Kris_Roth wrote:Joule saw Erin and backed away from Tina..."I don't know, Erin. I'm really confused....I know I signed a contract with Jolt, but I'm not sure I would want to be a part of an organization who wants to turn the humans into Pokemon hybrid females. Why don't you leave some male so they can produce children. Imagine the possible combinations of different types, or rather, keep the same species, but male and female, so Pikachu couples have baby Pikachus, and so forth. I'm not sure what to think anymore. Sure, Professor Palm attempted to keep our Poke-selves a secret, but he's gone. It's so sad he was trying to protect us from those who want to harm us or use us for evil gains, like Team Rocket, and he died."
"Actually I am not sure why the master wants to make the Hybrids mostly Females. It's kind of disturbing. I joined because Aiko joined. Aiko is one of my best friends as well as you are. I'm sure there are a number of Male Hybrids out there that just became them tonight. You see Leo used to be Female and with that transformation made him into a male. Her name used to be Lila. We traveled together quite a bit and we also had crushes on each other, but couldn't figure out how to tell the other until we were reunited." Erin said.
"Tina why are you doing this, I thought you were our friend? I still consider you a friend, hun do you still consider Tina a friend?" Leo asked his love.
"I do she is also one of my best friends. Joule I don't think a lot of us know what to think. I was so happy when I saw Professor Palm get killed, mainly because I was mad at him for stealing my identity and hiding us from our families. At least he let us chat with Professor Oak so we could get our Pokemon." Erin said.
"We will figure this out someday Joule-Chan. Tina will protect you, Jolt-Chan will protect you, Sparky will protect you, and we will protect you along with our group. We won't let anybody hurt you." Leo said.
"Yeah Joule-Chan we will protect you. Just forget about it and move on. There were times I wanted to stop it too, but I was afraid if I did the master would kill all of us." Erin said to Joule.
*Erin turns to Tina.*
"Just so you know Leo and myself joined willingly so we are not being controlled. We just do what the Master tells us because he is training us to make us better at controlling our powers. I still consider you a friend Tina-Chan even though you are on your own side." Erin says as she hugs Tina.
*Erin then goes over to hug Joule.*
"We will figure something out someday, right now let's just be happy for Aiko-Chan, Undine-Chan and Jolt-Chan." Erin said as she hugged Joule.
*Leo also hugged Joule in a friendly manner.*
"How are you feeling now Joule-Chan?" Leo asked.