Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp (Complete)


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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:12 am

Mew's voice enters Tina's head. "Hey! I heard that. If you wanna know about me just ask and I'll be happy to tell.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Hira Kanaki » Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:45 am

Naomi The Gardevoir wrote:Lily hides her gun her her cloak. " This dinner looks nice lets head in. " She walks in and looks around.

"Hmm...I wonder what'll be good here?" Mel said as she walked in and thought about her food choices.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Dark Scout Cyclondia » Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:52 am

Gitskreig wrote:OOC: Well after thinking hard about how to change my posts so they fit in with the story and coming up with a blank I'm just going to delete them (or as close as possible) and try to join in from a different approach. If I do anything wrong just say so

Tina had opted to make her own way back from the battle. She had mainly stood at the sidelines but that had still been too close for her. Ever since then she had been in her room thinking. She needed to talk to someone she could trust and, even though she had joined the hybrids for real, Erin was the one in the organisation she knew best.

"Erin" she called out, "I need to talk to you, in private. Come to my room tonight.

She turned to Absol and added "Bring Espeon with you"

"What do you want to talk to her about?" asked her companion.

"That Mew" said Tina, "Something feels wrong about her"

"Tina be careful how you think Mew-Chan is Psychic like I am. I will try to get to you when I can. I am in the process of training with my group. I will get to you as soon as I can. I think Mew should come with me though so she can explain hersrlf. Don't you agree Mew-Chan? I will also have to come to your room some other time. My group and I have a mission to help with tonight. Hey Mew-Chan can Tina-Chan come with me for our mission tonight if I can find her." Erin thought telepathically to both Mew and Tina.
Dark Scout Cyclondia

Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:01 pm

Mew shrugs from her spot in a tree in the forest training area. *giggle* I don't mind and If she wants to just make sure you know she is your charge while she is here.


Lily shrugs and looks over the menu before ordering some food.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby AshK » Fri Dec 21, 2007 12:13 pm

Naomi The Gardevoir wrote:Mew shrugs from her spot in a tree in the forest training area. *giggle* I don't mind and If she wants to just make sure you know she is your charge while she is here.


Lily shrugs and looks over the menu before ordering some food.

*Giggle* "I know that Mew-Chan. Leo and I have 5 Charges as it is. One more won't make that much of a difference. Remember #123 and #467 were with us for a while so we can handle it." Erin said.

"We know that Mew-Chan." Leo said.

*Leo sends a telepathic message to Tina. Followed by Erin sending a telepathic message to Tina.*

"Tina-Chan we will come and get you and Absol when we have time. Be careful what you think with Psychic Hybrids like Mew, Erin, and Myself in the area. Yes being around Erin has helped me develop Psychic Powers. Just so you know. I am telepathically connected with her and our group. If you agree to go with us then you will be under our command is that okay with you?" Leo asked telepathically.

"I agree to being under your and Erin-Chan's command 100 % Leo-San. Tina said telepathically to Leo and Erin.

"Tina-Chan don't be so formal with Leo-Kun. You can just call him Leo. I will have the other four introduce themselves to you too. You already know Jo." Erin telepathically said.

"Oh yeah that's right they abandoned us when we were changed. That's okay. I know we can trust you Erin-Chan and Leo." Tina said back to Erin and Leo Telepathically.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Fri Dec 21, 2007 3:00 pm

"Tina?" asked Absol after the telepathic exchange was complete, "You're starting to sound just like they want you to. Is something wrong?"

Tina looked at her friend. "You of all people should know that it was a ruse. Mew's interruption surprised me so I had to act like the docile foot-soldier they think I am now."

"If Mew can hear everything you 'say' to each other how are you going to talk freely with Erin?" asked Absol

"We will have to talk the conventional way, in the most private place I know" replied Tina

"And where in the world would that be?" asked Absol

"A different world" said Tina and left it at that. The pair headed out the door.

"You're not really content with being under Erin's command are you? asked Absol, I mean, I know she the most trustworthy one here but it's just not your style to directly follow orders."

"I'll make it work." said Tina
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby AshK » Fri Dec 21, 2007 3:33 pm

Gitskreig wrote:"Tina?" asked Absol after the telepathic exchange was complete, "You're starting to sound just like they want you to. Is something wrong?"

Tina looked at her friend. "You of all people should know that it was a ruse. Mew's interruption surprised me so I had to act like the docile foot-soldier they think I am now."

"If Mew can hear everything you 'say' to each other how are you going to talk freely with Erin?" asked Absol

"We will have to talk the conventional way, in the most private place I know" replied Tina

"And where in the world would that be?" asked Absol

"A different world" said Tina and left it at that. The pair headed out the door.

"You're not really content with being under Erin's command are you? asked Absol, I mean, I know she the most trustworthy one here but it's just not your style to directly follow orders."

"I'll make it work." said Tina

"Leo-Kun, I have to go find Tina-Chan. Make sure our group keeps training. We have a big missio tonight. Tina wanted to talk to me about something. I will see al of you later." Erin said as she paused her training session for a bit so she could go talk to Tina. *She also thought to herself that she is going to add some Ghost Type Attack Holograms to help give her more resistance to Ghost-Type attacks. As she left the room she released Espeon from her Luxury Ball and headed off to meet Tina.

"Okay see ya later Erin-Chan." Leo said as he kissed her and went back to training with the others.

OOC: BTW Erin's hair is now the same color as my New Aviees. Since she is now more powerful her hair became darker and is still down.

IC: *Erin meets up with Tina.*"So Absol are you okay? What is wrong? We can leave our trainers alone for a bit though I really want to stay with Erin, I'm sure you want to stay with Tina as well." Espeon said.

"So Tina=Chan whats bothering you? You mentioned something about Mew-Chan in your message. What about Mew-Chan?" Erin asked, said then asked again.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Fri Dec 21, 2007 3:43 pm

OOC: Didn't the PM go through? It says it has.....

Tina let the pair come in and closed to door behind them.

"Please sit down on the bed" she said, "I need to talk openly with you but to do that I need to know that no-one else is listening. I know a place where we can do that but to go there I need your co-operation"

She closed her eyes and prepared a hypnosis technique. "Please don't fight it." she said, "It is easier if you are asleep."
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby AshK » Fri Dec 21, 2007 3:47 pm

"Tina-Chan you are one of my best friends. I trust you, but I could put a barrier up that's unbreakable so no one can barge in and listen in on us. I can also block both of our minds from any mind reading or Telepathic Message if you want me too. Or do you just want me to fall asleep and go to your realm. Is this the same realm you and I fought in before? The one where I couldn't bring myself to kill you because you are one of my Best Friends. That does still stand you know." Erin said as she waited for an answer.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Fri Dec 21, 2007 3:53 pm

OOC: oops too slow on the PM, disregard that last bit....

"I may be a bit paranoid but it would make me feel more secure if we come to the spectral realm" Tina said with a smile, she turned to Espeon and Absol, "When you come to this may feel odd but bear with it."

Tina put the group to sleep and lay them out on the bed. Slowly she put har arm through Erin's chest and gently plucked out a blue ball of energy, she then did the same with Espeon and Absol. She lined the three souls in front of her and after a second all four of them faded from mortal sight.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby AshK » Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:01 pm

*Erin, Tina, Espeon, and Absol appeared in the Spectral Realm.*

"So Whoa, am I like floating here in thin air? Can we please arrive on Solid Ground Tina-Chan. This is a bit freaky By the way what do you think of my outfit? I originally did this for Leo-Kun, but I was hoping you would like it too." Erin said.

OOC: She is wearing the outfit my Avviee is wearing. Just thought I would let you know.

"So what's this I hear about concerns over Mew-Chan?" Erin asked as she was still floating there with the others.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:21 pm

Tina laughed. "There is no ground here as such," then a thought struck her, "unless you truely believe there is...that might work...that's the kind of place this is, I like the lack of gravity though, it makes you feel completely free. Oh and about your outfit, it looks good." she then turned to other, more serious matters. "I brought you here to talk, not just about Mew although she enters into it, but about our safety. To start with I am here only to observe. I have no intention of commiting myself to help The Master with his plan or to convert the human race. However from what I have seen I feel that the Hybrid organisation is in trouble. This is where Mew-chan comes in. She is possibly the most powerful hybrid here, even stronger than The Master. I say this because she is a Mew, a Mew imbunes with the power of one of the stronges human telepaths in the world. The Master on the other hand is a Mewtwo hybrid with little or no psychic training beforehand. I don't think Mew is under his control, put that together with the possiblity that Mew controls every hybrid she makes and may be able to overthrow The Master's control and you have a serious threat to your society." She looked deep into Erin's eyes, "You know that saying this could but me in danger and the fact that I am telling you means I trust you. Please, tell me anything you know about this."
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby AshK » Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:39 pm

Gitskreig wrote:Tina laughed. "There is no ground here as such," then a thought struck her, "unless you truely believe there is...that might work...that's the kind of place this is, I like the lack of gravity though, it makes you feel completely free. Oh and about your outfit, it looks good." she then turned to other, more serious matters. "I brought you here to talk, not just about Mew although she enters into it, but about our safety. To start with I am here only to observe. I have no intention of commiting myself to help The Master with his plan or to convert the human race. However from what I have seen I feel that the Hybrid organisation is in trouble. This is where Mew-chan comes in. She is possibly the most powerful hybrid here, even stronger than The Master. I say this because she is a Mew, a Mew imbunes with the power of one of the stronges human telepaths in the world. The Master on the other hand is a Mewtwo hybrid with little or no psychic training beforehand. I don't think Mew is under his control, put that together with the possiblity that Mew controls every hybrid she makes and may be able to overthrow The Master's control and you have a serious threat to your society." She looked deep into Erin's eyes, "You know that saying this could but me in danger and the fact that I am telling you means I trust you. Please, tell me anything you know about this."

"Like on the other hand, I think this is cool too. It does make me feel free." Erin said.

"As for the story behind Mew, she was originally the Pokemon Mew. She never was human. She became a Hybrid because of what her supposed trainer did to her. His name was Steven, and yes he had a Mewtwo and Mew. When she was with her supposed trainer he also had Mewtwo. Steven use Mewtwo a lot, which meant that Mew was stuck in her Pokeball. She just became a Hybrid to get back as Steven as far as I know. Look into my eyes and you will see I am telling you all that I know. Mew used to be an ordinary Pokemon that was neglected by her trainer. She just wanted to be a hybrid so she could beat Mewtwo and get back at Steven. In the end Mewtwo became a Female Hybrid and now works for the Master. As I said that's all I know about Mew-Chan. She used to belong to a trainer that neglected her too much. As I said that is all I know of Mew. I am being completely honest. That is all I know. Look into my eyes and tell me you so don't believe me. I have told you all I know and that's the truth." Erin said with a Sincere look in her eyes showing Tina that she was telling the whole truth that she knows about Mew.

"So anything else you want to talk about Tina-Chan? I guess we could go get some Ice Cream together sometime. Or we could just hang out back at Johto HQ. I understand that you are just observing, but just play along with being under Leo and My Command. I will have the rest of my group introduce themselves to you later." Erin said enjoying every minute of floating in mid-Air.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:49 pm

"Ok, thanks Erin." said Tina, the nature of their location making her relief even more apparant that it would have been. Her face lit up into a grin "While you're like this wanna go scare someone?"
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby AshK » Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:54 pm

Tina the Gengar wrote:"Ok, thanks Erin." said Tina, the nature of their location making her relief even more apparant that it would have been. Her face lit up into a grin "While you're like this wanna go scare someone?"

"Um I do not really care as long as it's not Aiko-Chan. I don't really want to end up getting beaten up by her again." Erin said.
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