by Mistress Guendolen » Tue Jun 24, 2008 9:01 pm
(Well, I stopped because it took me ages to get it done as it was; I was smack in the middle of it and got a phone call from my brother. By the time I was done with said call, I'd lost my steam, and decided to stop and carry on after some other people had posted, so I could re-gather the mindset, as it were.)
A brilliant crimson flash, as rich as a ruby and as vibrant as the sun, burst forth from the mirror. Maria felt flooded with warmth. Shapes flickered within, bathed in the rosy glow; she could not make out what they were, but they moved around, past, despite the sight-shattering brilliance of the light. She could not tear her eyes from the mirror. It was incredible that she could even see at all, some tiny corner of her mind whispered. But the rest was riveted, absorbed. Hypnotized by the display of scarlet flashes.
Then one shape coalesced within. A hand, reaching out. Maria could see nothing else, not even the limb the hand attached to. It shifted, bathed in the cherry glow. Just that lone hand, long-fingered and shapely. It turned, and in a flick of fingers, beckoned to her. As though extorting her to follow. Like one ensorceled, Maria nodded, a single, slow movement of acquiescence.
Another ruby flash- and for a moment, she was blinded for real. The crimson light bathed her... wound around her, like a cloak of brilliance, as if it were sinking into her skin.... And then, it felt as though someone had reached within and set her soul on fire. A scream issued from her throat. Everything was rippling, stretching, she felt like her whole form had turned to molten metal, that some celestial smith was reshaping her in an otherworldly forge, pulling and pounding.... Limbs lengthening- face reshaping- she would swear it felt like her ears moved and stretched, her spine lengthened. And all the while she rocked, mouth open in a scream she no longer realized was silent....
And just as suddenly as it had begun, Maria felt herself drop limply onto the rough beige carpet. For a moment all she could do was breathe, long, rasping gasps for air, fingers pressing into the cheap weave pressing into her cheek. It felt like forever before she could sit up. And why did her eyes feel strange? They hurt, looking through her glasses lenses. The glasses fell off, for some reason, as she sat up- and suddenly, her vision was perfectly clear. Without them.
That was when she realized what had happened to her.
Her form... it had changed. Was that slim, long-fingered thing her hand? Everything felt longer, leaner. And... and there were the clothes.... She was wearing something like what she would have pictured a character in one of her fantasy stories would have worn. The first thing she had noticed was the boots; a deep wine color, reaching to her knees, the tops folded down. Cavalier boots, only sleek and feminine. Her eyes traveled upward. A skirt; it hit just above the knees, and was a rich cream color, trimmed in burgundy; the fabric something fluid but not flimsy, the cut somehow full, yet not pleated. And... it got stranger... her ears twitched.
Wait... her ears?...
Maria's hands went, slowly but surely, to her head. Touched it hesitantly. Her ears were not where they belonged, on the sides of her head. No, they perched more on top... and were long, pointed, and covered in what felt an awful lot like soft fur....
Clumsily, Maria got to her feet- but it felt like clumsiness of shock, not inherent awkwardness. Stumbled across the room. There was a mirror on the inside of her closet door. Usually she avoided looking in it, but now she yanked it open. Stared into it, surveying the reflection that stared back at her.
Yup, boots and skirt- check. Over it a fitted- well, combination blouse and trench coat. The upper part fastened up like a blouse, with long sleeves that flared out slightly past the elbow, and an attached skirt that fanned out behind her to about mid-calf; like the skirt, it was trimmed in deep burgundy. Wide, deep-blue eyes, unaided by corrective lenses, stared back at her, perfectly clear out of a smooth-skinned face framed by long, lustrous, and thick red hair.
And capping the top of her head was what was most definitely a corresponding set of red-furred cat ears.
As realization sunk in, Maria shrieked a bit, tail lashing- wait, tail? She spun in a mad circle, fumbling, groping. Finally catching the stray appendage, pulling it around in front of her to stare. It was soft and red-furred, like her ears....
She was a freaking fantasy catgirl.....
Maria stared at herself in the mirror. A tiny fragment of her whispered, Hey, this is actually cool.... It's just like you would write in a story, play a character of.... But despite that, she wondered, more than anything else- what had just happened to her?
(And.. another reason. I got verbose.... Sorry. I get going and just write and write.... I apologize if I got too long and poetical!)
Adding to the magical kitten girl huggle at a time mraa