hira Kanaki » Thu Dec 20, 2007 5:58 pm

"Let's do so." Mel said.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Shadowmaster » Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:02 pm

"Well, we shouldn't have much trouble with the mission." #197 says to Aiko. "There's plenty of us around to help. The only problem is walking around without being noticed."
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:04 pm

Aiko nods. " Just use our cloaks like usaly but tonight at the mission me jolt and undine don't need to hide. hehe this will be good."


Lily nods and pulls her cowboy hat over her eyes. " Then lets go russle up something."
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Shadowmaster » Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:06 pm

"What exactly is the plan?" #471 asks. "And who will you be bringing?"
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:12 pm

Aiko grins. " I'm a Singer remember? Undine and Jolt are my back ups. we hosting a concert tonight. every one else will be stationed at the entrances in 'cosplay' giving out free water. The water will have the serum in it which will active during the final song changing everyone into loyal hybrids."
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Shadowmaster » Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:18 pm

"Okay then, we should probably start getting ready." #197 says.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:19 pm

Aiko nods. " Ya but we still have to retrieve the one awakening to day in a bit thou."
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Shadowmaster » Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:24 pm

"I will begin the preparations for tonight. You can all worry about the new hybrid." #471 says.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:29 pm

Aiko nods. " very well."
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Hira Kanaki » Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:37 pm

Naomi The Gardevoir wrote:Aiko nods. " Just use our cloaks like usaly but tonight at the mission me jolt and undine don't need to hide. hehe this will be good."


Lily nods and pulls her cowboy hat over her eyes. " Then lets go russle up something."

"Indeed!" Mel said excitedly heading off with Lilly with her cowboy hat on as well.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Thu Dec 20, 2007 7:51 pm

After a while they reach a small town. " This looks like a good place."
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Shadowmaster » Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:43 pm

#471 goes to prepare for the night. "So, when is this new hybrid waking up?" #197 asks.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Thu Dec 20, 2007 9:07 pm

Aiko looks. " In an hour." She blinks and looks around. " Say what ever happened to Lily and Mel?"
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby AshK » Thu Dec 20, 2007 9:59 pm

Naomi The Gardevoir wrote:Aiko looks. " In an hour." She blinks and looks around. " Say what ever happened to Lily and Mel?"

*Erin sends a telepathic message to Aiko. She understands they are wonderig where Lily and Mel are.*

"On our mission in Hoenn which caused you to beat us up because of what we did, we thought we had them with us but we didn't. When we returned to where they were last seen in Lillycove they were out on a hunt. When it came time for us to return to Kanto, we found them and asked them to return with us. However they decided to continue their hunt to make more Loyal Hybrids. Is there a chance we can help you with tonights mission Aiko-Chan?" Erin telepathically sent to Aiko while they were training.

Leo and I can Psychicly put up a human disguise for all of us and help you with your mission tonight if you want us to." Erin sent telepathically to Aiko, #197, and #471.

OOC: Erin/#196 is Psychicly connected with her and Leo's group. I just thought I would let you know.
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