by Gee-chan » Fri May 23, 2008 1:11 pm
Absol looked out of the window.
"There is no-one here because they are answering the call." she said, "I felt it quite a while ago and it will have been even stronger to those who live on their instincts."
"Darkrai" said Tina, "Why is that demon after me?"
"Well, it's not uncommon for him to visit people" said the Staryu.
"But Daniel," said the Woman, "He has never questioned his victims like this before. Normally he will just show them their worst fears."
"Yes, Katrine" said Daniel, "I suppose. Anyway Tina, we felt that you needed to know this. With everything going on we can't assume that anything is just ordinary. Plus, Darkrai appearing just as all the other pokemon mysteriously vanish is just too strange a co-incidence."
"Yes" said Tina, "I noticed that too. Odd that."
"So what are you going to do?" asked Katrine
("Hmm" said the watching figure, "Should this be my time to test her? She may know something is happening now.")
"I don't know" said Tina
"Oh decisions decisions" came a voice from no-where
"Who was that?!" demanded Tina looking around
"Umm" said Daniel, "Correct me if I'm wrong but that doesn't seem particularly normal to me" He was pointing to the roof of the tent where a huge grinning mouth lingered in the air. Out of it poured the malevolent feeling of a ghost pokemon, only far stronger than any other.
"The hell?" asked Tina
"Hell?" said the mouth, "No, no, no. I'm not going to take you there. Unless you want me to..."
"What do you want!?" said Tina
"You!" it said, "You intrigue me, fascinate me and show me great potential, potential that I could make use of."
"Who the hell are you?!" demanded Tina
"Your kind know me as Giratina" said Giratina, "Giratina will do. And I have a proposition to make to you if you will follow."
"If you're here to make a proposition," said Tina, "What's with the Cheshire Cat routine?"
"It's not as complicated as you would think" said Giratina's floating mouth, "This tent is rather small...." it said with a sweatdrop
"My understanding of legendary pokemon just gets lower and lower....." said Katrine
OOC: Introducing Professor Daniel Willow! I don't have a second name for Katrine though.....
I did the Cheshire Cat thing because I was feeling random really.... plus that effect is just cool
I'm looking at the world through a Jaffa-cake filling.....
Let the loli's hit the floor.....
Things to do before you die: Number 57: Lunge wildly at The Pope!