For a while I've been trying to figure out who I am. However, every time I thought I had deciphered something, in the end I'd discover that it wasn't quite right. It could just be that "me" changes from moment to moment, rather than developing into a static identity.
I've tried to just let things be as they are, but that has only made things more confusing. These days, the more I just sit back and reflect, the more it seems like I've had an identity all along. The problem is that it appears to be someone else, and there's only so much of it that can be expressed, willfully or not. Now that I think of it as someone else, rather than as myself, I'm starting to see this other person. And, the more I do, the more sense everything makes. Or, at least, it does better to explain who I am than the other things that I've tried.
But, again, I could be wrong. And simply crazy. Nothing knew there. ;/