by Shadowmaster » Sat May 24, 2008 9:56 pm
OOC: Alright then, let's get this going.
Group 1: As you climb the stairs, you find yourselves entering a large room that looks like a cave. "This is...interesting." #197 says. All of you can here a series of beeps coming from the other end of the room, followed by three groups of seven dots lighting up. "Oh great...the Regis." #197 says.
Group 2: As you climb the stairs, you enter a room that is separated into three segments. One looks like a power plant, filled with all sorts of generators and equipment. The next segment's floor is covered with a fine layer of ice, and is about 20 degrees F. The final layer has a number of pools of lava in it, and it's warmer than the other two by a large margin. In the middle of each section sits a large bird. "Those are the legendary birds. They're supposed to live in Kanto." Alana says.
Group 3: When you enter the room at the top of your stairs, you find what looks like a large field. In it are the three legendary dogs of Johto. "Oh great...the beast really was prepared for us." The master says.
"At least we outnumber them. That gives us a large advantage. Not to mention the fact that we have a number of advantages awarded to us." #471 says.
Group 4: As you reach the top of your staircase, you enter a room that looks like a cave. There are puddles along the floor of the room. At the other end float three small creatures. "Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf. It seems we need to fight. I wish it could be avoided." Palm says.
In all of these rooms, one thing is the same. As you enter, all entrances and exits to the room disappear.
OOC: Alright, pick your foes. It'll be tricky for group 3, but I'll let you pick how you want the group divided, Ashley.
I am a ninja, zam.