by Gee-chan » Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:28 pm
OOC: Ok, a compromise has been worked out
The group 'trod' carefully, trying to avoid doing anything that could get them ambushed. When it comes to keeping someone on their toes, there is nothing quite like a gang of territorial pokemon. Despite a long and diligent search, they came up with nothing. The silent air was broken only by the dull rumble of the sea and the building grunts of the wind. On the horizon, clouds were forming; dark and forbidding as they hung on the rising wind.
"Looks like we have a storm coming in." said Paul, "We won't make it back to the mainland now. Our best bet is to take shelter on one of the islands."
The island, chosen at random, was a flat, grassy place dotted with tall leafy trees which provided welcome shelter from the rain that had descended on them as they reached the shore.
"The storm should be past by morning." said Lucy, "We should get some sleep."
Harry sat facing the southern shore, a pair of binoculars in his hands. His gaze was fixed on one of the islands.
"What you looking at?" asked Kate
"Something on that island" replied Harry, "Take a look."
Kate took the binoculars and looked at the island.
"Umm, there's nothing there." she said
"Precisely" said Harry, "Look how the rain is falling."
It was subtle and easy to miss but it was there. One patch of rain vanishing mid-fall, just falling into the rock.
"what the?"
"So I wasn't imagining it." said Harry.
"What do you suppose is causing it?" asked Kate
"Well, it looks like it should be hitting something, but its not." said Harry, "either it's an optical illusion, or there is something there under some kind of holographic camouflage."
"Such as the entrance an underground base?" said Kate with a grin
"It could well be." confirmed Harry
I'm looking at the world through a Jaffa-cake filling.....
Let the loli's hit the floor.....
Things to do before you die: Number 57: Lunge wildly at The Pope!