by Shadowmaster » Thu Jun 05, 2008 7:35 pm
"I'm helping for a number of reasons. Firstly, all of this is partly my fault. My research led to this. All I wanted was to help, and look where we ended up because of it. Also, I feel that this is what I am supposed to do. If I can help stop Arceus from destroying innocent people, perhaps it will make up for my past mistakes." Palm says. "As for ending up back in the ice, I don't mind. If I am meant to be in there, I will be. I don't believe someone else should suffer for me. Lyon doesn't deserve that."
Lugia looks at Erin and Leo. " defeated the dogs? Impressive. But I believe you'll find me a bit more challenging." it says.
"The master created everything, so how are we any different from all of you. And even if we are fake, we will carry out our mission." Mewtwo says. "We will destroy you."
All three legendary pokemon sweatdrop. "Ahem, regardless, your actions clearly defy Lord Arceus, and so you must be stopped." Rayquaza says.
"I don't like this..." #197 says. "I don't think I'll be able to do much in this fight."
I am a ninja, zam.