"Oh well" said Tina "worth a try"
Tina threw a punch at Azelf but was stopped before it could land. Tina could feel something gripping her arm even though nothing was touching it.
"Crap!" she swore, "It's using extrasensory."
With her arm disabled Tina was unable to go forwards or backwards as the pressure on her arm built up and up. Quickly she opened her mouth and launched a wad of thick purple fluid in a Toxic attack (OOC: eww...), breaking Azelf's focus long enough to escape.
"Damn" she said, "I'm gonna have to be careful with this thing."
Quickly she charged a Shadow Ball but before she could launch it was forced to dive out of the way of a confusion attack. Rather than throw the ball after the dodge she continued to charge it with one hand while she shifted her other into a claw. In the blink of an eye she cut the ball down the front and tore it open, releasing all the swirling energy encased inside. Due to it's offensive nature, the pokemon could not block the attack, however managed to dodge most of it.
The pair of them rushed towards each other; Tina ready for a Suckerpunch and Azelf seeming to have no attack ready. As soon as Tina's arm swung, the pokemon made it's move, taking the punch and locking the girl in another extrasensory attack. Tina was trapped, she couldn't keep up with this thing. She cried out in pain at the attack as her eyes rolled back, her consciousness waning, but a dark aura began to surround her, building up until bursting into a Dark Pulse attack, knocking Azelf back as she passed out. But she was not finished yet. Her hair, which had been 'burning' with power surrounded her completely until all that could be seen was a large black mass.
"What the?" wondered Absol
Slowly the mass hovered into the air, writhing and re-forming as it went until suddenly four shadowy limbs burst out of it, however these limbs were not Tina's nor were they those of a gengar. If anything they resembled the dark flames of Tina's hair at the height of battle. At the front of the shape a protrusion resembling a head emerged, faceless and inhuman.
A voice was heard, but it was not a voice that any mortal could carry, nothing alive could vocalize such malice.
"I am the hatred and the anger!" as it spoke an eye opened on the right side of the 'face'. A large, red eye slightly skewed so it was on an angle.
A second voice spoke, a voice of pain and sadness.
"I am the anguish and the suffering!" a second, yellow eye appeared, this one was on the left and also skewed so that the pair were almost touching at the top.
Another voice sounded. A voice of desire.
"I am the famine and the lust!" A third, green eye emerged, appearing in the centre above the other two. This one was pointed vertically so the three almost met at the middle, creating a chilling stare of utter hate.
"We are power absolute!" they screamed in unison, "and we shall consume!"
The beast that was Tina shot forwards with a speed that could only be described as terrible. However it was not fast enough as Azelf was able to stop it's claw. Despite this however, 'Tina' still forced her way forward, reaching with her other arm, the claw being held snapping and tearing as it moved against Azelf's will. Before it could stop her, Tina slammed a claw into the pokemon's torso sending it flying then pounced upon it like some abominable cat. Unable to get free Azelf screamed in agony but this only seemed to make the beast more ferocious, tearing at the wailing creature with truly monstrous strength. As a final resort, the struggling Azelf fired off a confusion attack, just managing to knock 'Tina' back. The beast was back up in a second and it stared at it's prey with pure hunger.
"Tina stop!" begged Absol, running between the two. "Please stop this!"
"The beast looked at her. For a second it seemed there was some recognition in it's eyes, all of them. Absol slowly, carefully walked towards Tina as the beast watched her, an internal struggle to fight or flee evident in it's eyes. This hesitation gave Absol enough time to reach her, and embrace what she had become.
"Please" she sobbed, "come back to me."
The beast stirred and shuddered while in it's face an fourth eye forced it's way forwards. A human eye, Tina's eye. The creature withdrew into itself, it's three large eyes fading until they were gone entirely. The black mass shriveled and faded until Absol was left holding the real Tina's unconscious form. Beside them the remnants of the beast evaporated away, leaving behind only the fragments of the elemental plates Tina had been given by the Professor, as Absol's tears washed away the darkness.