by Shadowmaster » Fri Jan 18, 2008 4:43 pm
OOC: Okay, I don't want these arguments to get in the way of the RP, so I'm going to try and clear some of the issues up.
Most of the time when I talk to Naomi, its over AIM while I have talked to Tina over the PM system, which may explain why quotes may not be able to be provided.
Next, in the RP itself, I want to let veryone have some freedom. If someone asks me to do something in the RP, so long as it doesn't interfere with the plot set by me or with anything someone else ants to do, I'll let them do it. Such as Aiko being a double agent or Tina being against the hybrids. No real plot conflict, so no issue. I think this makes the plot more interesting. It would be prety boring if everything went as I had planned out.
As for NPC type characters, which seems to be a big problem here, I'm instituting a new rule. I will be the only one to control these characters. So if you didn't create the character at the start or check with me first, you can't control them. These characters would include Mary, The Master, Lee, etc... Hopefully this will cut back on some of the arguments.
If anyone has any other issues to discuss with me, I will be on AIM later. Probably not for a few hours though. There are some people on the board, including Naomi, who have my AIM address if you need it. I wish I could get on before then to figure everything out, but I have other things to do right now.
I really don't want this RP to end on a bad note, or at all right now, so hopefully we can work this out.
I am a ninja, zam.