Hira Kanaki wrote:"Hmm...I guess she was changed into a female Tails, oh well might as well bring her to the front desk and see if I can wake her up." Amy said as she did so. "Well we do have a nice forest you can run through." Amy said returning to the front desk area with the female tails in tow.
OOC: They would have to be transformed again. ^^
Dark Scout Darkstar wrote:(ya those where just a cameo lol)
She mumbles in her sleep state about feeling like she got run over by a truck.
OOC: No problem. I figured as much becase I remember you having a Nova in the last one Darkstar so I was just double checking. I will bring them back. I guess I need to update my charcter thread yet again LOL!
"Thanks for the suggestion Amy! I appreciate it." Robert says as he heads toward the forest.
*Robert enters the Forest.* "This sure is a nice place. I think I will just take a stroll through here." Robert said as he started walking through the forest.