Hayata (Updated- Sept 20th)

Gah! It's a high-powered metamorphing green gelatinous blob! Or maybe it's something else. Who's your character? Post here!

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Postby Haylie » Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:31 pm

3 have theme songs now: Hayata, Haylie, and Hameleck. Couldn't think of a good one for Kang.

Oh, and more characters (if I get pics, I'll post them)

An Arch Angel straight from Heaven. Why she's here, however, is still in question. In her human form (Amy), she wears a purple T-shirt with a line-drawn fish on and a necklace with a cross charm, and a set of bandages around her eyes so she can't see. In angel mode, she's got armor everywhere except her head, where rests a halo, and her eyes are visible, but only the whites; no iris or pupil, and of course a pair of large wings. Both ways she's blond and blind. A stereotypical angel, with white robes and armor with purple trim and crosses everywhere, wings and halo, and a broadsword that could cut anything in half. She tries her best to be nice and find a solution to everything without the use of her blade. Which is a shame, she kicks butt with it.

Cerie/Cerberus (no speech):
Amy's seeing-eye dog/Amethyst's attack spirit-wolf. In normal dog form he's a Golden Retriever with nothing really special about him except the cross design in his fur on his forehead. In spirit form, he's taller than Amethyst herself (who tops off at about 10 feet in angel form, not counting the tops of her wings), still golden but glowingly so, and willing to either swallow a man whole or affectionately lick him on his masters command. In both forms he's playful and outgoing, unafraid of anything short of a demon from Hell, and then he'll act how he was trained: Seek and destroy.

As a human, she's got black hair and purple eyes, and wears Gothic clothing (which is sort of ironic). As a demon, she wears armor not dissimilar to Amethyst, but more revealing. She has a very devilish appearance, complete with dragon-like wings, horns, and arrow tip-tail, plus a serrated blade that causes much pain not only physically, but spiritually, before it kills. Needless to say, she's a jerk.

She's in charge for the holidays, more specifically Christmas. She has a special talent for finding the 'naughty' people, and once she does, she pounces on them like a puma and stuffs them in a box. I'll let you guess what happens next. She's cheery most of the time, unless you're being naughty, then she... wait, I already told you that.
Last edited by Haylie on Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:31 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Hayata (Updated- December 23rd)

Postby Haylie » Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:17 pm

More characters! WOOO! (Disclaimer: Both Star Wars characters are all mine, but the idea came from George Lucas, so I'm trying not to steal from him; Altair is taken directly from Assassin's Creed, which is property of Ubisoft, so... yeah)

Jedi Master Ethin Yabbin:
For every bad Force user, there's a good one. He's here to help Muffinville against Darth Xander and other would-be dark side threats. He does his best to remain polite as much as he can, but will strike if provoked. He also does his best to watch out for his apprentice and all those under him aboard his ship, the Eagle of Light. He's 187 years old, over seven feet tall, and has a blond pony-tail, as well as a mechanical left eye, right arm, and left leg. He has his own private fighter, the Luminous, which can engage fighter-to-fighter, bomb, and tow. He carries two lightsabers, one gold, the other silver. He also has a silenced and highly-upgraded blaster pistol, which he rarely uses. Being a Master, and therefore a General, he has several battalions of troops at his disposal, as well as several other battle ships besides his own. His mastery of the Force is unparalleled.

Apprentice Jeid Larrissa:
The apprentice to Master Yabbin, she's a bit of an overachiever when it comes to her training, but outside of the battle circle, she's a bit timid. She has a small ship with the class Z-19, which looks a bit like an X-wing, but with only two wings and guns. She's almost never seen without her Master. She has an orange lightstaff and a shortened beam rifle, which she doesn't like using too much. Her Force abilities don't meet her Master's, of course, but she learns quickly and will do almost anything to further her training.

Altair Bint La-Ahad:
A TG'ed version of the man of the same name from the game Assassin's Creed. She's quiet most of the time, doesn't enjoy failure, and will do the thing she thinks is right, regardless of what others think. Her arsenal includes a hidden arm-blade or shiv, a short blade, a knife, and a type of kunai. She's occasionally seen with a crossbow, but not often. She always goes for the neck first, unless you catch her in battle. Then she can be pretty unpredictable, which is how she likes it.
Last edited by Haylie on Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hayata (Updated- February 12th)

Postby Haylie » Tue Feb 12, 2008 5:55 pm

Haylie, Hayata, and Dark have MO's, histories are changed up a bit to match what's being said in the Muffin Room, and Holiday Haylie has an official name change: Holly (catchy, eh?). She's also got a new color and attitude, so I don't have two violet-speakers.
Oh, and a new character. He's been mentioned a few times, and had a bit of action, plus I really like him:

Duke (no speech; he's taken right from Fable, and Lionhead, but I named him myself):
He's what we refer to as a White Balverine: A large bipedal dog-like beast with a lust for blood. His bite can turn anyone else into a Balverine as well, and his howl can summon more. He works about the same way as a werewolf, but the change is permanent, day or night, any time of the year. He's about 10 feet tall and weighs in at about 300 lbs. He only follows Haylie, and Hayata when he feeds him. Needless to say, he likes meat.
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Re: Hayata (Updated- March 8th)

Postby Haylie » Sat Mar 08, 2008 5:19 pm

Nike (No speech):
Nike is Chealse's long-lost twin cat-sister with a mysteriously-acquired modified Portal Gun and is often seen toting around the Weighted Companion Cube. Needless to say, they both look exactly the same, except maybe their taste in clothes, and Nike inherited the brains of the family. She is mute, meaning she can't actually speak, but she's quite adept at sign-language, and is quickly frustrated with those that don't know it, so she carries around a pen and a pad of paper to help communicate with them. How she got the portal gun and Companion Cube is anyone's guess. The modified gun doesn't need to be fired to open a portal: Simply enter the coordinates and color of the portal you want into the gun and one will appear, but you can fire one if you need to, but it still needs a flat surface; and not only can it lift things like normal, it has the ability of the Gravity Gun to propel things forward at incredible distances. She usually uses the Cube as a bludgeon if nothing else is handy, and she's pretty good at ricocheting it off enemies and walls. She doesn't really have any violent tendencies, but she's a bit jumpy, and naturally very curious.
Last edited by Haylie on Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hayata (Updated- March 8th)

Postby Haylie » Thu Mar 27, 2008 7:09 pm

The big evil guy got a big update. He now officially has a name: Hammeleck. His sword has a name, too, the Sword of Death's Bane. Several other weapons have names now, too, like Hayata's armory.
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Re: Hayata (Updated- May 31st)

Postby Haylie » Sat May 31, 2008 3:09 pm

New guy here:

Cooper "Glaive" Baylor:
Technically, he carries a halberd, but the weapons are the same in essence. Cooper is a native of Sydney, Australia, and has his own fishing and hunting business set up there. He's also Mike's cousin on his mother's side. Being from Australia, he's also got a deep, rough, yet attractive Aussie accent and a golden tan. He's a very attractive man, and he knows it. He's a bit of a player, but he has strict rules about stealing a girl away from another guy, or as he puts it:
"Go ahftah a Sheilah thet's claimed 'er bloke? Wha'd you hi' yo'h 'ead on?"
That being said, he's had plenty of girlfriends, but can't quite seem to get it right when the time comes for the big decision. He's never seen without his favorite pair of sunglasses perched faithfully on his nose. As mentioned before, when hunting, he carries a collapsible halberd, as well as a high-powered .35 Revolver and an ammo belt under his shirt. The band on his neck is supposed to be around his arm with tiger stripes, and a similar one adorns his halberd just under the blade, sort of like a Chinese spear.
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Re: Hayata (Updated- May 31st)

Postby Haylie » Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:53 am

I has a poll. You must vote or die.
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Re: Hayata (Updated- May 31st)

Postby Tiffany Grimm » Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:54 am

I has voted. Nice characters, as always.
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Re: Hayata (Updated- June 6th)

Postby Haylie » Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:58 pm

Yes... no... wait... is it...?

Yes, it is. New character, to become famous in the Shattered Mirror thread in the FFRP room (name courtesy of Wolf):

Grey Inuhanyou:
A wolf-girl with guns. That's about it. She comes from a full moon. She's not the friendliest ever since she's usually not around very long, but she'll fix you up if you're hurt. How she does this is her guns are imbued with magical properties (those guns being two .45 pistols and an AK-47) that can help or hurt. Example: A bullet fired from one gun can either explode or heal an injury. She came about after Mike was mugged in an alley. No one really knows much about her, so caution is usually taken because she's part wolf and all. She does not enjoy prejudice, naturally. She possesses all the perks that comes with being a wolf: A fair amount of speed, amazing endurance, smell and hearing. Downsides: She's not the strongest ever and her eyes can't see very far in comparison with a normal human, but she can use her guns like a master. She lives on the streets and has done so for a while, and wouldn't have it any other way. She doesn't like the war that's going on between the Redblades, MDA, and Brotherhood right now. She's not about to take sides, she just wants it all to go away so she can live in peace.
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Re: Hayata (Updated- June 17th)

Postby Haylie » Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:32 am

Amethyst and Ruby both got a bit more background, and Amethyst got a new friend.
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Re: Hayata (Updated- July 1st)

Postby Sailor Ganymede » Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:57 pm

Your characters are very nice indeed. Good work!
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Re: Hayata (Updated- July 1st)

Postby Haylie » Thu Jul 10, 2008 7:47 pm

Thanks! Here's an RP character:

Scarlet Payne, aka Paladin or Guildmaster:
She's the Guildmaster of the Hero's Guild in Albion, named for her favorite Hero, Scarlet Robe. She's 30 years old and almost always wears her red cloak with a hood, sometimes over her eyes. It also has gold trim. The Guild Seal is it's clasp at shoulder level. She's a Holy Knight (which is better than a Spellwarrior) and is the current holder of the Solus Greatsword, as well as a Master pistol. She can seem a bit cold-blooded at times, but her specialty beyond her incredible power is her ability to see the bright line from point A to point B.

Crimson Payne, aka Gladiator:
Scarlet's husband and closest adviser. He's not the most charming fellow you'll ever meet, and not just because of the many mutilating scars on his face, one of which removes half of his left ear. He wears a long, shimmery, dark blue robe with the Guild Seal on the back. He's even more ruthless than his wife, often drawing his mace, the Dollmaster's Mace, (he's a Holy Mage) for little more reason than to shove it in some student's face. He's not quite as strong as his wife, not that he'll admit it.
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Re: Hayata (Updated- July 10th)

Postby Haylie » Sun Jul 20, 2008 12:33 pm

Right now you're probably thinking, "How many characters can this guy come up with?!" Oh, there is an infinite amount of characters floating about in my head, friends. And every time I post another character, God kills another hobo. :twisted:

Kathryn "Katt" Payne, aka Silent Paw:
Daughter of Crimson and Scarlet Payne, and semi-professional assassin, which is good for her age of 15. She wears all black in the form of an assassin's outfit, of course, has long raven hair pulled back in a pony-tail, amber-eyes that pierce the night like an arrow, and ears that can pick out footsteps fifty feet away, mostly because she's a cat-girl. It was a side-effect of her legendary armor, the Armor of the Black Cat. Katt used to be male by the name of Pete aka Wind Walker, before he got past the Demon Door that hid the armor and put it on. Katt has her mother's looks and a good portion of her father's charm, but she's not above using seduction to get what she's after, but usually only in extreme circumstances. Most of the time her face is covered by an extension of the armor's collar, but she brings it down when she's not working. The only part of her that's not black beyond her skin is the very tip of her tail, which is white, but curiously never gives her away. Her armament consists of a long obsidian katana with health and silver augmentations, and an ebony crossbow with mana and silver augmentations. She also has two abnormally-large gloves that resemble cats' paws, but with moving fingers that sprout claws for when Katt is otherwise unarmed. Should she lose these, she's even got a collection of kunai that she can use, but she needs to practice more with them. Many of the guys around the Guild like her, but she's not really a favorite among the ladies, for obvious reasons. It's unclear if this is because of the armor (or rather it's side-effect), or if this was just a non-embarrassing way for Pete to come out of the closet.
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Re: Hayata (Updated- Sept 3rd)

Postby Haylie » Wed Sep 03, 2008 4:32 pm

I found a song I felt better described Hayata's personality, and I think it fits rather well.

Of course, I don't mind the odd comment or two. Mayhaps a vote.

Just, uh, not too odd.
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Re: Hayata (Updated- Sept 3rd)

Postby AshK » Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:23 pm

Great characters on this update and all of the previous ones! Keep up the great work!
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