Lyon looks around the group. "Now, can someone please take the Prof. here inside and patch him up?" Lyon asks as some of the hybrids take the staryu hybrid inside. He then turns toward Aiko. "I'm well aware that the prof. could be stronger, and have many times asked him to train with us, but he refused. And it's not like he lacks experience, he's been a hybrid longer than any of us. He was one of the ones who worked on the formula with Prof. Palm." he adds. "Anyway, it'll be a little while before everyone who's coming will be ready, so you can walk about the camp and talk to anyone." He then notices Tina a distance away. He walks up to her. "Hello. Sorry about not introducing myself before, I was thinking about other thing. I am in charge of this camp, for the time being." he says.
OOC: That's my clever way of saying that I missed that post when I made my last one...

I am a ninja, zam.