OOC: I believa all of the issues have been solved, so perhaps we can finally get this thing rolling again. Tina has been turned back over to Tina, and hopefully we won't have anymore fights.
IC: #197 walks over to Aiko. "Well, shall we head on back to the base with our latest members?" he asked.
Many Senior Hybrid members are gathering up the newer transformees.
OOC: Also, a while back I saw a post in which it was questioned why most of the TF's also include TG. For the majority, they don't. Despite the main characters, most of the Hybrids remained the same gender. Back when #197 was first introduced, the answer I had him give was that they had decided to see what effect DNA from a pokemon of one gender would have on a human of the opposite gender. So, a number of these changes were ordered. Most agent's I've made up, such as #197 and #471, didn't have their genders changed. I would have addressed this earlier, but with all the problems, I never got the chance.
Also, if I don't include her in a post, just assume Alana is there with the rest of you. Unless I have something I feel she should say, she'll probably be pretty silent.