Sharing STUFF from IRC

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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sun Sep 09, 2007 5:01 pm

Copycat. :O

[17:35] <David> Argh!
[17:35] * Nekkid1 looks around for John Arbuckle.
[17:35] * David pulls out of his rear a donkey tail. "Ow... Why would someone do that?"
[17:35] <David> *or rather, off of his rear XD
[17:36] <Nekkid1> The typo faery rears its ugly head. ;p

[17:44] * David has gone back to doing what he was previously doing and apparently, it was reading a book.
[17:45] * Nekkid1 greets Tabitha while she's at it.
[17:45] <Nekkid1> Don't read that book!
[17:45] * Helel is sleeping in some bedroom since last night, and is hence not in the main area, per se :o
[17:45] <Tabitha> Hi, Nikkou! ^_^
[17:45] <Nekkid1> Howdies!
[17:46] <David> What? This?
[17:46] <Nekkid1> yes, that! You might get WORMS!
[17:46] <Tabitha> Long time no see!
[17:46] * David holds up said book, the title is "Angels for complete idiots."
[17:46] <Nekkid1> That's because I am more evasive than the bestest ninja. :O
[17:47] <Nekkid1> Yup, you'll get book worms for sure.
[17:47] <Tabitha> Well, duh--you're not hindered by clothing.
[17:47] <David> Uh... Yeah sure.
[17:47] <Nekkid1> But I'm wearing clothing. XD
[17:48] <Tabitha> Yeah--your birthday suit.
[17:48] <Nekkid1> Fine! Don't blame me when you get book works. I'll just tune you out once you begin to lecture yourself openly without end.
[17:48] <Nekkid1> Ah-ha! She got me! a smart one, you are. :O
[17:48] <David> Right...
[17:48] <Tabitha> Well, I had a great teacher.
[17:48] * David goes back to the book and frowns.
[17:49] * Nekkid1 pokes Tabitha to test for clothing resistence.
[17:49] * Helel is now known as Aeris
[17:49] <Nekkid1> Hey, you're reading about clowns, so don't forwn.
[17:49] <Nekkid1> forwn = frown
[17:49] * Aeris sneaks in quietly, towards David, while he's distracted :o
[17:49] <David> Nah, angels actually... Oh god, Michael is an angelic name?!
[17:50] <Nekkid1> Exactly. Angels are clowns. ;p
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned because only women can give two tits for every tat.
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Postby Helel » Mon Sep 10, 2007 9:52 pm

*** Musashi (DrgnNite12@ has joined #magicalsailorfuku
<Musashi> That topic is still up? XD;
<Phoebe> Hey Musa.
<Phoebe> Yeah.
<Phoebe> It was amusing.
<Musashi> Oh, the funny~
* Musashi rolls about.
<Phoebe> ...that sounded vain.
<Musashi> ...It did?
<Phoebe> I meant what inspired it was amusing.
[Adam] Okay, Musa's here, so I can tell you all about my epiphany I had earlier today.
<Musashi> :o
<Phoebe> Yes!
<Musashi> Whaaa?
[Adam] And then I'll either RP, or pass out.
[Adam] Probably both, but anyways
<Phoebe> RP being passed out?
* Musashi STUFFS Adam with a large cheese wheel. :D
<Musashi> My RP got cancelled tonight... and possibly for Wednesday too. *Le siiiigh*
<Musashi> So, epiphany? :o
[Adam] I've have found that when I am under a combination of lack of sleep, immense stress, and too much caffeine, I OCD myself into stupid.
[Adam] Now, take this as an example, cause this is how I figured it out.
<Musashi> You have OCD too? :o
<Karubidiumeleaux`> (Musa.)
<Karubidiumeleaux`> (Who is sexier: Natalie Imbruglia or me?)
*** SD_AFK is now known as SDHero
[Adam] I was in my physics quiz, after fours of class, a recitation, a two hour lab, and then the quiz. That's eight hours of class in a row, no breaks whatsoever.
<Musashi> (...uh. That depends. Do you mean just you, or you yaoing it up?)
[Adam] I logic myself into OCD Musa, I'll explain in a sec.
*** Hira- ( has joined #magicalsailorfuku
<Karubidiumeleaux`> (You depend.)
[Adam] Now, I'm on a question, that is worth something like six percent of my grade. I've done the rest of my quiz decently. But I'm nervous, and I'm stuck between two answers that I'm not sure about. So I'm going back and forth. A or b. A or B. B or A. A or B.
[Adam] Meanwhile, in my head, my mind is like a mouse in a hamster wheel- don't ask why a mouse is in a hamster wheel, it just is, and it's running like crazy.
<Musashi> Well, I think mice do have a version. :o
<Phoebe> !topic <Adam> My mind is a mouse in a hamster wheel.
*** CLAMP has changed the topic on #magicalsailorfuku to "Welcome to MSF IRC! § OOC MSF IRC Channel: #msfchat § Dedicated RP Channel: #MSFTownSquare § <Adam> My mind is a mouse in a hamster wheel."
[Adam] So that mouse, is running and I start considering that other questions may not be right. The mouse runs faster. Caffeine comes into play, and that mouse is going even faster.
<Phoebe> There we go.
[Adam] At this point, the mouse is working over time, the wheel is starting to bobble out of control, and I still can't decide A or B. The question is completely irrelevant by now, but that mouse is likely going to die of exhaustion (due to my lack of sleep) or explode (stress and caffeine)
<Phoebe> ..actually I kind of liked the old one better. But ah well.
[Adam] So we have two possibilities. The mouse dies and I pass out on the spot, or the mouse explodes, and by the end of the week, you all find me dead in a bath tub. Doesn't matter where the bath tub is, I'll be in it, dead, and you'll find me. A week from now.
* Omizu huggles Sakura and sighs. "I'll head back after I talk with David..."
<Kohaku> ...
<Musashi> o_o;
[Adam] Fortunately, my brain happens to have an emergency break. To stop the OCD.
* Musashi cradles the poor tiny mouse. :o
[Adam] And the infinite recursive logic loop.
<Wil> ...>>
* Wil puts a chicken on Adam's head and breaks it with an egg.
[Adam] So my head notices the mouse going mach five, the screws in the hamster wheel spinning out of places, and the red alarm bells, and pulls the emergency break.
<Wil> FIREALARM! *runs*
[Adam] The wheel stops, the mouse faceplants STRAIGHT into the hamster wheel, and kinda hangs there with its face impanted between the metal bars of the hamster wheel.
* Omizu sighs and curls back up.
[Adam] Eventually, the mouse falls out, and lands on either A or B.
<Phoebe> !kick Wil Flash Flood! *steps in for Helel. Cause he's busy*
*** CLAMP has kicked Wil from #magicalsailorfuku [Flash Flood! *steps in for Helel. Cause he's busy*]
*** Wil ( has joined #magicalsailorfuku
[Adam] Doesn't matter which, whichever the mouse lands on, that's the answer I bubble.
*** Devilot ( has joined #MagicalSailorFuku
[Adam] So, my epiphany for the day is that my logic center is run by a mouse on a hamster wheel, and when my brain pulls the emergency break to prevent the stim packed mouse from dying or exploding, it looks funny with its face wedged between metal bars.
<Musashi> XD
*** Nezumi ( has quit IRC [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
[Adam] And no, I haven't been doing drugs people. That came right out of my stressed out, exhausted, and caffiened/sugar-rushed mind. And you people wonder how I RP Aeris.
<ZeroForever> isn't it the same thing
[Adam] Now you know. :o
<ZeroForever> >.>
<Musashi> So your brain is full of RODENT. :D
[Adam] After that story and epiphany, I actually won't be suprised if 1, 2, 3... 27 people end up dead in their bath tubs. After people going "There's a mouse in his head, there's a mouse in his head, there's a mouse in his head."
<Musashi> XD;
[Adam] It's like that Horse, only better.
<Musashi> Horse?
[Adam] It's a lewis black joke. "If it weren't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that yeat in college"
[Adam] year*
<Musashi> Oooh :o
<MasterofShadows> Adam. That's nothing.
[Adam] I'm surprised Phoebe hasn't said I've been watching too much Lewis Black yet.
<MasterofShadows> During an important moral situation, Shade and Shard appear on my shoulders.
<Phoebe> I figure that goes without saying.
[Adam] Oh, my mistake.
<Phoebe> Of there such a thing as to much Lewis Black?
[Adam] Yes, there is.
<Phoebe> Oh. Okay then.
[Adam] Fortunately, I haven't gotten there, since I missed that live performance
<Phoebe> Adam.
[Adam] Phoebe
<Phoebe> If it weren't for her horse she never would have spent that year in college.
<Phoebe> Think about that.
[Adam] It was UGA, Phoebe
* Musashi cleans Adam's toes with a Q-tip. :o
[Adam] It makes perfect sense to me.
<Omizu> >>
[Adam] Oh, moral of the story?
<Phoebe> Musa is removing the toecheese.
[Adam] To hell with Georgia. XD
<Wil> >>

[Helel] *suddenly, all sound and motion ceases... as a single dark figure, looms ahead, approaching slowly, with two large wings spread outwards*
<Reyn> Ahh...Death is calling.
<Tyr> (What, Allen left you a voicemail or something?)
<Reyn> (...)
[Helel] (XD;; )
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Postby Musashi » Tue Sep 11, 2007 1:07 am

<Jean_the_snakefox> TYR!
<Jean_the_snakefox> DON'T BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!
* Helel puts a hand on Tyr's head, herself looking upset with what's happening.
<Jean_the_snakefox> BELIEVE IN ME, WHO BELIEVES IN YOU! *Kamina glasses*
<Tyr> ... >_>;
<Helel> ... >_>
<Jean_the_snakefox> ...
* Jean_the_snakefox slinks off to a corner
<Tyr> (Oh, Noodle XD)
<Helel> (XD)
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Postby Anamnesis » Tue Sep 11, 2007 1:57 am

Zeiss: <Reyn> *appears*
[02:52am] • Helel is sleeping with Tyr. On the couch. Get your head out to the gutter, they have clothes on >:O
[02:53am] Zeiss: <Reyn> *Knows Photoshop...and takes pictures.*
Helel: It's not murder if the person is an idiot. <_<
<Helel> Zeiss is a god.
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Postby Helel » Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:53 pm

*** Bladeron ( has joined #magicalsailorfuku
[Helel] We don't need any! :O
*** Musashi ( has joined #magicalsailorfuku
<Phoebe> Hi Musa.
<Reyn> >_>
[Helel] And really bad eggs
<Musashi> Rawr
<Musashi> Eggs? :o
<Phoebe> Drink up me Helel yo ho!
[Helel] Nice hat, Musa.
<Musashi> ..Hat?
* Phoebe crams a bottle of rum down Helel's gullet.
* Helel escapes during the confusion
<Musashi> NO
<Reyn> >>
* Musashi fires a harpoon.
[Helel] This is the day, that you ALMOST caught...
* Phoebe hands Musa a lasso.
[Helel] *is harpooned and falls over*
<Musashi> Goin' mouse fishin'.
<Phoebe> XD
<Kara> OMFG! Squeeee! :D
* Musashi retracts the harpoon, and collects his prize!
* Musashi holds the mouse up by his tail. "Quick, get a picture. :D"
* Helel is dead. x_x
* Kara hugs Musashi!
* Phoebe takes a picture.

And because I don't make enough references to various things:

* Kohaku notes that his fur is a lot softer than normal. Oh and he has angel wings that look a lot like Omizu's...
<David> (Might try mixing it with coke later.)
<Sakura> O.O
<Sakura> What happened to you?
<Kohaku> Dad... <<
<Sakura> >.>
<Sakura> He made you an angel?
<Kohaku> He just gave me wings like Omizu's... <<
<Flora> Angel girl~
<Kohaku> Eh...? I'm not a girl... <<
<Allen> Flora has an illness
[Helel] And the only medicine, is more cowbell!
<Allen> XD
<Flora> Kohaku was originally made an angel girl by Reyn.
<David> XD
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Postby Kumi-chan » Tue Oct 23, 2007 11:23 am

[15:04] *** Lupus has signed off IRC (Ping timeout: 180 seconds).
[15:05] *** Lupus has joined #magicalsailorfuku.
[15:05] Lupus: PING, YOU SON OF A GLITCH!!
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Anamnesis » Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:39 am

Reyn: (And in the dusk, after Helel's return, there was a quiet...peaceful feel...though this peace was not free...)
Reyn: (For days turned into months, then years, and still that man did not return...)
Reyn: (The fierce, raging sandstorms of New Setryl stopped, for this one moment as a dark pink haired girl walks silently away from a sand-strewn field...)
Reyn: (Leaving a grave in front of many...She fought off the feeling in her gut...that wrench that brought so much pain...For the name carved on that single grave...Birthright, Uraj Reyn)
Helel: It's not murder if the person is an idiot. <_<
<Helel> Zeiss is a god.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Anamnesis » Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:52 am

(<characters> "wtfhawt...oshi-*dead*")
(I don't know)
Allen tries to feel out for the disturbances
*he may or may not be able to feel them, but it seems unfamiliar to him, regardless*
(It's like a thousand voices cried out and were then silenced )
(Muffled by titflesh?)
Helel: It's not murder if the person is an idiot. <_<
<Helel> Zeiss is a god.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Helel » Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:20 pm

At least three different amusing moments within 10 minutes, last night.

(9:50:10 PM) Karubidiumeleaux`: So, what do we do now that we know Melissa never really existed?
(9:50:39 PM) Nine: D: She didn't?
(9:50:43 PM) Kumi: Jayme are we lonely?
(9:50:59 PM) Helel: Probably have a party and enjoy the renaissance of the human spirit
(9:51:08 PM) Jayme: interacting is all good and well but im just sick and tired of dealing with these one-sided characters that can do whatever they want to a person but are so powerful or whatever that they cant actually be touched, beaten, fought, grabbed, hurt, or 'seen' by anybody thats not part of the "OMG plotline"..
(9:52:24 PM) Karubidiumeleaux`: I don't see any proof in her favor.
(9:52:31 PM) Nine: Hypoc... *ehem* :D Hey, no need to get mad.
(9:52:33 PM) Karubidiumeleaux`: And by my new law, that means she doesn't existance.
(9:52:42 PM) Nine: >: It was just for the fun of it.
(9:53:30 PM) Nine: Sadly, the only time what you describe happened it was because I was overwhelmed by the amount of input from every character that was participating.
(9:53:48 PM) Helel: One hundred points to Jayme
(9:53:50 PM) Nine: I decided to end it quick, the outcome was bad.
(9:53:53 PM) Helel: !voice Jayme
(9:53:58 PM) Helel: Oh, duh
(9:54:02 PM) Helel: !v Jayme
(9:54:02 PM) mode (+v Jayme ) by CLAMP
(9:54:18 PM) Helel: You should be able to read my mind brat
(9:54:33 PM) Sakura: Hahaha
(9:54:42 PM) Ritsuku: I've decided to tone my stuff done a bit
(9:54:48 PM) Ritsuku: And some people have noticed
(9:54:54 PM) ***Sakura has :D
(9:54:58 PM) Jayme: I have a 100 points.. is it like a hundred pennies? or can I trade them in for a better prize
(9:55:01 PM) Helel: With all the things we've been through, I'll destroy you if you don't CLAMP :o
(9:55:17 PM) Nine: D: Tone down what?
(9:55:35 PM) Helel: They're just fluff, and don't have any value Jayme aside from whatever you feel they have since my hand has obviously tainted them
(9:55:58 PM) Jayme: tainted points.. obviously the best kind of points..
(9:56:08 PM) Sumizome: are they tasty?
(9:56:13 PM) ***Sakura steals Jayme's points...and invests them for that she can get the Jayme plushie eventually :o
(9:56:44 PM) Ritsuku: Helel can taint my points all night long
(9:56:47 PM) ***Ritsuku olol
(9:57:01 PM) Helel: olioliolioliolioooooooooo
(9:57:04 PM) Nine: >:
(9:57:10 PM) Sumizome: CRAB BATTLE
(9:57:16 PM) Sumizome: gah! broke my knife!
(9:57:19 PM) Nine: D: woa, she talks.
(9:57:23 PM) Ritsuku: broke my knife!
(9:57:26 PM) Ritsuku: Carb?
(9:57:29 PM) Ritsuku: Works for me
(9:57:30 PM) Sumizome: lol
(9:57:36 PM) Ritsuku: CARB BATEL
(9:57:40 PM) Nine: wah. I forgot she was Kisaki.
(9:57:42 PM) Sakura: XD
(9:57:52 PM) Helel: And a new internet meme was born.
(9:57:52 PM) Sumizome: lol
(9:58:06 PM) Nine: No Helel, just no.
(9:58:10 PM) Sumizome: too bad i'm not Kisaki
(9:58:31 PM) Helel: Quick, everyone, post it on 4chan, LJ, and everywhere else. Time'sawasting
(9:58:52 PM) Nine: >: But you are. Kisaki with multiple personality issues.
(9:59:25 PM) Helel: But at least the voices in Kisaki's head agree that they don't like you. :o
(9:59:42 PM) Sumizome: they're actually multiple souls
(10:00:12 PM) ***Sumizome high fives Helel
(10:00:30 PM) ***Helel low fives
(10:00:50 PM) Nine: >:
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Anamnesis » Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:46 am

I made two of those funnies, you!
Tainting my points and CARB BATEL D:
Helel: It's not murder if the person is an idiot. <_<
<Helel> Zeiss is a god.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Anamnesis » Sat Apr 05, 2008 10:47 pm

[11:40pm] Helel: Zeiss is a god.
[11:40pm] Helel: dog
[11:40pm] Helel: Wow
[11:40pm] Zeiss: Hell yeah
[11:40pm] Helel: Damn you DiffyQ
[11:41pm] Zeiss: Ahahahaha
[11:41pm] Zeiss: Sig'd
Helel: It's not murder if the person is an idiot. <_<
<Helel> Zeiss is a god.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Helel » Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:23 pm

(7:22:31 PM) Karubidiumeleaux` [] entered the room.
(7:22:32 PM) Conan: Where are my clothes!?
(7:22:38 PM) Karubidiumeleaux`: Good note to come in on.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Helel » Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:44 pm

Excellent timing on Xia's part at the mention of growing hair and becoming busty.
(3:41:33 PM) Allen: He's a devil geneticist
(3:41:48 PM) Helel: but he's otherwise human
(3:42:25 PM) Allen: Yeah, you've got to watch out when you have powers to make yourself grow hair and become bustier
(3:42:37 PM) ***Xia ATTACKS
(3:42:40 PM) Helel: XD
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:00 pm

You thought it was the end for me. You thought you'd never see me here again.

You thought wrong. U_U

Nekkid1: So, what have we here today? I see a ballerina, a werewolf, a conspiracy theorist into inanimate erotica, and I saw a nekkid person this morning but haven't since.

Lupie coughs. "Ballerina werewolf, much to my hatred."

*** Kumi is now known as Kumi-afk

Zei: ._.

Nekkid1: You're all hairy? Doesn't being hairy defeat the purpose of being a ballerina? Even the French don't let it go that far... <_<

Allen: XD

Lupie: XD

Nekkid1: Hey, I just discovered why girls are superior.

Yume: Do tell.

Allen: Hm?

Lupie: Enlighten us all.

Zei: >__>

Nekkid1: Because they're made of sugar and spice. Sugar is required for energy, so they are more powerful. And whoever controls the spice, controls the universe. It was simple conclusion, see?

Allen: XD

Lupie: Only Nikkou could've made that conclusion.

Yume: @_@

Nekkid1: That's because I'm simple-minded, and if we all thought alike then we'd all be simple-minded. You wouldn't want that, would you?

Lupie: Hehe.

Nekkid1 gets dressed. WHOOSH.

Allen: ...

*** Nekkid1 is now known as Empyrean


Lupie: O_O

*** Empyrean is now known as Empyrean_Nikkou

Allen: @_@

Allen hides out in a wold ending proof bunker

Empyrean_Nikkou: Not that kind of dressed. Just a more... formal name. ;p

Lupie: OH GOD!!!

Lupie joins Allen.

Empyrean_Nikkou: Lord helmet: "Foooooooooled you."

Allen: XD

Yume: o_.

Anonyn00b: Heya, Idea.

Cronocke: Okay, who's bright idea was this?

Cronocke: *whose, rather

Anonyn00b: You still crack that joke out?

Idea: x_x;

Anonyn00b: Even I abandoned that one long ago. Shame on you.

Idea impales Cronocke on a railroad spike.

Cronocke: I haven't used it yet.

Cronocke: So bleh.

Idea: And now you can't use it again!

Cronocke blocks the railroad spike! With his arm. Ow.

Anonyn00b: You were just brought down by railroad IDEAlism. ;p

Zei: (And that's how we get rid on Idea, once and for all)

Zei: (Oh, hey Idea)

Lupus: ...lulz.

Allen: Nikkou wins.

Yume: Fatality.

Anonyn00b: That's right. It's always the first spike inflicted that counts.

Lupus: Nekkid1!

Nekkid1: Lupus! *Reaches hand out dramaticall!*

Lupus grabs Nikkou's hand!!

Nekkid1 grasps it tightly! "I'll never let go! Never!"

Nekkid1 suddenly lets go so she can look at her watch. "My show's almost on!"

Lupus: ...

Nekkid1 looks around in confusion, Lupus clearly lost into the depths of... something. "What had I been doing just now...?"

Lupus: ...What the?

Nekkid1 starts to drool and grin all crazy-like 'cause she's in her own world.

Lupus: ...

Nekkid1 falls over, dead.

Cronocke: o.o

Lupus: ...

Cronocke: I'd ask what's going on, but I don't think anyone else knows either.

Nekkid1: Voice from beyond the grave: "Seriously, Lupus, it looks like you could use a maxipad. Or is it that you prefer tampons?"

Allen: Acute Atroquinine poisoning

Yume: I would try and make sense of it, bu I fear my brain would implode upon itself.

Lupus: ...

Lupus: Mepsipax.

Nekkid1: That's why, Yume, my brain is reverse-engineered. It's already in a state of implosion. If it were to explode than I'd be right as rain again. XD

Yume: :x

Idea: (GAAAH. Note to all; if you have a MacBook Pro or any other laptop with a DVD burner, do not try to burn a disc while the machine is on your lap.)

Lupus: (XD)

Nekkid1: Does it... burn? ;p

Zei: >//>

Idea: (Not that badly, but it does make the burn process fail and kill the disc. XD)

Lupus: (Ouch.)

Nekkid1: That's the problem with burning. Everyone knows that you're supposed to store them in room-temperature environments. ;/

Nekkid1: Anyway, doesn't that defeat the purpose of a laptop if you can't have it on your lap?

Allen: I guess

Nekkid1: You might as well call it a mini desktop. Or, in more modern terms, an iTop.

Lupus: :P

Nekkid1: My jokes are tops.

Allen: XD

Nekkid1: I was in a yuri relationship once, but it didn't turn out so well.

Lupus: What happened?

Zei: L-L-Let's jsut go @_@

Nekkid1: Come to find out I'm allergic to lilies. Who would have thought?

Zei: W-We can go down to my tent and get m-my stuff...and get out...

Zei: (Har har)

Yume: ... M'yes.

Yume: Alright, don't worry, I'll protect you, I guess...

Nekkid1: (And to all those who don't know: yuri means lily, the flower, in Japanese.)

Lupus: (I knew.)

Nekkid1: (You're supposed to laugh at my terrible jokes! ;p)

Yume: (Har de har har)

Nekkid1: (You can just ignore us if you want, Yume. We're just being silly and I, at least, don't intend to interrupt whatever you're doing.)

Allen: (XD)

Lupus: (In other words, Get on with it.)

*** The_Weirdo joined #magicalsailorfuku

Yume: (Zei took it into a private room, I guess sh wants our sordid love affair to happen in private.)

Yume: >>

Yume: <<

Nekkid1: (Indeed. We can read you like books in here. ;p)

Yume: (You sholnd't judge a book by it's... Nevermind.)

Zei: (You don't judge a lady by what she wears, but what's on the floor. ^_~)

Yume: (*_*)

Zei: (Alt: Don't judge a lady by what she wears, but what she isn't anymore)

Nekkid1: (She's no longer a virgin?)

Zei: (Now, in all seriousness)

Nekkid1: (It's more like you can't tell a woman by her melons. Because you can't mix up apples and oranges if you give them the squeeze test. ;p)

Lupus: XD

Allen: (XD)

Lupus: Fetching picture of Lupus now.

Nekkid1: Good dog. ;p

Lupus: <<

Unicornikkou: I lay a fluffy that floats over to Lupus in all of its stinky glory. It's such a biohazard that it begins to mutate him on the spot. You'd think that a dirty boy would be the most adaptive to such thing, but no: it was the women who dealt with their bodily odors!

Unicornikkou: And so it came to pass that Lupus adapted by transforming into a woman. He became a buxom woman who was all radiant and shiny; the ultimate opposite of a filthy boy!

*** Josh is now known as Josie

Lupus: ... <<;;

Unicornikkou: And thus a legend was born. She was so attractive that all of the men would clean up after themselves in order to be with her, and the world soon found peace and prosperity. Fin~

Lupus: ...Eh. I've seen worse.

*** Lupus is now known as Lupie

Unicornikkou: Are you sure? I pretty much followed the TG fiction script to a tee. ;p

Lupie: XD

Lupie: Yes, i'm sure.

Unicornikkou: Wooness.

Lupie: Picture, though?

Unicornikkou: Could a picture ever hold a candle to such a perfect woman? Impossible in every sense!

Lupie: ...Nice.

Unicornikkou: I always come packed with infallible logic. ;p
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned because only women can give two tits for every tat.
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Re: Sharing STUFF from IRC

Postby Helel » Mon Jul 07, 2008 7:19 pm

Even #msfchat can be funny at times. :D

(7:56:27 PM) Rei: ceserium, right Helel?
(7:56:39 PM) Rei: I might have mispelled it there
(7:56:53 PM) Helel: Nope. :o
(7:57:02 PM) Rei: drat
(7:57:06 PM) Rei: not lead I think
(7:57:07 PM) Helel: Another good guess, but there's a hint in Lian's first guess
(7:57:47 PM) Rei: here I thought I was about the only one nerdy enough to enjoy this game but you guys actually made it hard for me to play
(7:57:58 PM) Rei: congrats
(7:58:05 PM) Helel: :P
(7:58:18 PM) Rei: wasn't meant insulting
(7:58:26 PM) Rei: I honestly didn't expect anyone to post
(7:58:26 PM) Helel: I'm not insulted, don't worry.
(7:59:09 PM) Rei: I'd been toying with putting that game up for half a year
(7:59:44 PM) Helel: But following Lian's example to up the ante, I got a great idea as to how to make guessing this element kinda hard unless you know the right history/chemistry.
(7:59:55 PM) Helel: Or the references, anyways.
(8:04:24 PM) Xia: hehe
(8:04:26 PM) Xia: I'll have to look
(8:05:22 PM) Rei: I thought I knew the history fairly well but even after looking at a chart I'm not sure what would be the right answer
(8:06:33 PM) Xia: whats the hint?
(8:06:40 PM) Xia: or rather, challenge?
(8:07:15 PM) Helel: Caesar would totally conquer this element for the roman empire!
(8:07:37 PM) Helel: Though, to be honest, it wasn't actually the empire at that point, but who's keeping track.
(8:07:47 PM) Xia: oooo
(8:07:51 PM) Xia: Germanium, right?
(8:07:54 PM) Xia: :P
(8:07:54 PM) Helel: Nope
(8:07:56 PM) Helel: :P
(8:08:06 PM) Helel: Close, but not quite, again. :P
(8:08:24 PM) Helel: As I said, Lian created the hint right in her post.
(8:08:44 PM) Rei: Something to do with Gaul as that was Ceaser's big victory region
(8:08:51 PM) Rei: but that didn't help me find the answer
(8:09:07 PM) Xia: hrm
(8:09:17 PM) Xia: I was gonna say Europium(sp)
(8:09:21 PM) Helel: You're right on the cusp of figuring it out, Rei.
(8:09:44 PM) Rei: probably something to do with France
(8:09:51 PM) Xia: ...
(8:09:54 PM) Xia: Francium
(8:10:04 PM) Xia: half life of...17 seconds? wasn't it?
(8:10:22 PM) Helel: Getting colder. :o
(8:10:24 PM) Xia: sorry, 4.8 minutes
(8:10:30 PM) Xia: not sure where I got 17 seconds from
(8:10:31 PM) Xia: really?
(8:10:35 PM) Xia: Gaul? France?
(8:10:40 PM) Helel: For France
(8:11:39 PM) Xia: pity
(8:11:59 PM) Xia: I had a great idea for a challenge
(8:12:07 PM) Xia: but alas, Hafnium isn't Hefnium
(8:12:16 PM) Xia: cause there'd be a playboy joke
(8:12:22 PM) Helel: Ahaha, my brother just got it.
(8:12:24 PM) Rei: thought that was where you were going
(8:12:30 PM) Helel: Not on the boards, but yeah
(8:13:10 PM) Helel: Gaul is what you need to be thinking about.
(8:13:24 PM) Xia: ...
(8:13:26 PM) Xia: thats to simple
(8:13:44 PM) Helel: Is it?
(8:14:23 PM) Xia: you latin bastard
(8:14:31 PM) Rei: hah
(8:14:35 PM) Helel: Ahahahaha
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