Bounty Inc Role play


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Bounty Inc Role play

Postby Katty » Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:40 pm

Thank you one and all for coming to the role play. Right now, I wanna start small with the character base, so only those who posted in my sign up before now can enter. But, knowing me, I will let more people join in as time goes on. For now though, let the game begin!


The guild hall is broken like this. From the outside, it looks about the size and shape of an out house, with a sign on the door that reads Bounty Inc. But on the inside, there is tons of room. The main floor is a common area. There are chairs for all the members of this house in the guild, a kitchen that is always full, and a big table for all of you. If you have other items laying around, that is your responibity. There is also a blackboard where you get your missions sent to. Magicaly of course. In the common area there is one staircase going up, and one going down. The one going up leads to your rooms. Each room can only be entered by the person who owns the room. Each room is magicaly designed to fit the person. Others can enter, but have to be invited in. Down stairs is the basement. The basement only gets used when other guild members from other guild halls come over. When that happens, then a temp room appears in the basement to suit as many as there are in that guild.

You all start in the common area, board out of your minds. There has not been a mission for you all for weeks. You are all getting restless. And the nearest town is 1 mile away. Not even worth it. Just then, the chalkboard starts writing a mission. It is to go to the town of Macion. It is a days walk for a human.
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Re: Bounty Inc Role play

Postby Mistress Guendolen » Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:18 pm

Saira lurked in the corner of the room. It was one of those slouchy postures, the sort where, if this were a modern office setting, she'd be idly toying with a pen and repeatedly turning and tapping it on a desktop, and what not. But ballpoints don't exist, in this universe. Hence, she was instead fiddling with a cat's cradle, threads twining between her fingers. It was a surefire sign she was bored, when Saira engaged in playing with one of those.
The scritching sound from the board made her head come up. She rose, steps silent on the floor as she made her way over to the sign. After reading the markings for a moment, she turned, dark brown hair swinging about her, and said, "An assignment! Finally! Come look!" It didn't look like a big one, but anything to get them out of this place for even a day or two, right? They were all getting antsy, eager to do anything.
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Re: Bounty Inc Role play

Postby Brnin8r » Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:27 pm

Lathan was in an odd position. He was sitting on a chair so that his back was to the seat and his legs spread upward towards the ceiling. His head lolled back and forth as he attempted to balance an arrow on his fingertip in this odd position. He had been wavering with the arrow on his finger for a good ten minutes, humming a ballad he remembered in the last town he had visited when the scritch-scratching of the chalkboard awakened him from boredom. "Praise the gods, a mark!" he said after Saira announced it. He rolled backwards to a crouching position from the chair. For a human, he was fairly acrobatic, living in the wild and whatnot. He stood up from his position to see the destination of the unfortunate soul who merited a bounty. "To Macion? That's not far off at all! We'll be back in this hellhole tomorrow night!" he certainly seemed thrilled about the mission but it's apparent quickness set him in a bad mood. The idea of balancing an arrow for an hour was not a pleasant one. He set about gathering his articles: his bastard sword, quiver and bow, and the length of rope and manacles he always carried around in his pack. He made sure he placed a few gold pieces (correct monetary value yes?) in his pouch just in case he wanted to revel in the capture afterwards.
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Re: Bounty Inc Role play

Postby Haylie » Fri Sep 12, 2008 3:43 pm

Grey sits in her chair in more or less the correct position, but with her legs spread out, her arms limp over the armrests, and her head leaning backward over the top so she looks headless. How this girl can sleep this way is anyone's guess. As she breathes, her right foot randomly tap-taps the ground and one ear twitches. Possibly a chasing dream.

When Lathan yells, she jerks out of her sleep to almost fall face-forward onto the table. Her bow, which was resting against the back of her chair, clatters to the floor.

"Hey! Keep it d-- A mission?! Finally!"

She also leaps up and rushes to the chalkboard next to Lathan.
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Re: Bounty Inc Role play

Postby Shadowmaster » Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:36 pm

Rath had been quietly sitting in a chair in one corner of the room, trying to count the days since his last mission when he heard the yelling. "Finally! If something didn't happen around here soon, I'd have gone insane." he says, walking to the board. "And any mission is better than no mission." he adds in reply to Lathan's statement.
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Re: Bounty Inc Role play

Postby Knight Errant » Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:19 pm

Grunwalde had been spending the dull time in the common room throwing darts. No one knew why he bothered to do this, since he had the unerring knack at getting a bullseye every single time from any distance or angle. Maybe he wanted to stay sharp.

Swish... thud!

He tosses the last dart as Saira yells out the news of their assignment. It lands in the center along with the four other darts in the exact center of the dartboard.

He walks up, takes the darts, puts them in their holders next to the dartboard, and slowly walks over to the others.

His face showed little emotion... but then it usually did. Not that the silver filter he always seemed to wear helped in this. He speaks in a calm almost monotone. "To Macion... and what are we to do there? Or were you all too distracted with the prospect of escape to bother checking..."

Not waiting for an answer, he looks over the chalkboard for further details.
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Re: Bounty Inc Role play

Postby Katty » Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:21 pm

Grunwalde reads (Aloud or to himself, I do not know) The rest of the mission.

You are to go to Macion to catch a South Anthro, named Kale Corban. All that is known about his skills is that he is a Chameleon. The reason for this mission is he just killed half of the town to get to one guy, the mayor. Turns out that the Mayor, Trewd, had a big fight with Kale. But Trewd and his wind magic that the town is famous for were no match for this south anthro.

Reward money: 4000 gold. Each guild member will get 500 gold from that, the rest goes to the grand hall to help keep the guilds up and running.

(This is not on the board, just GMing again) The reward is a bit more the normal. The reason is because your guild hall did not get much work lately, so the grand guild master (Who no one has ever seen), must be trying to say sorry.
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Re: Bounty Inc Role play

Postby Knight Errant » Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:28 pm

He finishes reading it (to himself) and turns away. The others could read it if they wanted to... he really didnt care.
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Re: Bounty Inc Role play

Postby Haylie » Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:35 pm

Grey's shoulders slump and her ears and tail droop.

"Oh, man... I bet I'm related to this guy in some way..."
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Re: Bounty Inc Role play

Postby Mistress Guendolen » Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:47 pm

Saira let out as little whistle. "Whew, this fellow sounds like something else. Everybody get your gear together! Time to go rein this puppy in." And no, it wasn't a joke or a pun, the "puppy" comment; it was just her way of talking. "He sounds unpredictable. Be ready for anything!" She just hoped she wouldn't need to use another feather-float stone. Those tended to go through fast, these days....
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Re: Bounty Inc Role play

Postby Knight Errant » Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:10 pm

Grunwalde goes to his room to collect what he would need....

Inside looks like a mix between a library and a mad alchemist's workshop. Books cover the walls, while tables filled with vials and equipment take up the floor. A bed in the corner is the only indication someone lives here.

Grunwalde thinks to himself. "South Anthro... and they said capture..."

He nods. "Paralyzation poisons... perhaps a muscle degenerant? And one or two lethal ones if 'alive' isnt an option..."

He mixes a few vials, prepares a few bombs, and soon he is ready. He heads out to wait for the others.
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Re: Bounty Inc Role play

Postby Haylie » Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:15 pm

Grey shoots a quick glance at Saira at the "puppy" comment, then goes to pick up her bow, swords, and backpack. After a moment of thought, she also grabs a long coat with a hood. She complains so everyone in the hall can hear her.

"Stupid segregation. I can't believe I have to hide my heritage like this. It's disgraceful."
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Re: Bounty Inc Role play

Postby Katty » Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:17 pm

OOC: Of course, I want everyone to post once just so I know what they are all taking / getting along with each other. Night all. Sleep time. =^-^=
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Re: Bounty Inc Role play

Postby Shadowmaster » Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:50 pm

Rath smirks. "Sounds interesting." he says. He then heads to his room. He grabs his swords and his pack, which is full of rations and medical supplies. "Should be all I need." he says to himself, leaving his room.

This southern anthro... a chameleon? Could be challenging.
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Re: Bounty Inc Role play

Postby Knight Errant » Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:27 pm

Grunwalde appears behind Grey. "... hide."

Tilting his head. "What have you to hide from?"
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A wanderer, harried for years on end...

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