Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp (Complete)


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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Fri Jul 11, 2008 11:17 am

OOC: Damn, well spotted. Anyway, Dark will probably object like she always does but I think by now I would be disappointed if she stayed quiet about it.....
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:01 pm

(( I remember saying you could but nothing About anything involving preventions that part needs to be removed. If you refuse to remove it and not do it the way that was agreed upon that storyline will not happen case closed.)
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Sat Jul 12, 2008 4:41 pm

"Put me through to security" said Giovanni. "Is this security? Right. Tell the guards at the tunnels and the labs to let ex-Fire Team member Kate do as she pleases without interference, as long as it is not too disruptive. This also goes for anyone else who accompanies her on the way out. Also, while your at it, tell the labs to place tracers on their new 'toys'." He hung up the phone. "Well, that went according to plan."

OOC: Even I had forgotten who each of the characters were at this point so I'll make a quick list to make a reminder.
The Hybrid squad of Team Rocket compose of 3 elemental pairs.
Fire: Kate and Joe (now converted)
Water: Paul and Lucy
Air: Chloe and Harry

Outside the office, Kate's companions waited for her.

"How did it go?" asked Harry

"The jerk refused." growled Kate

"Well I guess there's nothing we can do about it then" said Paul

"I'm going anyway" said Kate

"You're what?!" asked Chloe

"I'm going to go to the labs, take the vaccine and leave. I'm not just going to sit here and do nothing." said Kate

"Look, Kate. I can understand how you feel but-" started Lucy

"But nothing." interrupted Kate, "This isn't just about Joe. This is about everyone. You've seen how these hybrids work, hell you were there at Viridian. If we stay here then we have to assume that there is nothing stopping the hybrids."

The group was silent.

"Do what you want" said Kate, walking away "I'm going."

As the watched her leave, Paul spoke up. "Dammit. We can't just let her go out there alone."

"But if we do" said Lucy, "They probably won't let us come back."

"I hate to say it but Kate does have a point here." said Harry, "Look around you. This place is a lost cause. The great Team Rocket has been reduced to clinging onto the edge of the cliff it has been thrown off. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be satisfied to just fall down with it, I'd rather try to climb back up."

Kate had raided the labs without problem. The researchers there were not combatants in any way and did not even try to stop her, it almost seemed as though they wanted her to take their things. She supposed they realised that she would be putting their creations to use, rather than them just sitting to rot underground.

Another thing she noticed as odd was the lack of guards preventing her progress, but then she had been very careful not to be seen. With the box of stolen tech under her arm, she made it to the train station. Waiting for her, to her relief, were her comrades.

"You won't be getting rid of us that easily" yelled Paul, "We're coming with you whether you like it or not."

"You guys are really annoying, you know that?" yelled Kate, before adding "Thank you" under her breath.

Not seen by any of them, was Giovanni, watching them as the train left the base for the outside world.
Last edited by Gee-chan on Sat Jul 12, 2008 6:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sailor Ganymede » Sat Jul 12, 2008 5:59 pm

(you misspelled Giovanni again when you first typed it. I just thought I would let you know.)

*Erin and Leo continue on with the others.*
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Sat Jul 12, 2008 7:27 pm

"So how are we going to find Joe then?" asked Paul, "Chances are he will be wherever the Hybrids are and I doubt they will have a large sign that says 'Secret Base. Take your shoes off on the way in.'"

"Before the lockdown there was some data gathered of a large number of cloaked and hooded figures moving towards a facility in the Kanto region." said Kate, "I don't know if that is the right place but we may find some clues there."

As it turns out they had the co-ordinates to the old base. It stood there, a foreboding place, tattered in the wake of some great release of power. None of the group had to question what had happened here, they knew that power wielded by the hybrids all too well.

"Come one" said Kate, heading towards the entrance. "There has to be something we can use here."

The base had not been properly cleared out. Furniture and computers were left behind. Laboratory equipment lay abandoned amidst the rubble. Oddly enough there was still evidence of a working supply of water and electricity. Booting up a computer, Harry found that it had been wiped, however the job was not thorough enough. Within the hour he had recovered a bit of the data. Much of it was garbled and corrupted but the comprehensible part mentioned some project in the Johto region.

"Hey guys!" he called, "I've got something here."

"What is it?" asked Kate

"I'm not sure what but it seems there was some kind of large scale shipping operation going on in Johto" reported Harry, "I have only been able to collect a fragment of the full information so I don't know where in the port, what was being sent nor who was picking it up, but using the shipping clearance references and a lucky break with a weather report I have managed to identify the drop-off point as Cherrygrove."

"Then thats our next stop." said Kate.
Last edited by Gee-chan on Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Sat Jul 12, 2008 7:29 pm

(There was no such plans in the comp gits i told you what you would find and your ingoing it again I'll make do on my promise to end that storyline Now if its not changed. Your post is Void till its fixed like i said you have 24 hours to fix it.)
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sailor Ganymede » Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:27 am

(Consider this OOC Post Deleted. I just got the PM from Darkstar. This OOC post from me never happened.)
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:04 am

OOC: Well, for one thing, it is Dark who said that it was abandoned. And this story is finishing of loose ends that my characters provide, the key-word being 'my' meaning that I have the word on what happens with them. The story I am doing has no connection with any of Dark's characters or plans yet she is still picking a fight as though I am trying to mess around with a story she has been planning for months.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Sun Jul 13, 2008 10:09 am

(All i said without hybrid help its impossible for you to find it and thus Jo your the one who is not thinking. You only have 9 hours left to fix it. Also there where no plans like i said of the base being in the old one.)
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Sun Jul 13, 2008 3:11 pm

OOC: Shadow has PMed me about this and has said that as long as it doesn't interrupt the story then he has no issues with my plan. He also said that the base would be very hard to find, which I was working with all along.

The sun beat down on the coastal town of Cherrygrove. People from across the world bustled through the streets of the tourist town as shop-keepers vied for the attention of merry time wasters. Despite this however there was a slight hint of nervousness coming from many of the locals, the sailors and fishermen most of all. There were rumors; vague, unconfirmed and often conflicting, but there were rumours all the same. They were about an island about a kilometer off the coast; a small, rocky place were fish were rarely found in large numbers, a place where few people ever went, however it had, until recently, been used as a retreat by a few old veterans. And it was about at least one of these veterans that the rumors were based, as Kate and her team struggled to learn.

"So has anyone seen this guy since he went to the island?" asked Kate

"Oh yes." said the old man, stroking his untidy grey beard. "He came back without a hitch."

"Then why have there been rumors going around about the island then?" asked Kate

"Well, you see. This guy thinks he found ghosts there, and not just your average stray dusklops neither. No. He says he touched them, say nothing of them but touched it all the same."

"What happened?" asked Kate

"Nothing." said the fisherman, "Didn't need to. The old fool jumped up and rowed away as fast as he could."

"Where can we find this man?" asked Kate

"No-one knows" said the man, "He went and vanished didn't he?"

"But you said he came back fine." said Kate

"Oh he did." said the sailor, "But only the first time. You see, couple days later he went back there. I ain't heard anything about the coot since."

"Thank you for your assistance" said Kate, walking away as the old man lit his pipe.

"Find anything?" she asked.

The group had met up on a quiet area of the beach to discuss any findings.

"Nothing concrete" said Paul, "I head a couple of funny tales though."

"What like?" asked Kate

"Well, apparently there was an old man who got caught in the tide and washed up on one of the islands. He turned up again the next day scared of what he called 'the roar of the island'. It seems he is now afraid of the sound of jet engines because they remind him of it. But then there was another report that either the same guy or someone else was chased away from the island by a water witch."

"I hear a similar story" said Chloe, "Someone told me that a sailor said he saw some kind of city on an uninhabited island but it then vanished."

"I got a story as well" said Kate, "Another sailor one. This one says that an old veteran claims to have found a ghost he touched but couldn't see. Apparently when he went back a few days later he vanished."

"I suppose we could get a boat to check it out." said Harry

"I doubt it" said Lucy, "I didn't get any stories but none of the sailors in town will go near those islands. Not only is there the rumors but apparently there is a group of Sharpedo hanging around there at the moment."

"So boat travel is out." said Kate, "do we have any other methods?"

"Well, I suppose I could get Lapras to ferry us, but with those Sharpedo out there..." said Lucy

"Then we'll take care of the Sharpedo." said Chloe, "As long as we stay alert, your Lapras will be fine."

The group left the shore on the pokemon's back. Eyes carefully watching the scattered islands for anything, anything at all.
Last edited by Gee-chan on Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Sun Jul 13, 2008 3:23 pm

(Thats it you didn't listen and posted again even when told you can not post again with Kate till you edit it? KATE'S SIDE STORY IS NO MORE. Also none of the humans there no jack shit about the hybrid base nor was there ever any city on the island your posts are full of lies that counter stuff mentioned in the rp earlier. DO NOT POST KATE'S STORY AGAIN TILL YOU EDIT IT/ Everythign you siad about shadow counetrs what i talked about with him so stop your lies.)
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:08 pm

Me and Shadow had a short PM convo that went like this

Shadowmaster wrote:Hopefully we can get this all straightened out. I've heard Darkstar's side of all this, so if I could hear yours to balance it out, that would be great.

Gitskreig wrote:Right, ok then.

I am assuming this is on the Kate matter. My plans for this is provide the Team Rocket group with some sort of conclusion, rather than them just being left hanging. Now, I have some idea of how this is going to go; Kate will visit Hybrid HQ in order to meet with Joe. This is where the problem begins. My plan is that they will find the HQ on their own through the rumors and whispers of the locals, telling of the island where people have started to vanish or something. Meanwhile, Dark is convinced that the only possible way they could track down the base is by making some kind of deal with or joining the Hybrids, which I won't do because basically it just seems like an attempt by Dark to have my characters wrapped around her little finger, preventing me from having the choice I should have in an RP.
As for the base, I had always been assuming that it was in a land-based location but I have been willing to change it to fit onto an island (which I already have. I'm not going to go into the impossibility of the physical planning of the base or lack thereof...) but I can only yield so far before it is no longer the idea I had planned. This is meant to be an independent story-line that I am deliberately arranging not to interfere with anyone else's characters, but unfortunately, Dark seems to be trying to prevent me from doing that.

Shadowmaster wrote:Well, the base would be incredibly difficult to locate, but I doubt it would be impossible, especially since the resistance fighters found it earlier. So as long as this conclusion doesn't interfere with any story lines, I see no real issue.

Gitskreig wrote:Right ok, then. Thanks Shadow. I wasn't going to make it so it was the most obvious thing to find, nor was it going to edge into the main story, it's a separate side-plot thingy.

This has been quoted word for word straight from my inbox/outbox except for a chunk in the last two involving the matter of one of my sequel characters which is still being resolved but does not have any relevance to this particular issue. If you are going to ignore this then I will simply respond in kind and ignore you. We clear on that?

Also, to put in my opinions on what you just said. "The humans know jack shit" Putting aside the issue of language, I find it highly annoying how you treat the NPCs as if they are only there when you want them to be. I try to factor in the NPCs because they are present and will notice things. Your idea of behaving as though everyone you don't have strict control over is either wrong or ignorant is not useful here so please refrain from trying to force your bad story habits onto other people.
As for the city. It was a rumor, and as you should know, rumors get twisted, exaggerated and subject to all sorts of interpretations so they will eventually only hold a fragment of the original story (for an example try to play Chinese Whispers with a large group of people and a fairly long message.)
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Sasha » Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:17 pm

(I told you before to let me talk to shadow about it so how the heck do i know you didn't fake it. Also there was never no such info i told you you only had to options and those are the only two you have if you wanna continue your side story this case is closed.)
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Gee-chan » Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:20 pm

OOC: we shall continue this over MSN. It would be a shame to ruin the thread any more than we have to.
Also, if I could grant you access to my inbox without giving away my password then I would. I suppose we could ask a mod to verify but I don't think it would be polite to waste their time on this.
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Re: Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp

Postby Hira Kanaki » Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:22 pm

(Or just contact the GM of this RP, I'm getting kind of tired of this...)
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