Now for some positive stuff?

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Now for some positive stuff?

Postby Ninian » Sun Dec 23, 2007 7:32 am

One thing I NEED to change personally is to stop being so negative in outlook. Since the number one issue I've had with the community -- owner involvement or lack thereof -- is no longer an issue, and I vented on the stuff that just got on my nerves, it's time to cheer up and share some genuinely positive thoughts. After all, if I didn't think there wasn't anything positive at all about where the site can go, why would I be posting at all?

Here we go:

-- Most of the RPs on this site, if they were written into stories with decent descriptions and editing, would be really neat reads. That Pokemon RP I read a while ago was actually a lot more interesting than most fanfictions in terms of events (aside from the godmoding and ultradodging). You people are WAY creative! I'm serious!

-- If you know what your ideal self is like, you're probably better off than 80% of the world.

-- Mashiro, who runs an awesome PG-13 TG anime site in Japan, is always making outreaches to English audiences. Wouldn't it be cool if someday we could walk hand in hand?

-- I don't normally believe in "destiny", but the sheer longevity of this site says to me that destiny has something in mind with it. There is no way it could have lasted this long otherwise, especially with neglect.

-- Maybe it's not good to envy how some people are almost as beautiful in real life as they could be as a character online? Perhaps being an ugly duckling in real life just makes your online self that much more radiant. There is a lot of factors to consider.

-- Isn't it fun to sometimes sit back and wonder what kind of powers you'd have if you wanted them?

-- What if ideas are the only indestructible essence in the universe? Wouldn't that mean that in the end, you are what you think if you think it strongly?

-- Look at how fast technology is going. Maybe someday RPs could be in virtual reality!

-- I'm not angry. I'm being so sincere right now. Even though you broke my heart and killed me. And tore me to pieces. And threw every piece into a fire. It hurt because I was so happy for you!
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Re: Now for some positive stuff?

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sun Dec 23, 2007 8:36 am

*Jabs a finger at Akemi*

Stop right there! U_U

Your outlook is not wrong. Even if it were only negative, it still wouldn't be wrong. Here I have for you some positive stuff: no matter your outlook you still have a choice on how you want to express what you see. Well, the positive part may not seem all that obvious, but that's the best way that I can put it. I'm not about to tell you what to do, but that's the beauty of it. Still, you're only trying to chase ghosts, because what is wrong can be deceptive... If it's so bad that you need to change, what then? When will you know when you're satisfied and no longer in need of change? When all along you have been and always will be all of these things.

But you can ignore that. I'm tired, thus prone to crazy-talk.

Let's comment about some of those thingies, then...~

-- If you know what your ideal self is like, you're probably better off than 80% of the world.

Curses! Well, not really. ;p I figure that it's just as good to accept yourself, even if you don't really know who you are. I mean, I guess a mystery can have its own positive kind of charm.

-- Mashiro, who runs an awesome PG-13 TG anime site in Japan, is always making outreaches to English audiences. Wouldn't it be cool if someday we could walk hand in hand?

There's not enough room for the two of us. ;p But, yeah, I suppose so. *Looks up thoughtfully* Although I thought that MSF had some kind of Japanese relationship back in the day? I guess the language barrier doesn't help much. It'd also be cool if there was a good way to interact via teaching each other our languages.

-- I don't normally believe in "destiny", but the sheer longevity of this site says to me that destiny has something in mind with it. There is no way it could have lasted this long otherwise, especially with neglect.

It is the aura of its residents that radiates as a beacon. *Nods sagely* In a sense MSF was never neglected: not so long as even one person were to come here regularly to gaze upon it.

-- Maybe it's not good to envy how some people are almost as beautiful in real life as they could be as a character online? Perhaps being an ugly duckling in real life just makes your online self that much more radiant. There is a lot of factors to consider.

Although said ugly duckling can turn out ugly inside depending on how they're treated. Good-looking people can be pretty inside, too. It just depends. Perhaps, instead of "seeing", perhaps it is feeling that we must do. I feel pretty, oh so pretty...~ *Clears throat* I mean, of course there will be envy if you wish for something that can't change like you'd like it. But if you look inside there is no envy because anyone can achieve that kind of beauty if they try. I like that idea.

-- Isn't it fun to sometimes sit back and wonder what kind of powers you'd have if you wanted them?

You know, I don't think I've ever really done that yet... At least not in the conventional way. I don't imagine that I control a power or that the power originates within me, but that it's possible to do something when the situation warrants it. But, yeah, they can be amusing.

-- What if ideas are the only indestructible essence in the universe? Wouldn't that mean that in the end, you are what you think if you think it strongly?

I believe the possibility that they are, if my current dalliances have anything to say about it. As for the latter question, sure, there's such a thing as lunacy and delusions. ;p It depends on what you mean by "in the end." Whatever makes someone happy, I suppose.

-- Look at how fast technology is going. Maybe someday RPs could be in virtual reality!

That is unavoidable, at some point in time. But isn't it great that we are capable of dreaming? So I can wait for that. ^_^

-- I'm not angry. I'm being so sincere right now. Even though you broke my heart and killed me. And tore me to pieces. And threw every piece into a fire. It hurt because I was so happy for you!

Did I do that? @_@ I have experienced blackouts before... Or at least one, that I can remember. Otherwise I'm confused about this one. Although it doesn't help that I'm tired and trying to ignore a massive headache.


I wonder how many people groan when they see me post. <.<;

(I apologize if I wasn't aboard with the rest of the crew and thus failed to get the intent of your post. I'm not even sure what the intent of mine was... I just felt compelled to post. Sorry again. ^_^; )
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Re: Now for some positive stuff?

Postby Musashi » Sun Dec 23, 2007 4:09 pm

There's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake! :o
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Re: Now for some positive stuff?

Postby Lucia » Sun Dec 23, 2007 4:19 pm

Musashi wrote:There's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake! :o

And the science gets done and you make a neat gun to change the people who are still alive?


Right, back on topic, great post, Akemi ^^ I agree with all of your points, really
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Re: Now for some positive stuff?

Postby Lucky » Mon Dec 24, 2007 10:37 pm

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