" It doesn't matter if I fight or not" said Absol sadly, "Either way..."
Absol was interrupted as the door burst open.
"Absol!" yelled Tina as she barged into the room
"Tina?" asked Absol.
Tina did not say anything. She just looked at her friend. Then she turned to Mew, her face a contortion of anger and hate.
"You!" she snarled, advancing.
"Tina stop!" yelled Absol.
"But she!.." said Tina
"She what?" asked Absol, "What did she do?"
"You mean you asked her to change you?!" said Tina.
"Well.. no... but" admitted Absol
"But nothing!" said Tina.
"No!" yelled Absol, "Yes she did what she did. But she was lonely, like a child and acted with just as much maturity."
"But..she.." started Tina.
"Let me deal with her" said Absol with a smile, "At least this way we know she isn't out making things any worse than they already are."
"Fine" said Tina, turning away and heading towards the door, "Do what you think is best."
"Tina.." said Absol
"I need to be alone." said Tina
"Tina wait" said Absol, but it was already too late. Tina had already left.
"Tina...." said Absol quietly.