Hey! Let's help cripple a guy for life! (CAUTION: SWEARING)

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Hey! Let's help cripple a guy for life! (CAUTION: SWEARING)

Postby Arkain » Wed Feb 27, 2008 7:34 pm

So the anime club pissed me off today

There's a member who is an ex-marine. Slightly post-traumatic. Vietnamese buddhist guy.
...Believes there's a demon plaguing him.
And the others are feeding into this delusional bullshit, no doubt to bring something meaningful to their pitiful lies.

Bob, he needs therapy, not this spiritual bullshit. Some friends they are.

Out come the tarot cards; he describes how he felt a 'portal' on third floor of our library. Everyone is feeding right into like a bunch of pigs at a trough, desperate to validate their pitiful existences. Some scrawny, pasty white kid goes and prays to the east like an idiot.

Sorry, all, just frustrated.
This poor bastard is going to spiral into schizophrenic paranoia and they're happily shoving him along.

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Re: Hey! Let's help cripple a guy for life! (CAUTION: SWEARING)

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:07 pm

Well, there's not much else to expect, seeing as humans tend to fall back on fantasy. One of many examples being the witch trials at Salem, right off the top of my head. Or people who got seizures were said to be possessed by demons. If it's not to allay their own fragile, narrow minds, they'll project the same to others and possibly reinforce their own self-delusions.

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Re: Hey! Let's help cripple a guy for life! (CAUTION: SWEARING)

Postby Anamnesis » Thu Feb 28, 2008 4:12 am

Saying that everything will be okay is still preying off the weak minds of everyone.
Hope, love, courage? Lies. Nothing but lies and fairy tales. D:
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Re: Hey! Let's help cripple a guy for life! (CAUTION: SWEARING)

Postby Stellar » Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:47 am

My last name's Hope! Does that mean i'm no longer a part of reality, Daniel??? ^_^
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Re: Hey! Let's help cripple a guy for life! (CAUTION: SWEARING)

Postby Gee-chan » Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:03 pm

SO what if your name's Hope. We have a girl who's surname is Hope at our school.

Besides, which dimention would you not be a part of? Definatly not this one, no-ones a part of this reality
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Re: Hey! Let's help cripple a guy for life! (CAUTION: SWEARING)

Postby Arkain » Fri Mar 07, 2008 4:17 pm

Update to the Saga:

Well, I've essentially alienated myself from the group. Every last one of them buys it, and I'm just 'repressing' their religion.

I did convince them that amateurs shouldn't be screwing with it, at least.

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Re: Hey! Let's help cripple a guy for life! (CAUTION: SWEARING)

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Fri Mar 07, 2008 10:46 pm

Wise in the way of one's wild imagination one must be.

Yes, I did sort of say that for the alliteration. ^_^;

Still, I hope it's not your loss. Sometimes friends can be irreplaceable.
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Re: Hey! Let's help cripple a guy for life! (CAUTION: SWEARING)

Postby The Fungus from Yuggoth » Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:02 am

That's messed up man :shock: This is why I tend to be disdainful if most religious types. I really hope the poor guy gets professional therapy soon, cuz lord knows he needs it. T.T
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