What Happened to Garath

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Re: What Happened to Garath

Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:53 am

Please don't be offended, but I'm not really sure how that makes me feel. O_o

I'm guessing you're a guy from you post. Considering I AM a straight male, I don't think it'd work. ^^;
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Re: What Happened to Garath

Postby Cutey Kerina » Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:19 am

*offers zappy to rectify this situation*

For what it's worth, I would definitely give you a hug after a week like that. Heck anyone could use that and if you just want to sit and hang-out. That would be nifty too. If you're cool with that.
http://photobucket.com/albums/v340/Majorkerina/ Kashimashi here in "Zappy Manga"
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Re: What Happened to Garath

Postby Ninian » Sun Dec 30, 2007 6:37 am

Kerina, I don't think "zappy" can help outside of a roleplay situation in this case.

Also, it kinda looks like this happened about a month ago. I think Garath survived somehow, though that was a rather disastrous chain of painful and annoying events from the sound of things. There are days where everything goes wrong, but man, it's hard to go through weeks like that.
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Re: What Happened to Garath

Postby Miyukicl » Sun Dec 30, 2007 9:59 am

*Take a old scroll and begin to read it"

Oh The love
strange science withouth laws
full of tears and ilusions in the face
problematic and hope race
for find eternal happiness
still when we will recieved yours claws

^^ (take her priestress preach stlye)
" The love take much forms , and each one of they is beautiful for theyself
I feel very loved in MSF , inside of the type of love that MSF can give.
For find our plain realization must full of all the types of love ( yes is can be so hard like catch 101
pokemons). and this is a homework for all our live in this world Terrato (RL)
certain type sof love can be discovery in distint stage of our lives, maybe because need pass determined tests
or discovery some hidden design. Of my own experience can tell you that the love arrive of form minus suspected.
maybe the best tip that one could give you is that more persons discovery you hidden self then more person can suport you
and this like a snowball grow and evidentelly a day find this girl that love you and understand 100%.
In orient say that "crisis are oportunities" (¬_¬ mmmm ) and changes give new oportunities so that lets go!!! ^^ enjoy you days and gain experience of the positives and negatives things of the lives ^^ . if wish penguin cookies only pass for my temple , penguins always love recieved tourists
*hugs* Miyuki
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Re: What Happened to Garath

Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:26 pm

Yeah it was about a month ago all this went down. Long horrible time that I'm ever thankfull is over.

Given the history of my family though, I'm rather adapt at surviving this kinda stuff. Hopefully one day this stuff will stop completely. :/

Thank you all for the warm support though. ^_^

As for the 'why can't I find a girl' comment earlier in this thread. Well it was said out of exhastion from the events of the week. I'm sure when I'm worthy enough to be a boyfriend, I'll find someone.
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Re: What Happened to Garath

Postby Ninian » Sun Dec 30, 2007 5:56 pm

Garath, the best possible way to get a girlfriend if you ask me is to not even "try" or even "worry" about getting one. I don't know if you believe in destiny or fate (but I know you enjoy the concept romantically) but those things have a weird way of working out. If you're meant to have someone like that in your life, it'll happen. If you're not, then you're meant to be totally independant. Both outcomes should be desirable, I think. The problem though is that your own body will disagree with that assertion -- in some cases, I even get reacted to angrily for suggesting it. It wants to propagate the species and will convince you that you'll never be happy unless you "have" someone. Sometimes this is the result of gender conditioning in which one person is forced to only express their feminine or masculine side through another, and desperation mounts the longer it goes -- I'll say right now that's another surefire way of getting into a bad relationship. Once again it's conditioning (this time social rather than biological) meant to screw over the individual for the benefit of the collective whole.

If you don't believe in the destiny/fate thing, look at me. What are the chances I'd ever meet a girl interested in the random video games I play and the anime I watch? A girl who'd be totally into some of my darker fantasies of a hostile global takeover by anime girls? Who'd be totally, totally into transformation stuff? A girl who'd respect my space and also not be an emotional leech? The chances are ridiculous mathematically, in fact -- many girls you'll find with special interests are absolutely friggin' crazy (I mean that in a bad way) and a lot of the nice but stable girls are boring and won't share any interests with you.
But Kerina I kinda found totally incidentally. Dunno how it happened. I don't even know when or how it intensified between us. I just know that I'll always be her friend, and I'll always be there for her, and we both operate independently. We don't NEED each other, but we definitely will join forces wherever possible.

Sorry if the unsolicited advice isn't welcome, but it'd be nice if I could keep anyone I know from falling into that double-sided trap society and body tries to pull for the sake of the species. By the way, if _I_ was a girl (and I mean biologically and RL socially -- the ways that count outside of MSF) I'd be totally turned off by your signature image, especially since I'm seeing it out of context. Endorsing violence against women is a no-no. Doesn't help that she's butt naked either.
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Re: What Happened to Garath

Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Sun Dec 30, 2007 7:15 pm

Heh I don't endorse violence against women. I do however find Spider Zero to be tottally bad *** :P (And unfortantly that really IS the best picture of him)

A.I. Love you is a GREAT manga in my opinion (which is where the image came from) But then it IS a Ken Akamatsu manga.

And well... to be frank I'm not really looking (Or expecting) to 'pick up' a girlfriend on the MSF boards. I'm not really worried about the image all that much. I think most know it's just an image, and anyone who may find me barbaric for the pic. Well I doubt I'd get along with them all that much in the first place.

As for your advice. Trust me I agree. Many times when I look at a girl I realize that the general 'attraction' I feel is just lust and nothing more. It rather pisses me off as I'd rather that not enter my mind. Unfortantly I've, as of yet, been unable to find the friggen 'off' switch to the lust function of the body. (And considering I doubt there IS a lust off button, I'll just have to deal.)

Last thing I want to do is ruin somebody's life because I was too eager to have a girlfriend. A girlfriend isn't meant to be something you use to feel better. To me it should be someone I'm willing to share a big part of my life with (and possibly later, share the path in life with) Someone that I can help support, help smile when they feel down, be there to give THEM a hug when they really need it. In return, I'd only hope they'd feel I'm worth giving the same.

Chances of that happening? Probably not very high, but then why linger on that thought?

I'm just a foolish believer. I made that comment to signify that I think the reason I dont' have a girlfriend, is because I'm not ready for one yet. I'm not 'worthy' of being a boyfriend.

I still have a long way to go before I'm ready I'm sure, and it's not easy to just 'accept' that. There are many times I'll feel lonely and just wish I had someone like that to help me through the hard times. During those times I can become weak and that can lead me to saying something that causes me to type this message in the first place. >_<

I do my best to remain strong and 'aware' of how things work. That's about the best I can do.
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Re: What Happened to Garath

Postby Kether » Sun Dec 30, 2007 8:05 pm

The Transhumanist in me says that the desire to find a romantic companion is a purely biological urge. However the romantic in me says soldier on.

However watching alot of people I know deal with Divorces recently is slowly but surely giving that Transhumanist side some new material.
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Re: What Happened to Garath

Postby Mistress Guendolen » Mon Dec 31, 2007 12:15 am

I don't think your foolish or unworthy. To be completely truthful, if we knew each other in real life, I would probably be willing to consider at least going on a date with you. I know you wouldn't be interested in someone like me, and we're never going to meet anyway unless circumstances get strange, so I guess it's immaterial. It's more that you haven't met the right person yet, than you being unworthy. I think you're perfectly worthy. You just need to find a nice girl in your area who shares that opinion. It's difficult, I know. I'm surrounded by people pairing up left and right, and I'm as single as ever, not so much as a glimmer on the horizon. In fact, I've often felt I'm destined to spend my life a solitary unit. But just because I feel that way about me doesn't mean it's that way for everyone. You never know what might happen, after all.

Garath the Shadowshifter wrote:Heh I don't endorse violence against women. I do however find Spider Zero to be tottally bad *** :P (And unfortantly that really IS the best picture of him)

A.I. Love you is a GREAT manga in my opinion (which is where the image came from) But then it IS a Ken Akamatsu manga.

And well... to be frank I'm not really looking (Or expecting) to 'pick up' a girlfriend on the MSF boards. I'm not really worried about the image all that much. I think most know it's just an image, and anyone who may find me barbaric for the pic. Well I doubt I'd get along with them all that much in the first place.

As for your advice. Trust me I agree. Many times when I look at a girl I realize that the general 'attraction' I feel is just lust and nothing more. It rather pisses me off as I'd rather that not enter my mind. Unfortantly I've, as of yet, been unable to find the friggen 'off' switch to the lust function of the body. (And considering I doubt there IS a lust off button, I'll just have to deal.)

Last thing I want to do is ruin somebody's life because I was too eager to have a girlfriend. A girlfriend isn't meant to be something you use to feel better. To me it should be someone I'm willing to share a big part of my life with (and possibly later, share the path in life with) Someone that I can help support, help smile when they feel down, be there to give THEM a hug when they really need it. In return, I'd only hope they'd feel I'm worth giving the same.

Chances of that happening? Probably not very high, but then why linger on that thought?

I'm just a foolish believer. I made that comment to signify that I think the reason I dont' have a girlfriend, is because I'm not ready for one yet. I'm not 'worthy' of being a boyfriend.

I still have a long way to go before I'm ready I'm sure, and it's not easy to just 'accept' that. There are many times I'll feel lonely and just wish I had someone like that to help me through the hard times. During those times I can become weak and that can lead me to saying something that causes me to type this message in the first place. >_<

I do my best to remain strong and 'aware' of how things work. That's about the best I can do.
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Re: What Happened to Garath

Postby Cutey Kerina » Mon Dec 31, 2007 1:19 am

Guendolen wrote:I'm surrounded by people pairing up left and right, and I'm as single as ever, not so much as a glimmer on the horizon. In fact, I've often felt I'm destined to spend my life a solitary unit. But just because I feel that way about me doesn't mean it's that way for everyone. You never know what might happen, after all.

It's much the same here for me. I think I need to live in a weirder place. I'm just glad I know people who are nice and nifty (especially online). I swear, if someone gives me around a billion dollars, I'm founding a real town for the most strange, zappy people around. It'll be like Eureka from that show but only for the science of 'zappy' and anime-love. Truth-seeking too.
http://photobucket.com/albums/v340/Majorkerina/ Kashimashi here in "Zappy Manga"
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Re: What Happened to Garath

Postby Mistress Guendolen » Mon Dec 31, 2007 1:23 am

See, that's the thing. I love my city and want to keep living here. I just need to find a means of meeting people who will share my quirky interests and be open-minded enough to maybe look past my highly undesirable surface to the person beneath.... Tricky endeavor, that is. And contrary to what people say, couples don't introduce you to their single friends. Because we're all friends with each other, and they're all already paired up! It's an endless cycle.
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Re: What Happened to Garath

Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Mon Dec 31, 2007 3:10 am

That's actually the main reason I started my own anime club. Because I wanted to meet people who would share my interests, and as usual with anime/game lovers. We tend to accept each other for everything we are.

My friends know about my visits to this site and accept that. That's much more then I could ask for. (Heck one of the club members and I both vow to jump in the spring of drowned girl if we ever find Juesenko :P (Spelled that wrong))

Of course, all but one of my members are guys. :/ (And I'm not interested in the girl, nor she me)

I don't think your foolish or unworthy. To be completely truthful, if we knew each other in real life, I would probably be willing to consider at least going on a date with you. I know you wouldn't be interested in someone like me, and we're never going to meet anyway unless circumstances get strange, so I guess it's immaterial. It's more that you haven't met the right person yet, than you being unworthy. I think you're perfectly worthy. You just need to find a nice girl in your area who shares that opinion. It's difficult, I know. I'm surrounded by people pairing up left and right, and I'm as single as ever, not so much as a glimmer on the horizon. In fact, I've often felt I'm destined to spend my life a solitary unit. But just because I feel that way about me doesn't mean it's that way for everyone. You never know what might happen, after all.

Well that's part of the problem, and why I consider myself just not ready/worthy/etc. I'm not the most confident person. I tend to 'shell up' around females still, and it doesn't help that my experiences in the past with them haven't been all that great. But not getting into that. In short I'm not excatly the kinda guy who goes up and asks a girl what's up, or anything like that. I'm sure I could dress a bit 'snappier', and be a bit more 'relaxed' when in socail areas.

I'm sure I have much work to do before I have any right to feel depressed over not having a girlfriend. Because while I am waiting for the right person to come along. I'm not excatly 'helping' matters. I usually try to keep quiet about wishing I had one, but I'm not always able to. :/

In the end I just try not to think about it. It only makes me stress over everything. I stress over the simpilst things. It's a really bad habit of mine. I'm trying to just have faith that 'Hey. If it's meant to happen, it'll happen' If not, then I guess I just have to accept that.
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Re: What Happened to Garath

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Mon Dec 31, 2007 3:24 am

All that I can suggest is to just be yourself, but to still make sure that you socialize enough. You know, even what you may consider to be inadequacies may be considered charming or acceptable by someone else, so you might as well hang at least some of it out if you'd like to find someone reasonably compatible.

Personally, however, I wouldn't listen to what I say since I have a completely different view on the matter. I mean, besides the fact that I'm not even interested in any kind of close relationship. ;p
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Re: What Happened to Garath

Postby Mistress Guendolen » Mon Dec 31, 2007 11:23 am

This sounds all too familiar, to be honest with you. I'm by no means a social butterfly, and I'm certainly not comfortable with approaching guys as anything other than a friend. Of course, I know I'm not attractive, which I'm sure plays a part, and I have a hard time being motivated to change THAT, and well, I figure if all they want is a pretty package anyway, do I really want that person? I too tend to keep quiet on this issue, as much as I can. It tends to make things awkward. And I've had friends who just figured I was unattached by choice because I never talked about seeking to be otherwise. but sometimes it just... gets to you, you know? As you said, we just have to try not to stress over it. I say there's no point in moping; just accept it and move on with life. If it's meant to change, it will. So I guess we can all hang out until something happens. Though I suspect you'll have success long before I will.

Garath the Shadowshifter wrote:Well that's part of the problem, and why I consider myself just not ready/worthy/etc. I'm not the most confident person. I tend to 'shell up' around females still, and it doesn't help that my experiences in the past with them haven't been all that great. But not getting into that. In short I'm not excatly the kinda guy who goes up and asks a girl what's up, or anything like that. I'm sure I could dress a bit 'snappier', and be a bit more 'relaxed' when in socail areas.

I'm sure I have much work to do before I have any right to feel depressed over not having a girlfriend. Because while I am waiting for the right person to come along. I'm not excatly 'helping' matters. I usually try to keep quiet about wishing I had one, but I'm not always able to. :/

In the end I just try not to think about it. It only makes me stress over everything. I stress over the simpilst things. It's a really bad habit of mine. I'm trying to just have faith that 'Hey. If it's meant to happen, it'll happen' If not, then I guess I just have to accept that.
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Re: What Happened to Garath

Postby Rowan » Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:50 am

That is one hellish series of events man. @__@
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