Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

When a picture inspires the mind and a story forms within.

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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby Lucky » Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:59 pm

The end to project neko was funny in a away. Good work. XD

also I love your newest MSF survival guide.
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby muffinstud » Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:54 pm

All right.

I'm tired of this place and it's not-making-captions-or-stories-except-once-in-a-blue-moon-itude. Forum RPing can only go so far in my book. Oh, it is fun, but I need a little more to help stir the creative juices. I also hope to inspire those who have made creations before to kick themselves in the pants and get back to contributing to the common good.

Also, if you want to give a comment, please be critical. I've been around the block before, and I can take a hit. No sugar coating needed.

Oh yeah, and as always, I leave you with a small bit of wisdom.
It's "dom."

Priestcraft! Witchcraft! Arts'n'craft!

Warning! Mature anatomy reference!Prolly my longest caption yet. Also, the names were chosen for a reason. They're jumbles of each other, if you squint your eyes just right.

MSG 60! Think of the children! Will no one think of the children?!

I've heard people like this character. Figured it's time for a comeback.

Tried to make it creepy, but it may just come out as generic.
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby Rowan » Sat Aug 16, 2008 12:44 am

I can't find fault with your work, Kitty Bread Man. It'd just be picking nits, if I could find any.

The only one out of the batch was tool. And that was because it was a bit darker. The Crab is always a favorite, and your survival guides are great. That one had me laughing my arse off.

I will do my best to get a new caption done this week sometime, just for you ^_^
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby Sophia Anieri » Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:59 pm

It was indeed creepy, but in a good way.
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby muffinstud » Thu Sep 18, 2008 2:07 am

Okay, here's the deal.

I have a problem:
I want to write stories. I'm never going to get around to writing stories if I still have images that I haven't captioned.

The solution:
Make a bunch of captions to clear my image bank so I can get started.

You get captions now, stories later. There is no way you can win. Seriously.

MSG 28

Warning! Adult Themes!This voice is always kind of refreshing.

This has got to be my favorite image yet.

When I saw it, I just had to.

Also, I'd like to get an idea of what you'd like for my next story. Here are your choices:

Finishing "Angel Tease"
Continuing "The Swimmer"
Continuing "The Experiment" (going from caption to story)
Or doing a completely new creation (one shot)

I have pictures for all of these stories except for Angel Tease, which wasn't meant to have illustrations to begin with.

So! What will the masses decide?
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby danio13 » Thu Sep 18, 2008 8:43 am

I think u should continue "the experiment" story first. I really liked the caption :mrgreen:
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby dr5 » Thu Sep 18, 2008 1:51 pm

I would go with the experiment or angel tease personally.
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby MarioDS1001 » Fri Sep 19, 2008 3:40 pm

Code: Select all
I personally prefer the Angel Tease one to be continued first. There is a chance the relationship could change between the two roommates.

Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby Ookalf » Fri Sep 19, 2008 4:09 pm

MarioDS? Weren't you banned?
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby muffinstud » Fri Sep 19, 2008 8:21 pm

I don't know if MarioDS was banned, but it is good to know he's still around. I still look through his photobook every now and then to see if any pictures strike me.

@ Mario: I hate to shoot you down, but I don't ever intend for that relationship to happen in Angel Tease. I'm not aiming for the romance button on that one, more of the college situation/humor button.

But don't worry. I've got plenty of sappiness in a couple of the others. Trust me. You'll need a 5 gallon bucket handy when you read it. To puke in. Cuz it's so sweet. Get it? It's funny.

Caption time!!!
Guess where the homeless dude went. Come on, guess.

So much fail.

Couldn't save changes to the image. Rather than change the file attributes, I did this.

This one too. MSG 54

MSG 85

MSG 99
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby Ookalf » Fri Sep 19, 2008 8:28 pm

Is that a toilet robot?
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Fri Sep 19, 2008 9:04 pm

*Sacks slanderer of Nekkid Exo-suits Inc.*

I'll have you know that Nekkid Exo-suits Inc. creates the finest in all of existence. Even Samus' zero suit has nothing on us. *Wink, wink; nudge, nudge*

Other than that... MSG #54 was nice, although someone like me wouldn't have to worry about such a thing. :P

Oh, and for making more crabby captions (how do you like that pun? ;p), I give you this present! Enjoy! ^_^
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby Rowan » Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:46 pm

Those were good ^^ The only one I didn't get was the exo suit one @_@
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby Ookalf » Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:58 pm

It's a power armor shaped like a toilet. What's not to get?
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Re: Muffinstud tries the caption thing out

Postby Rowan » Wed Sep 24, 2008 6:02 pm

I didn't even notice it! :lol:
"Just because you're a brain dead ditzy cutesy violet girl, and generally non-dangerous, doesn't mean you can't be effective."

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