New Anime

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New Anime

Postby Shadell » Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:11 am

As several new series draw to their inevitable ends, and many others approach the half way point, the time comes for fansub viewers around the world to find new series to follow. That's the point of this thread, to see what series people are looking forward to seeing.

For me the list isn't that large, nor is it that small.

Almost in order of greatest to least anticipation:

Slayers Revolution: A show that needs no introduction. I'm sure many people are looking forward to this ASAP.

The comedic adventures of the Sorceress Lina Inverse and company continue!

Blade of The Immortal: A classic manga that's finally getting the anime it deserves.

The story of the Samurai cursed never to die until he kills 1000 evil men is sure to be a bloody one. It also promises to be well worth watching.

World Destruction- Don't really know anything about this series aside from a one minute preview and the line below, but it looks pretty good. Well that and that one of the characters looks like a psychopathic maid/gothic lolita type with guns.

The the 6 people who will destroy the world.

Birdy The Mighty- Always been interested in the manga; but the lack of scanlations has frustrated me.

The gender-bender story of the boy stuck sharing his body with the alien police woman who killed him.

Sekirei- Would no doubt be higher on the list; but, I tend to lose interest in series where I read the manga whenever it updates.

Kind of like pokemon, except replace trainers with ordinary people living in Tokyo, and replace 150 kinds of monsters with 108 women (Well, there are a few men in the 108) who have unique magical powers. Also has a TG aspect with one of the side characters.

Zero no Tsukaima 3 ~Princess no Rondo~ -A general meh, The first two seasons were ok; albeit nothing special and managed to keep my interest. It should probably be ok.

The saga of the seeming talentless witch and her human familiar continues.

I think there were a few others; but that's all I can remember at the moment.

(At least all that start airing next month)
Hmm.... Does anyone actually read these anyway?
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Re: New Anime

Postby ZeroForever » Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:33 pm

few series i'm interested in of the ones mentioned, but it'll just have to depends on how the pull it off.

Zero i have low expectations, the novals are so much better it's not even funny that and the butched alot of stuff.

Seikrei i have low expections also, the manga is ok but gets tedious i have a bad feeling it'll be like the rosario vampire anime and just tone down the plot points for even more fanservice and dumber girls.

birdy should be good, the ova series they had was good back in the day.
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Re: New Anime

Postby Lanzerus » Tue Jun 24, 2008 6:42 pm

there is also another one coming out soon that i am not quite sure of the name,

its about a young man that works on his families shrine and ends up distrubing a spirit that is a gaurdian of his family that switches between genders because the spirit forgot its original gender.

i really need to find the name, it sounds interesting, its an adventure/drama/SLIGHT comedy.
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Re: New Anime

Postby Shadell » Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:46 pm

That almost sounds like Wagaya no Oinari-sama; but it doesn't quite match and that's already been airing. ... -2008.html

Is it on this list anywhere?
Hmm.... Does anyone actually read these anyway?
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Re: New Anime

Postby Raleigh » Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:51 pm

A new Birdy the Mighty? Oh sweet. I loved the anime I saw of it from back in the day.
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Re: New Anime

Postby Lanzerus » Thu Jun 26, 2008 12:52 pm

Wagaya no Oinari-sama, that sounds correct, I am sorry I didn't know it was already airing, I guess that i should have paid closer attention.
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Re: New Anime

Postby Shadell » Thu Jun 26, 2008 2:55 pm

If you want I can PM you were it can be found, it's quite good.

And. Chocolate Underground- The present is a dark place. The good for you party has seized control of a country and has enacted a set of laws designed to trouble people to know end.

They've made chocolate illegal. The story follows two boys who begin to bootleg chocolate. (Internet release shows are weird.)

First episode is out and I'm downloading it now. Should have a better synopsis up shortly.
Hmm.... Does anyone actually read these anyway?
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Re: New Anime

Postby Raleigh » Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:09 pm

*Blinks.* That sounds like a video game or something that was out years ago.
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Re: New Anime

Postby Shadell » Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:53 pm

Just finished watching it. The show is an internet release with short 6 minute episodes. Judging by the first one it seems to be something along the lines of 1984 with an emphasis on health food. It's quite odd, but it may be good if it manages to avoid getting old fast.
Hmm.... Does anyone actually read these anyway?
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Re: New Anime

Postby Kris_Roth » Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:47 pm

They have a new series:

Dinosaur King - Basically like Pokemon, only with dinosaurs

The D-Team has Main protagonist Max Taylor, son of Dr. Spike Taylor, a paleontologist, his friends Rex and Zoe, who end up with dinosaur partners and move cards. Zoe Drake is the little sister of Reese Drake, the research scientist at the D-Lab, the HQ of the D-Team.

There's a Triceratops, Chomp (Electric), a Carnotaurus, named Ace (Wind), and a Parasolouphus named Paris (Grass, more for healing).

The bad guys are the Alpha Gang, and are led by Dr. Z (voiced by Eric Stuart), and his team are Ursula (voiced by Jessie from Pokemon series), Zander, and Ed. They also have Rod and Laura (Dr. Z's grandchildren), and Helga, the housekeeper.

The bad guys have Terry the Tyrannosaurus Rex, Tank the Saichania, and Spiny the Spinosaurus on their team.

Basically, Dr Z and his team went back to the late Cretaceous era, and the dinosaurs ended up as cards, with their own move cards and elements (fire, earth, wind, Grass)....
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Re: New Anime

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:16 pm


I've started to watch Birdy the Mighty Decode and Slayers Revolution, but waiting for more fansubbing is tortuous. X_X

I wish for more Birdy the Mighty scanlations, too. There is no excuse for it!

Say, won't there be a new Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi season coming out soon? It's also sad that I haven't found any scanlations of the manga. But it seems to be licensed now, so... The graphic novels will take forever to come out. Y_Y

I wish I could magic this stuff up so I can enjoy it nyao~
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Re: New Anime

Postby ZeroForever » Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:42 pm ... =Main_Page

fantranslations of various novel series, haruhi should all be there.
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