Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp (Complete)


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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Shadowmaster » Sun Mar 09, 2008 8:36 pm

"So long as you get there, it shouldn't matter." Alana says. She makes her way to the jet.

At the jet is a Fearow hybrid. He seems to be the pilot.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:05 pm

Aiko sits down near the front with mew by her and yawns a bit.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Hira Kanaki » Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:07 pm

Lina Inverse wrote:Lilly nods. " lets order some room service then."

"Okay then Lilly." Mel said.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Sun Mar 09, 2008 11:19 pm

Lilly nods and heads back up to the room.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Hira Kanaki » Mon Mar 10, 2008 12:28 am

*Mel follows* "So what are you planning on getting to eat?" Mel said asking Lilly.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Mon Mar 10, 2008 12:37 am

Lilly shrugs. " I'll look at the menu when we get back."
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby AshK » Mon Mar 10, 2008 6:41 am

*The Blissey Hybrid brings back the tray with food on it.*

Blissey Hybrid: Here you go kids enjoy. By the way my name is Barb if you need anything.

Erin: Thanks we appreciate it What did you mean by that kids remark?

Leo: I would like to know that too we're 19.

Barb: I'm about 35 so you are kids compared to me.

*Leo and Erin nodded thanks and started eating as Barb walked off.*
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Shadowmaster » Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:17 pm

#197 walks onto the jet. "I figured 'd tag along." he says. "Not much else going on at the moment."

As soon as everyone, excluding Tina and Absol, is in the jet, it takes off. After a little while, the jet lands in a small wooded area. "This is as close as I'll go..." the fearow says. "I'll be waiting for you here."
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:10 pm

Aiko nods and slips on her hood and walks out with mew following.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby AshK » Tue Mar 11, 2008 6:42 am

*Erin and Leo continue to eat.*
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:25 pm

Tina and Absol collected the co-ordinates of the base and headed towards the Rocket train network under the nearby pokemon centre. When she arrived Tina noticed something odd.

"hmm" she said, "Scorch marks..."

The side of the tram was burned slightly and there were objects lodged into the side.

"And leaves..." said Absol, "How bizzare."

"You think the hybrids attacked the station?" asked Tina

"No" said Absol, "The hybrids had no idea this place existed when they attacked the Indigo Plateau, something else must have happened at one of the stations, probably during the evacuation."

"I wonder what," wondered Tina, "This wasn't done by any pokemon."

The two got on the train and rode to the station nearest their destination. Rather than actually going to meet up with the others they decided to keep their distance so they could ensure the visit stayed peacful.
Last edited by Gee-chan on Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Hira Kanaki » Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:42 pm

Lina Inverse wrote:Lilly shrugs. " I'll look at the menu when we get back."

"I'll probably do the same, I have no idea on what I want either." Mel said.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Tue Mar 11, 2008 6:58 pm

(( void post by Cronus yet again. You where ordered to do a mission so do it please plus the rockets where dropped so no train. Use your powers. ))

Lilly soon gets back to the room and looks over the menu.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby AshK » Tue Mar 11, 2008 9:48 pm

OOC: Cronus, you know your not supposed to do anything but what the Hybrids are doing. I thought this thing was settled.

IC: *Erin and Leo finished eating left a tip on the table for Barb, went up to the counter and paid.*

"Thanks for everything Barb we have a mission to finish. Thanks again for everything." Erin said.

"Yeah thanks." Leo said.

*Erin and Leo headed out the door to continue their mission.*

"Well we have two options here we could either go on a little bit further and camp out, or we could try to find a hotel." Erin said.

"I think we better camp out. I don't think there are any hotels near this Restaurant anyway. We are going to have to campout." Leo said.

"Oh man and I was looking foward to a nice comfortable bed." Erin said.

*With that Erin and Leo continued to search for their friends.*
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:50 am

OOC: two points 1. The train thing is unfinished so it may explain what happened to them and tie up that loose end...or do something else, however it goes.
2. How is Tina supposed to use her powers to keep up with a jet? She can't fly as far as I can tell and even if she could then it would mean leaving Absol behind.
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