Ok, I'm a music game geek. Ask Karm. Infact, DON'T ask him. He's full of slander and lies, and more slander.
But anyway, now there's a competition on the two games. And quite so. Both were born from Harmonix, which is kinda the Konami Music whatever it's called version for America. Bemani! That's it! Anyway, lets get on to the comparason!
Now this is one of the LEAST important parts of a music game. Sure it should be pretty enough not to make the eyes vomit, but it doesn't have to look like the next final fantasy. Unless rocking out will summon Bahamut who will come in and smite my enemies who think they can out rawk me!
Rock Band's graphics are quite simple. All the character models are really just a few simple bases with occasional differences that can be put on nearly all the other characters. So really, when you buy a lot of the stuff, you can have a character that looks different from any other character. Which is just plain nifty. But, it's not impressive. What IS impressive, is that your specific character is put into the loading screens. It's a simple swap, but it really builds into the image of you being involved.
Durring play, Rock Band will do these kinda, I guess the best way to put it, is like they put on a different lens on the camera which makes things look really different, and sometimes it's quite jarring. Like you'll be doing your gig, and then the screen goes staticy and black and white. It's a bit of a change, and it takes some getting used to. As well as their use of blur effects. Not to say it's all bad on stage.
The best thing about the graphics on Rock Band is that the band ACTUALLY looks like it could be playing. The lip synch is pretty good, and so is all the band members playing. It just builds into the immersiveness the game should have.
Now Guitar Hero.
First off, let me say this, its opening is quite nifty. It's fully animated, and is just plain full of rock. But, from there it just goes down hill. Remember how your favorite character looked? For me, it was Johnny Napalm. Why? I dunno, I guess I liked the punk look. And the best way to describe what happened is to say they took all that was good with the character designs, and basically OVER exagerated it. Johnny looks like a heroin addict. Chasey does too. Judy Nails some how went from emo like girl, to punkish woman. Nearly every character looks, well.. horrible. The new J-pop character looks abysmal. Just plain God awful.
The other band members don't fare better. The lead singers mouth moves similar to a muppets. They also just look, uninspired.
What it DOES get right, are the Ledgends look. Slash looks like Slash, Tom looks like him too. Very nice.
The screen looks a bit busy as well. Each time you get a fifty note streak, the screen gets this lil flashing note telling you. Which at first lead to a lotta missed notes. The star power meter is kinda.. well it's hard to really tell when you're gonna really run out or get it completely full. Instead of being a meter it's these little lights you fill up.
The stages look nice though, sometimes a bit too busy for my tastes. but they look nice.
Rock Band is kinda the mix station, where Guitar Hero is the oldies/modern rock station.
That's the best way to describe it. Now, I naturally pefer more rock, but Guitar Hero 3's soundtrack leaves me a bit. The first two stages didn't really grab me. And I had to trudge through them to play the good songs. This isn't how it's supposed to be. They should have songs just grab you. The ones that want to make you play for them being nifty songs. Then the harder ones are the ones you follow through for difficulty's sake.
I perfer Rock Band over GH3, but its my taste. May be different for you.
For the GH3 people. Remember GH2? Make it harder. That's GH3. Except the boss battles. Which are horrible.You only hear about half the song, and the way to win is just stock up the items, and unleash emall at once. Just not fun, I'd rather just beat the song.
Rock Band
Y'know GH? Karaoke Revolution? Great, you know guitar and vocals.
Drums are hard.
Don't let people lie to you.
It's hard. Fun but hard.
The thing about RB is that you really only get the full enjoyment if you have a full band. But other than that, they both really play similarly.
I'd say RB wins. When you get a good group going, it almost feels like a real band. When you're all jamming, and you hear the CROWD sing with you two. GH3 just can't compare to that.