by Gee-chan » Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:19 am
OOC: Hate to say it, but it seems like you havn't developed your characters enough then. To me, those two have shown very little depth so I don't know what to suggest here. As soon as Darkrai was brought into the equation I had something planned out for Absol, while Tina already had something that had not yet fit into the story. Also, Dark, you can't do that. That's just a cheap trick to get out of the scenario.
Absol was home. In the mountains she had been born in; a lonely, untouched place perfect her her kind, and she was her kind one more, the familiar balance of four legs was a welcome gift to her. Despite this however, Absol felt uneasy, this place had been her desire for most of her life, a desire that was forbidden to her.
"So you decided to show your face here again, pup." came a voice. Standing on a rock was a large male absol, covered with scars and with an unusual red coloring. Stood on the rock was Absol's father, his bright blue eyes shining colder than ice.
"I thought the last beating I gave you would have seen you off for good." he continued, "No matter, you've given me the pleasure of doing it all over again."
Paralyzed in fear, Absol couldn't move as her father drew nearer and clamped his jaws around her neck, bating herd enough to draw blood, but not hard enough to cause a fatal injury. Next he swatted her to the ground and clawed at her soft under-belly. It was agony For Absol as she had just started to develop there, her teats getting ready to produce milk for the young she now assumed she would never have.
There was a slight rumble from further up the mountain. It was another rock fall, the mountain experienced these on a regular basis and the inhabitants had learned how to avoid their dangers.
"Don't think this will spare you." said Absol's father, his voice filled with cruelty, "No rocks will fall here, no big ones anyway. Good thing I have you there to act as a shield isn't it?"
All her father did was hold her in place as gravel and bits of debris rolled down at her, stinging her wounds as they fell, yet still, despite the pain, Absol could not lose consciousness, her father would not let her as he expertly drove a single claw into her back, laughing at her suffering. Suddenly, something clicked in Absol's head; this was enough, she was going to end this. Absol knew that her father's weakness was his pride and few times did it show more than when he was torturing her. She looked at the laughing beast behind her, his blue eyes drunk with glee....a sudden slash to his face brought an end to that and a double edge sent him backwards, straight into the path of a heavy rock twice his size. The sound of breaking bone and punctured lungs was sickening, but Absol did not care. She was lost in her hate, her red eyes seemed to drip like the blood they resembled, he pure white coat stained crimson by her wounds, yet still she approached the damaged wreck of her father. For the first time in her life, she saw fear in her fathers eyes, fear and pain, and still it was not enough. She opened her mouth and placed it on his neck, then felt the rush as she tore out her tormentor's throat, showing it to him as he choked out the last few second of his life. Even though he could no longer speak, Absol's father tried to say something and even though Absol took it for dying attempts to breath, the words were:
"Well done, my daughter."
The rocks stopped falling and the mountain was still for a second. Absol relished the taste of blood in her mouth until she sensed movement nearby. Coming into view were several more absol; young and old, male and female, strong and weak, all gathered around her.
"Murderer!" some cried out
"Killer!" cried others
"Outcast!" cried more, while the rest either wept or stood in silence.
Absol knew what she had done, what this meant. She was banished from the mountain, her home, her sanctuary. Outside she would be alone, away from the protection of the mountain and it's inhabitants, constantly at risk of both her life and her freedom. Inside her head, one small remnant of her waking self knew that this was no dream, it was a flashback, this had all happened just as she recalled it.
The next thing she knew she was in a forest. There was life everywhere, yet there was also fear. Humans were regularly seen in this region, many of whom were 'trainers' but were little more than slavers, taking pokemon from their habitat to make them do their bidding. Absol had seen this happen, pokemon fighting for their very lives against others under a human's thrall, only to be imprisoned in a pokeball at the first mistake. She had seen it all too well on several occasions. Suddenly a Yanmega burst through the trees, heading straight for her.
"Yanmega, Bug Buzz"
The yanmega rubbed it's legs together while it's segmented tail vibrated. The resulting noise seemed to pierce Absol's eardrums and knocked her senses incoherent. In an instant, Absol felt something cold and artificial strike her on the side, a pokeball. She tried to run but it was useless, she was already being sucked into it's void, and away from her freedom. There was nothing in the ball, an absolute lack of anything, pure sensory deprivation, while insde her head was a whispering voice, calling her, teasing her, breaking down her will.
Absol screamed in terror and despair, both in her nightmare and outside.
Tom lay awake in his bed. His young body shivering with fear, but this was nothing new. He was alway afraid here, afraid of everyone. A noise from outside make him look to see a building on fire. Even though fire-fighters arrived on the scene, the building was soon destroyed in the end. Tom looked on in awe, this was his way out, this was how he would escape this place. He left his room and went downstairs into the garage, taking two cans of petrol and poring them all around the house, leaving them, almost empty, by the stairs. In the kitchen he found some matches and the keys to the front of the house. Unlocking the door and walking through, Tom lit a single match at threw it inside onto a fuel soaked rug. The fabric caught immediately and spread flames throughout the house, while Tom ran. Looking back for a second, Tom thought he saw someone at a window, then his vision blurred. The last thing he saw was the sign above the door, which read "Blissey's Gift Children's Home".
Tina woke up in a bed. It was hot and the smell of smoke was in the air. She tried to leave but as soon as she opened the door she was greeted by a wall of fire. She dashed to the window, trying to escape but found it locked tight. It was becoming difficult to breath now as she tried to phase through the wall but found herself unable. She had no escape. She banged on the window as the flames spread closer and the room filled with smoke. Outside she saw a familiar looking boy, standing on the grass outside the building, looking in wonder at the scene. All around her Tina heard the cries of frightened children as she realised where she was, and allowed her own scream to join the throng, and fill the cold darkness of the chamber in which her body lay.
I'm looking at the world through a Jaffa-cake filling.....
Let the loli's hit the floor.....
Things to do before you die: Number 57: Lunge wildly at The Pope!