Okay... this is probably gonna sound like one of those idiots on that Live Journal thing, but I don't have one, and I just need to vent something. First of all, for the purpose of this post, I'll reveal my real name. You can use it or not, I don't care. My name is Matt, an 18 year old college student living in Virginia.
Now, onto what I have to vent. Now... over my weeks without the use of my laptop, I was in deep thought. When I get into deep thought, I end up analyzing my life and the things that others do that end up making me anti-social. The first thing that I realized through my deep thought was that my life would be more complete if I found someone that I can spend my life with. Soon after I realized this, I started to think of why I haven't even come close to finding that person. You see, over my 18 years of life I have had zero luck with any acceptable form of woman. Well... what I mean by acceptable is not insane(I've had bad experiences with a druggie and a girl who stalked me because I "reminded her of her dead boyfriend"). I traced my low success rate with women to my anti-social attitude which stems from my childhood, where I was shunned. The reason I was shunned, however, was because of what I enjoyed doing in my spare time.
The first 5 years of my childhood was basically spent watching my brother play video games. This gave me a natural desire to play them. By the time I went to Kindergarten, I already had a vast knowledge of video games and a desire to play them over doing anything remotely athletic. This caused others in my classes throughout gradeschool to torment me in both gym class and recess. Eventually, I learned to stay away from them. Unfortunately, my cousin didn't learn to stay away from ME. He was the first one I ever brutally beat up during a black out. Getting rid of the black outs that resulted from emotional scarring caused me to develope an emotional detachment from things, making me that much more anti-social.
In this point in my life I still don't do anything athletic and I have an extremely vast knowledge on both Video Games and Anime. When this gets found out, I still get odd looks. But, I will not change at this point, mainly because I'm good at what I do and I've made a pretty good name for myself. My only real problem these days is that I sometimes get the feeling that I'm long overdue for finding love at any level. I mean, several of my friends have at least had a girlfriend that wasn't a maniac and a few are even married.
I think that I've ranted enough for this week. Next time, I'll discuss my theories on Destiny. That will make more sense.