diacritical dispositions that determine difference

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diacritical dispositions that determine difference

Postby Xia » Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:34 pm

Alliteration is almost as...no, I'll stop there.

All the world is a stage, we are but the players.

Here are some of my masks.


First Name: Xia
Surname: [withheld]
Eyes: Green
Hair: Green
Height: 5'4"
Weight: ...yeah, we'll skip that question
Classification: Angel

Description: Sexy teacher/librarian. The one you always heard about but was never lucky enough to have at your school. Which is probably a good thing, considering Xia's capacity for violence and (low) tolerance for...everyone. But anyways, she's a bombshell. Further oogling: See Here No you cant have her phone number. She doesn't always wander around in full armor, showing off her breast...plate. More often than not she wears snug yet comfy utility pants and a teeshirt. If you're really lucky she might be wearing a skirt and a babydoll tee. She prefers darker, earth colors, and claims to be allergic to pink.

Personality: Wherever she grew up, they lacked councilors. Either that or they ran screaming from her. She's cynical, sarcastic at best, sardonic at worst, and extremely intelligent. This doesn't make for a very good combination, as she has access to various things that most governments would consider WMDs. She hates stupidity and has very strict guidelines on who can enter her personal space. However, despite her best efforts to make sure people think otherwise, she is actually an extremely caring, motherly, person. She has a big heart and when persuaded, is an excellent teacher. The only people she ever shows immediate affection for is her immediate family, who she dotes on to the point of ridiculousness.

History: [forthcoming]

Family - Aeris (Adopted daughter), Kerrigan (adopted daughter), Rykul (ward, missing), Seiji (unknown relation), Seiko (unknown relation), Slide (asshole, unknown relation), [entry removed] (son)
Associates: Shadow (put upon minion), Helel (even more put upon pseudo apprentice), Phoebe (all around awesome ninja type personage), Mischa (wiggy pool toy), [rest of list forthcoming]

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Kita no Kaze

Postby Xia » Tue Jul 15, 2008 7:03 pm

First Name: Ami
Last Name: Kaze
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Grey/blue
Height: 5'2"
Weight: Light as air
Age: 15
Classification: the North Wind

Description: If its cute, she'll wear it. Her clothing matches her personality, which might be seen as an unfortunately side effect. Of what we're not sure, but try to stay away from it.

Personality: Despite the fact she hails from the bitter north, she is upbeat, happy, and impossibly bouncy (we think its her shoes). Due to this, she and Aeris were fast friends...fast everything to be honest, the two of them can clear out a candy store faster than Keith Richards can do a line. Despite the high level of ditz she might exude, behind her eyes lurks an actual mind, one that can strategerize with the best of them. She is a master tactician, using her speed and intelligence to perform flanking maneuvers, be it on enemies, or security guards trying to stop her from entering a candy store.

History: [forthcoming]

Family - She has three older sisters, Guinevere, Shiori, and Cornelia, ages 16, 17, and 21 respetively.
Associates - Xia is her mentor and master.

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Nishi no Kaze

Postby Xia » Wed Jul 16, 2008 3:03 pm

First Name: Guinevere (Gwen/Guinny)
Last Name: Kaze
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
Height: 5'4"
Weight: Her fist will feel heavy when she punches you in the crotch.
Age: 16
Classification: the West Wind

Description: Guinny thinks herself a punk, sometimes a rebel, so she dresses the part. No mortal has ever caught a glimpse of this girl in anything girlier than a hoodie that says "cute" on it (in skulls), though there are rumors of nights playing dress up with Aeris, though they are never spoken of, at least not to her face. She dresses for comfort and anti-style, and is proud of the fact. The only standard in her outfits is a set of headphones.

Personality: She acts like a teen girl from the west coast, though not one of those valley girls. She's harsh in her speech and mannerisms, never cutting anyone any slack. In fact, she has a general outlook that just about everyone she meets is an idiot. Her sense of humor is on the crude side, she and Aeris have been oft seen pranking people, usually involving something very unpleasant for the prankee. Aeris and she are best friends, despite the fact that most of the time Aeris is everything she doesn't like. Maybe its because she cant get Aeris mad. Again, as with Ami, beneath her exterior personality lies the one of the West Wind. Her style is that of a front line fighter, getting in the nitty gritty and just decimating.

History: [Forthcoming]

Family - She has one younger sister and two older sisters; Ami, Shiori, and Cornelia, ages 15, 17, and 21 respectively.
Associates - Xia is her mentor and master.

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Higashi no Kaze

Postby Xia » Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:06 pm

First Name: Shiori
Last Name: Kaze
Eyes: Black
Hair: Black
Height: 5'7"
Weight: Just right
Age: 17
Classification: the East Wind

Description: Shiori stands tall and proud. She does her best to be on her best behavior, always, exuding a traditional air about her. She is oft seen wearing a shrine maiden's outfit. Her movements are precise and calculated, at the same time demure and reserved. She has an immense sense of propriety, and has never really been seen wearing anything that is not modest.

Personality: Traditional, reserved, subdued. She is not one to extoll herself, you have to work to get her to say anything overly positive about herself. Its not that she has low self-esteem, she just does not like to brag, or what she thinks of bragging. Beneath the traditional face lies a sense of humor, as she always seems to have a small smile for Aeris and her antics, despite the occasional scolding. The two of them have often been seen performing a variety of traditional activities, such as tea serving ceremonies. People flock from all around to watch this, partially because of Shiori's beauty, partially because of the beautiful ceremonies, but mostly to see Aeris not acting like she just ate a barrel of sugar. When she dons the mantle of the East wind, her calculated and precise nature shows through. She prefers to stay in the back, fighting at long range, specializing in a modified form of Kyuudo, Japanese Archery.

History: [forthcoming]

Family - Two younger sisters, one older sister. Ami, Guinevere, and Cornelia; 15, 16, and 21 respectively.
Associates - Xia is her mentor and master.

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Minami no Kaze

Postby Xia » Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:58 pm

First Name: Cornelia
Last Name: Kaze
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Height: 5'9"
Weight: That is a highly improper question.
Age: 21
Classification: the South Wind

Description: Like Ami, her outfit and looks match her personality. Unlike Ami, she is anything but flightly or giggly. Cornelia is completely no nonsense and serious, and her clothes reflect that. While elegant, they relay a sense of nobility and serious nature, more often than not an amalgamation of some women's fashion and something you'd find in a military organization. The only thing "loose" about her is her hair, which, while always straight and clean, flows about her without any sort of pattern or style.

Personality: All business this one is, at first glance most people assume she hasn't had a fun thought in her mind ever. She is the leader of the Four Winds, whether by choice or force we're not sure. Despite their conflicting personalities, they all seem to fall under her command, and of course, Xia's as well. She serves as Aeris' tutor in almost all subjects, due to this, acting like a teacher comes second nature to her. Despite the fact she is only twenty one, her matronly nature makes it as such that everyone does their best to behave themselves around her, for fear of getting their knuckles rapped, perhaps. When she acts as the South Wind, she shows a surprising amount of flexibility in her fighting style, her main weapons being either an elegant rapier, in which she fights with an amazing grace and fluidity. She also fights with a pair of cestus-like implements in close combat, displaying a controlled brutality that you'd never expect from one such as her.

History: [forthcoming]

Family - Three younger sisters. Ami, Guinevere, and Shiori, 15, 16, and 17 respectively.
Associates - Xia is her master, Aeris her student.

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Re: diacritical dispositions that determine difference

Postby Xia » Thu Dec 11, 2008 1:32 am

First Name: Mokona
Last Name: Modoki
Eyes: Black
Fur: White (Soel)/Black (Larg)
Height: Variable
Weight: Variable
Age: we have no idea.
Species: What is Mokona? Mokona is Mokona ^_^


Ok, we've established that this little manju bun like creature is called Mokona, and that Mokona is Mokona. But that really doesn't tell us much, does it? Well, this particular Mokona is not the normal one. If you notice the one with the green gem in its forehead, thats the one we're talking about. Normally Soel has a red gem and earring, but this one is slightly different. This Mokona is a physical representation of a computer.

Yes, my computer ^_^ Why? Because Mokona is probably the most awesome thing ever. Mokona is upbeat, cheerful, indestructible, and has one hundred and eight secret skills. Find them all out and you win a prize.
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