Arya wrote:*Randy turns to the other 2 after recalling her Alakazam*
Why did you get to be evolved pokemon?
"Honestly we have no idea. I guess because we were engulfed in the slime? Why are you a basic Pokemon?" Sadie asked.
"Yeah, did you not get with as much as we did?" Silvia asked.
*Very good. Report to the main computer room with your two cell mates." Maxie said.
*Soon Ace was completely engulfed in the slime. He started feeling woozy, shrinking in height, as well as losing muscle mass and all trace of body hair. Eventually Ace loses Consciousness as the slime completely engulfs him.*
***************************************************************************************************************************************************"Soon we will have the ultimate army!" Giovanni cackled.
OOC: Sorry it took me so long to reply. My mom, sis and bro kind of commondered the computer and I went to bed at ten. We need to wait for Tina's characters to wake up and head to the computer room then more transformations will occur. BTW Kayleigh, welcome to the experiment.
"Yes we will." Cyrus said.
"Soon everyone in the world will know of the name Team Conquest! Ha hahahahaha!" Archie cackled.