by Gee-chan » Sat Aug 30, 2008 7:57 pm
"Time travel," said Casey, "One headache I must resist my temptation to try to understand."
Oni resisted the temptation to say that it was a shocking experience and instead made a sensible reply. "It's an amazing place, and its also slightly disturbing how I wasn't terrified of having several million volts pumped into me."
Spi had left her place on the tower and was heading to find some food. Apparently frolicking with dangerous otherworldly beings takes a lot of energy. She entered the dinner hall without incident and made a bee-line for the food (hunger seemed to override her instinctual shyness). Beside her, she noticed that two little girls were also helping themselves to food. That in itself was not what caught her attention, it was something about their presences, plural, each.
"There are two of you in existence." she said, "Who are you?"
Absol sat next to Tina's bed waiting for the technically dead girl to wake up. She had muttered a bit in her sleep but the only part that was even slightly intelligible was something about creatures she called 'Shades'. What are Shades? she wondered, Why does that name sound so familiar?
I'm looking at the world through a Jaffa-cake filling.....
Let the loli's hit the floor.....
Things to do before you die: Number 57: Lunge wildly at The Pope!