Moderator: Mistress Guendolen
Tina the Gengar wrote:OOC: Right, ok. I'm not going to do the editing required tonight because its late and I have school in the morning. However I have had a quick chat to Shadow and the current plan is that Tina is doing research on the hybrids and their organisational structure. She also has a safe place to go if it is required to go into hiding (guess where it is....). Hopefully this is a compromise that we can all agree on. Truce everyone?
Kris_Roth wrote:OOC: Joule Sparkman looks like this:
Just wondering how to put in my signature box.
Naomi The Gardevoir wrote:
Lily nods. " sounds like a plan then."
Shadowmaster wrote:OOC: I said it's okay for Tina to look around the organization and figure out how they work and all, and be suspicious about them and stuff, but it's understood that she can't leave.
IC: The jet does indeed move quite fast. Within 10 minutes, the group arrives at the base of Mt. Coronet.
OOC: I believe thats the right mountain. The one where you meet Palkia/Dialga.
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