Hira Kanaki wrote:As Jet gets further engulfed by the slime he finds theat not only is he becoming more feminine in terms of body structure, but he seems to be gaining a fox-ish tail...in fact nine of them. Now as the tails sprouted on Jet's backside, his manhood reverts to his female equivalent, and as well as the fact he's gained a low C-cup bust, as well as the fact the he's gained fox ears similar to a Ninetales in fact he is one now, as a red-ish white dress appears on him.
As for Soen as the slime engulfing him he finds that his skin is getting darker taking more of a blacker hue, well that and it seems yellow ringish spots are also covering that black hue, (Note: This can be shifted to a more normal hue) and as the color change was finishing up his ears got a lot more pointy, as well as the fact a tail and ears similar to an Umbreon's started to pop up on Soen, as well the fact his manhood reverts to his female equivalent, and as well as the fact he's gained a mid B-cup bust, as his well now her changes complete her clothes change into a black dress as she's left as an Umbreon hybrid.
(So anyone want my characters TF?)
OOC: Jet's Name is now Julia, and Soen's name is now Selena. Naomi you can do Hira's TF, I will do Kayleighs when I have more time. Kaizer let me know if you want a different name for Soen-Chan.
IC: *The people that were just recently transformed find their cell doors being unlocked by the Conquest leaders.*
"Everybody report to the main room with the others. You will know where it is. We will have missions for you once everyone is in the main room together." Giovanni said.
"Report there now. We have two more that have yet to be transformed. Once they are complete missions will be handed out." Cyrus said.
"Go Ladies you know where to go!" Archie said.
"We will see you in the main room shortly." Maxie said.
*The Newly Transformed Pokegirls compliantly headed toward the main room as they were ordered where they met the others.*
OOC: Tina: Please post your characters heading toward the main room with the others. I will give you until tomorrow to post. If it is not done by tomorrow, I will take control of Tina and Carla. I don't really want to do that since I already have two characters of my own. Please post.